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Museo Vivo del Mare di Pioppi 4 – 8 settembre 2023



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L’Unità MOTax (Marine Organism Taxonomy), in collaborazione con il Museo Vivo del Mare “MUSea”, organizza una Summer School sulla Posidonia oceanica dal titolo: “Studio e Monitoraggio delle Praterie di Posidonia oceanica”.
Il corso, organizzato in lezioni frontali, attività di campo (immersioni subacquee) ed attività di laboratorio, è rivolto a chi è in possesso di un’adeguata formazione naturalistica e che intenda acquisire le conoscenze necessarie per svolgere indagini sulle praterie di Posidonia oceanica: dalla stesura del piano di campionamento a tutte le attività di campo a mare, dalle analisi di laboratorio alle attività di elaborazione statistica dei dati.
In particolare, la Summer School ha l’obiettivo di formare i partecipanti all’applicazione della metodologia PREI, Posidonia Rapid Easy Index, strumento metodologico d’indagine dello stato delle praterie a Posidonia oceanica per l’implementazione territoriale delle Direttive Comunitarie Direttiva Quadro Sulle Acque (2000/60/CE) e Direttiva Strategia Marina (2008/56/CE), ISPRA.
Il corso, diretto dal dott. Luigi Valiante direttore scientifico del Museo Vivo del Mare, si avvale della collaborazione della Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn con la partecipazione del dott. Gabriele Procaccini Dirigente di Ricerca del Dipartimento Ecologia Marina Integrata e del dott. Paolo Fasciglione dell’Unità specializzata in tassonomia MOTax.
La durata è di 5 giorni, le lezioni frontali e le attività di laboratorio si svolgono presso il Museo Vivo del Mare “MUSea” che ha sede al Palazzo Vinciprova di Pioppi (Pollica), mentre le attività di campo (immersioni subacquee) saranno effettuate nell’Area a Tutela “la Punta” di Pioppi, nel Parco Nazionale del Cilento, Vallo di Diano e degli Alburni.

Lezioni frontali:
• Fisiologia, ecologia, ruolo ecosistemico, gestione della fascia costiera, conservazione
• Resilienza e capacità di adattamento
• Analisi dei dati, applicazione dell’indice PREI con dimostrazioni pratiche

Attività di campo, immersioni sulla prateria:
• Identificazione dei limiti della prateria, misure di densità e valutazione dell’indice di copertura
• Prelievo e tecniche di campionamento dei fasci fogliari
• Campionamento fauna vagile associata ai rizomi
• Campionamento fauna vagile associata alle foglie

Attività di laboratorio:
• Descrittori morfometrici (fenologia)
• Analisi della comunità epifita
• Studio della fauna vagile

• Luigi Valiante (Museo Vivo del Mare di Pioppi)
• Gabriele Procaccini (Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn Napoli)
• Paolo Fasciglione (Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn Napoli)
• Michele Scardi (Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata)

Quota di partecipazione:
450,00 euro, la quota comprende:
5 gg di corso presso il Museo Vivo del Mare di Pioppi (palazzo Vinciprova) di cui:
• 16 ore di attività scientifiche in immersione sulla prateria di Posidonia oceanica;
• 12 ore di laboratorio presso le sale attrezzate del MUSea;
• 12 ore di lezioni frontali da parte del personale tecnico scientifico;
• materiale didattico;
• Cena sociale/Coffee break

Organizzatori: Paolo Fasciglione (SZN), Luigi Maria Valiante (MUSea)

Info e domanda di partecipazione:
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fine iscrizioni: 15 luglio 2023
Conferma partecipazione e pagamento: 31 luglio 2023


