Biologia Molecolare e dello SviluppoThe Electrophoresis and PCR platform is equipped with several PCR machines (9) and with the necessary equipment for the: preparation of agarose gel, electrophoresis gel running, UV image acquisition, quantification of nucleic acids (NanoDrop).

AmorosoManagere: Alessandro Amoroso

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Extension #345





Bookable Equipment Stanza 146
Room #146
Chemical Hood for the purification of nucleic acids
stanza 235
Room #235
- PCR HYBAID Express #1
- PCR HYBAID Express #2
- PCR BIORAD C1000 #1
- PCR BIORAD C1000 #2
- PCR MJResearch PTC 100
- PCR MJResearch MiniCycler
- PCR GeneAmp System 9700
- PCR EPPENDORF Mastercycler
- Thermostated Bath JULABO SW22
- Thermostated Bath GFL
- Hybridization Oven FINEPCR
- Hybridization Oven TECNE
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Primo piano Ala EST, #146


Secondo piano Ala EST, #235

Elettroforesi e PCR mappa1 Elettroforesi e PCR mappa2




Biologia Molecolare e dello SviluppoThe Centrifugation and Ultracentrifugation platform is equipped with various instruments which allow centrifugation at different speeds (up to 90000 rpm in the case of Ultracentrifugation), with fixed angle or swinging bucket rotors, at controlled temperature.

AmorosoManager: Alessandro Amoroso

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Extension #345





Bookable Equipment
Room #246
- Concentrator EPPENDORF 5301
- Refrigerate Centrifuge 15/50mL EPPENDORF 5810R
- Refrigerate Centrifuge EPPENDORF 5430R
- Incubator Shaker INNOVA 4
- Ultracentrifuge BECKMAN Optima XL 100K
- Centrifuge BECKMAN AvantiJ25
- Centrifuge BECKMAN J2 MC

Stanza 246









Second Floor Room #246 and landing

Centrifugazione e ultrac mappa















Book on LabAgenda: instructions for users

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