Museo Vivo del Mare di Pioppi 2 – 6 settembre 2024



Logo 1 Color MOTAX. 2021 psd image 1



L’Unità MOTax (Marine Organism Taxonomy), in collaborazione con il Museo Vivo del Mare “MUSea”, organizza una Summer School sulla Posidonia oceanica dal titolo: “Studio e Monitoraggio delle Praterie di Posidonia oceanica”.
Il corso, organizzato in lezioni frontali, attività di campo (immersioni subacquee) ed attività di laboratorio, è rivolto a chi è in possesso di un’adeguata formazione naturalistica e che intenda acquisire le conoscenze necessarie per svolgere indagini sulle praterie di Posidonia oceanica: dalla stesura del piano di campionamento a tutte le attività di campo a mare, dalle analisi di laboratorio alle attività di elaborazione statistica dei dati.
In particolare, la Summer School ha l’obiettivo di formare i partecipanti all’applicazione della metodologia PREI, Posidonia Rapid Easy Index, strumento metodologico d’indagine dello stato delle praterie a Posidonia oceanica per l’implementazione territoriale delle Direttive Comunitarie Direttiva Quadro Sulle Acque (2000/60/CE) e Direttiva Strategia Marina (2008/56/CE), ISPRA.
Il corso, diretto dal dott. Luigi Valiante direttore scientifico del Museo Vivo del Mare, si avvale della collaborazione della Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn con la partecipazione del dott. Gabriele Procaccini Dirigente di Ricerca del Dipartimento Ecologia Marina Integrata e del dott. Paolo Fasciglione dell’Unità specializzata in tassonomia MOTax.
La durata è di 5 giorni, le lezioni frontali e le attività di laboratorio si svolgono presso il Museo Vivo del Mare “MUSea” che ha sede al Palazzo Vinciprova di Pioppi (Pollica), mentre le attività di campo (immersioni subacquee) saranno effettuate nell’Area a Tutela “la Punta” di Pioppi, nel Parco Nazionale del Cilento, Vallo di Diano e degli Alburni.

Lezioni frontali:
• Fisiologia, ecologia, ruolo ecosistemico, gestione della fascia costiera, conservazione
• Resilienza e capacità di adattamento
• Analisi dei dati, applicazione dell’indice PREI con dimostrazioni pratiche

Attività di campo, immersioni sulla prateria:
• Identificazione dei limiti della prateria, misure di densità e valutazione dell’indice di copertura
• Prelievo e tecniche di campionamento dei fasci fogliari
• Campionamento fauna vagile associata ai rizomi
• Campionamento fauna vagile associata alle foglie

Attività di laboratorio:
• Descrittori morfometrici (fenologia)
• Analisi della comunità epifita
• Studio della fauna vagile

• Luigi Valiante (Museo Vivo del Mare di Pioppi)
• Gabriele Procaccini (Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn Napoli)
• Paolo Fasciglione (Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn Napoli)
• Michele Scardi (Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata)

Quota di partecipazione:
450,00 euro, la quota comprende:
5 gg di corso presso il Museo Vivo del Mare di Pioppi (palazzo Vinciprova) di cui:
• 16 ore di attività scientifiche in immersione sulla prateria di Posidonia oceanica;
• 12 ore di laboratorio presso le sale attrezzate del MUSea;
• 12 ore di lezioni frontali da parte del personale tecnico scientifico;
• materiale didattico;
• Cena sociale/Coffee break

Lo sponsor GoUp formazione srls finanzia una borsa di studio per la partecipazione al corso
Invio candidature, modalità di partecipazione ed un "ricordo" del professore Eugenio Fresi al link sotto:


Organizzatori: Paolo Fasciglione (SZN), Luigi Maria Valiante (MUSea)

Info e domanda di partecipazione:
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fine iscrizioni: 15 luglio 2024
Conferma partecipazione e pagamento: 31 luglio 2024



Allow yourself 45 to 60 minutes to complete the online application.
In order to submit an application our the PhD program, you must first create an account. This account will allow you to save your application and continue it at a later date.
We strongly recommend to submit your application ahead of the deadline in order to avoid any last minute problems with online submission. No application will be accepted after the deadline of November 3rd 2022 - h. 12.00 (CET).

Candidates with disabilities should please detail any eventual facility they require to participate in the eventual interview. Every effort will be made to ensure that they can participate on an equal basis with other candidates and all reasonable arrangements requested by disabled candidates will be adopted.


Before starting the procedure please be sure to have the following documents:
- cv (European form desirable)
- a scanned copy of your degree (For European Citizens Self-Declaration Affidavit - In accordance with article 46 T.U. – D.P.R. no. 445- 28.12.2000)
- a scanned copy of the IELTS (or alternative as indicated at the page Info & Admission) certificate (if applicable) (For European Citizens Self-Declaration Affidavit - In accordance with article 46 T.U. – D.P.R. no. 445- 28.12.2000)
- a scanned copy of the ID document
- a scanned copy of the declaration automatically produced by the system at the end of the application procedure, duly signed*

Read the project for which a fellowship is available.


*At the end of the online application procedure, the system will produce a declaration that the candidate will have to print, sign, scan and save as a PDF or JPG file.
This file must be attached to the application in the appropriate section.
Attaching this document is a mandatory prerequisite to complete the online application procedure.
After submitting the application, you will receive an email confirming of the submission. This message has the value of receipt, if you do not receive it, please contact the PhD office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download the form for the recommendation letter (available here and in the application form) and send it to 2 persons acquainted with your professional achievements who are able to give a qualified judgment of your skills and professional qualities as perspective PhD student. The letters of recommendation are an essential part of your application. It is your responsibility to contact your referees and to ensure that they write to us before the deadline for receiving applications on November 3rd 2022 - h. 12.00 (CET). Please forward the form to each of these two referees and ask them to send their letters of recommendation from their institutional directly to this email address: phdszn(at)szn.it.

If you have any question regarding the application process, please, contact Gabriella Grossi
From Monday to Friday h. 9.00 – 12.30 and 14.00-15.00
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DEADLINE November 3rd 2022 - h. 12.00 (CET)


Interviews of selected candidates will be held in videoconference on November 11th 2022  on November 14th 2022 at h.  14:30 at the link: 


 Updated on 14/11/2022


Aco Alburqueque Renato
Aiello Andrea
Alessandro Tanya
Amato Amalia
Arpaia Martina
Asciutto Emanuele
Astoricchio Emanuele
Bellardini Daniele
Berlinghof Johanna
Blasio Martina
Broccoli Andrea
Bullo Raffaella
Cangemi Giuseppe
Cavalletti Elena
De Falco Gabriele
De Vivo Giacinto
Diaz Delgado Eric
Fabiano Francesco
Federico Serena
Ferrari Emma
Ferri Sara
Fumanti Agnese
Galarza-Verkovitch Denisse Carolina
Gambardella Chiara
Gregorin Chiara
Laface Federica
Latini Lorenzo
Liguori Gianluca
Longo Antonio
Madia Manfredi
Mazzeo Angela
Mente Melpomeni Sofia
Minoia Lorenzo
Morgillo Antonio

Mussi Alessandra
Nannini Matteo
Negro Eleonora
Nocella Elisa
Pagano Luca
Palummo Valeria
Panzuto Margherita Sofia
Panzuto Raffaele
Paolella Giulia
Pigani Emanuele
Pinto Bruno
Pistelli Luigi
Provera Isabella
Riccardi Alessia
Romano Patrizia
Rusciano Lorenza
Salatiello Federica
Salvatori Anna
Santaniello Giovanna
Scarcelli Faustino
Scibelli Sebastiano
Scozzafava Serena
Simonetti Silvia
Somma Emanuele
Stipa Maria Giulia
Storari Annalisa
Styfhals Ruth
Tanduo Valentina
Terzo Stella Maria Concetta
Tibone Maddalena
Valente Salvatore
Verni Sara
Virgili Riccardo
Zuccarotto Annalisa

PhD Thesis @SZN

Albarano Luisa  

Characterization, treatment and valorization of contaminated sediment: the potential role of invertebrate

Borgonuovo Camilla  
Exploring the sexual phase of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata: from genes to metabolites
Brancaccio Mariarita  
Biological roles and pharmacological potentials of marine 5-thiohistidine compounds  
Busseni Greta  
Study of the evolutionary role of nitric oxide (NO) in the cephalochordate amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum
Butera Emanuela  
Volatile Organic Compounds from Marine Plants: Effects on the Behaviour of Benthic Invertebrates
Caccavale Filomena  
Study of the evolutionary role of nitric oxide (NO) in the cephalochordate amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum
Campese Lucia  
Ecology of marine diatoms through omics: from community structure to single species investigation  
Chellapurath Mrudul  

Bioinspired Underwater Legged Robot for Marine Conservation

Chiarore Antonia  
Genetic variability of macroalgae of the genus Cystoseira in the Gulf of Naples and analysis of the associated molluscs community
Consales Guia  
Insights into Xenobiotic Contamination in Mediterranean Deep-Sea Megafauna with Emphasis on the Submarine Canyon Dohrn  
Coppola Ugo  
Evolutionary and Developmental Survey of Genes Involved in Chordate Pigmentation
Cuomo Claudia  
Gut Patterning in Development and Evolution. A Comparative Differential Transcriptomics Approach
D’Agostino Ylenia  
Generation and characterization of BDNF knock-out in zebrafish by CRISPR/Cas9 system
De Luca Daniele
Phylogenetics and Phylogeography in the Planktonic Diatom Genus Chaetoceros
Di Costanzo Federica  

Omic approaches for the identification of biosynthetic pathways for bioactive compounds in the diatom Thalassiosira rotula

Di Cristina Giulia  
Nociception in the cephalopod mollusc Octopus vulgaris: a contribution to mapping putative nociceptors in the octopus arm
Donnarumma Vincenzo  
Microplastics in the marine environment and the characterization of their attached microbial communities  
Eliso Maria Concetta  
Ciona robusta (formerly Ciona intestinalis type A) as model system for ecotoxicological studies  
Epinoux Alexandre  
In-situ, high-frequency assessment of phytoplankton functional groups and their ecology in diverse marine areas  
Esposito Roberta  
Ecological role and biotechnological applications of marine sponges and benthic diatoms and their natural products  
Fabbrizzi Erika  
Marine forest restoration in a fast-changing Mediterranean Sea  
Fasano Giulia  
Effects of (Methylcyclopentadienyl) Manganese (I) Trycarbonil on dopaminergic neurons in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Filogna Silvia
Actuation system inspired by a marine organism
Fioretti Sara
Marine organisms model species for the assessment of biological, environmental and economic  impacts on marine aquaculture in Campania
Gadekar Veerendra GP  
Functional exploration of antisense long non-coding RNAs containing transposable elements: a bioinformatics approach
Galasso Christian  
Marine Biotechnology: a sea of new resources and solutions for ocean and human health
Gaonkar Chetan  
Diversity, distribution and evolution of teh planktonic diatom family Chaetocerotaceae
Glaviano Francesca  
Innovative methods for marine research and automated culture of aquatic model organisms  
Grech Daniele  
Historical records and current status of Fucales (Cystoseira and Sargassum spp.) in the Gulf of Naples
Imperadore Pamela  
Nerve regeneration in the cephalopod mollus Octopus vulgaris: a journey into morphological, cellular and molecular changes including epigenetic modifications
Jahnke Marlene  
Population connectivity and genetic diversity in Mediterranean seagrasses in the framework of management and conservation of the coastline
Kumar Amit  
Sargassum vulgare adaptation under natural acidified conditions
La Vecchia Claudia  
DNA Methylation Machinery in Mytilus galloprovincialis and its Crucial Role during Embryogenesis  
Limatola Nunzia  
Meccanismi molecolari che regolano la maturazione meiotica e la fecondazione di uova di echinodermi
Longobardi Lorenzo  
From data to knowledge: integrating observational data to trace phytoplankton dynamics in a changing world  
Mascolo Celeste  
Frauds and fish species authentication: study of the complete mitochondrial genome of some Sparidae species to provide specific barcode markers  
Macel Marie-Lyne  
Martinez Andrade Kevin Andres  
Drug discovery from marine microalgae  
Mazzella Valerio  
Microbiome, metabolic and phenotypic traits in the adaptability of marine sponges to Ocean Acidification  
Mazzeo Angela  
Grasping and Manipulation for Marine Sample Collection  
Merquiol Louise  

Trophic Ecology of Gelatinous Zooplankton in the Gulf of Naples

Milito Alfonsina  
Insights into the biological role of ovothiol in sea urchins and diatoms
Mordret Solenn  
Integrated study of dinoflagellates diversity in the Gulf of Naples
Motta Gregorio  
Biological and Ecological Links Between Jellyfish and their Parasites in the Gulf of Trieste (Italy)  
Murano Carola  
Micro and nanoplastic: a growing threat to marine organisms, the case of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus  
Mutalipassi Mirko  
Re-defining the concept of model species: an experimental approach on a range of amrine animals  
Napolitano Rachele  
Underwater Non-Contact Measurements for Corals Colour and Shape Assessment  
Nguyen Manh Hung  
Multilevel Assessment of Seagrass Response to Thermal Stress: Stress Memory and Epigenetic Changes  
Olivo Paola  
Genome editing tool for studying Ciona robusta nervous system differentiation  
Pace Antonino  
Microbiological and Parasitological Survey on Mediterranean Loggerheas Sea Turtles  
Paganos Periklis  
Cell Type Diversity During Sea Urchin Development: A Single Cell Approach to Reveal Different Neuronal Types and Their Evolution  
Palladino Antonio  
Combined Functional, Cellular and Behavioural Studies to get Insights on Sensory Organs of Ciona Robusta Larvae
Palomba Emanuela  
Cell response to extracellular DNA and self-DNA inhibition  
Pargana Aikaterini  
Functional and Molecular Diversity of the Diatom Family Leptocylindraceae
Pazzaglia Jessica  
Living with Global Changes: Physiological and Molecular Mechanisms as the Basis for Seagrasses Resilience in a Changing World  
Pelusi Angela  
Cues triggering formation and germination of resting stages in marine diatoms  
Piccardo Emanuela  
Ecotoxicological effects of Micro- and Nano-plastics in different marine model organisms  
Richa Kumari  
The distribution, diversity and activity of picoplankton in coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea with a focus on the Gulf of Naples
Rotolo Flavio  
Acartia spp. (Copepoda: Calanoida) as model organisms to eval-uate the toxicity of emerging contaminants: an ecotoxicoge-nomic approach  
Ruocco Miriam  
Unravelling the complexity of the molecular and physiological response to environmental change in seagrasses  
Ruocco Nadia  
Toxigenic effects of benthic diatoms upon grazing activity of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus  
Russo Ennio  
Targeted-metabolomics of phytoplankton blooms in the Gulf of Naples and effects of algal oxylipins on the reproduction and gene expression of the copepod Temora stylifera
Sabatino Valeria  
Silencing of lipoxygenase pathways in the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia
Sepe Rosa Maria  
A functional study of the endocannabinoid system in zebrafish neurodevelopment: implications in vision and locomotion  
Smerilli Arianna  
Enhancement of carotenoid biosynthesis and antioxidant responses in microalgae by light modulation
Tarallo Andrea  
Genome Composition Plasticity in Marine Organisms
Trano Anna Chiara  
Exploring marine bacterial communities with a focus on bacteria attached to particles  
Tutar Ozge  
Distribution of genetic diversity and gene expression response to environmental forcing in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, 1813
Valero Gracia Alberto  
Photoreception in Ambulacraria: A Comprehensive Approach  
Valvassori Giulia  
Genomic and phenotypic analyses of polychaete sibling species Platynereis dumerilii and Platynereis massiliensis in relation to Ocean Acidification
Varrella Stefano  
Effects of Diatom Derived Oxylipins on Morphology and Gene Expression During Embryonic Development of Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus
Vassalli Quirino Attilio  
Onecut gene regulatory network in chordate development and evolution
Vitale Laura  
Molecular insights into the mating system of the marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata using genetic and genomic approaches
Volpe Massimiliano
Evidences of Transposable elements activity in modular biological systems: gene clusters and the brain
Voronov Danila


The SZN hosts International PhD programs in collaboration with the Open University (UK) and European Universities. Research students have the opportunity to develop top-level research and improve their personal skills and professional competence by living, experiencing and working in the laboratories of the SZN. A dedicated staff supports each research student and his/her needs are identified and jointly agreed upon, with the student at the beginning of the activity. All needs and progresses are regularly followed and updated as appropriate.
All SZN PhD students take advantage of our international Higher Education Program, consisting of international courses, seminars, workshops and colloquia. Over the last three years more than 40 students have completed their PhD program at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn.

International PhD Program in collaboration with the Open University (OU)

The International PhD Programme, originally established in 1998, represents the prime commitment to first class training and education. Our International  PhD Program in Life Sciences is based on internationality, dedicated mentoring, career development, additional skills, in order to provide our  PhD students with the best starting platform for a successful career in science by inspiring and fostering talented young scientists to turn them into skilled and creative future leaders. It provides comprehensive training that promotes scientific excellence, independence and creativity. We provide close internal mentoring jointly with the tutoring of an international expert, highly specialized courses, additional skill exercises, career development. More than 95% of our students have successfully completed their PhD degree and most of our graduates have taken up positions all over the world. Every year we accept an average of 6 new students, selected from a large pool of international applicants.


PhD Program in collaboration with Italian and European Universities

SZN has a long lasting PhD Program in collaboration with Italian and European Universities. More than 130 PhD students graduated in different scientific disciplines, in collaboration with many Italian and European Universities.
The following PhD Programs are currently running:

- University of Naples Federico II, Biology
- Polytechnic University of the Marche, Biology – Curriculum “Marine Biology and Ecology”
- Sant’Anna School of Advances Studies – Pisa, Biorobotics
- University of Siena, Environmental, geological and polar sciences and technologies
- University of Trieste, Environmental life sciences
- KU Leuven (Belgium), Science
- University of Calabria, Life Sciences
- University of Bremen, Germany - Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences
- University of Vienna, Austria – Biology
- University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Traslational Medicine
- University of Messina, Applied Biology and Experimental Medicine
- University of Tuscia, Ecology and Sustainable Management of Environmental Resources
- University of Rome Sapienza, Environmental and Evolutionary Biology
- University of Pisa, Biology
- Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Marine Sciences

The PhD programs in collaboration with the European Universities, follow the rules and selection procedures of each University. All information concerning the call for applications, the duration, the financial support, the admission requirements can be found on:
University of Naples Federico II 
Polytechnic University of Marche
Sant’Anna School of Advances Studies
University of Siena
University of Trieste
KU Leuven
University of Calabria
University of Bremen
University of Vienna
University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
University of Messina
University of Tuscia
University of Rome Sapienza
University of Pisa
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology


Highly specialized PhD-level courses, seminars by leading scientists, as well as skill exercises programs are offered annually to SZN students. Students are required to attend all training activities in order to qualify for the degree. All courses, seminars and tutorials are held in English.

PhD planning and management

The President of the SZN is responsible for the strategic direction of the Higher Education Program. The SZN PhD Programme is managed by a PhD Board, a PhD Steering Committee, and by the Coordinator of the PhD Program Dr. Sabrina Carrella, responsible for overseeing the research degree provision.

The PhD Board includes all the staff scientists and technologists of the SZN.

PhD Steering Committee members are: Dr. Sabrina Carrella, Coordinator, Dr. Ylenia CarotenutoDr. Chiara LauritanoDr. Serena Leone.

Administration and organization is managed by the Higher Education & University Liaison Office.

CONTACTS: Higher Education & University Liaison Office - Gabriella Grossi  Tel. +39-081-5833396 and Margherita Groeben Tel. +39-081-5833310 at phdszn(at)szn.it

Research Departments

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