Analisi morfologicheThe Behavioral and Morphological Analysis platform is equipped with instruments suitable for the morphological characterization and analysis of the behavior of large and small marine organisms. The available equipment includes: ultrasound machine, microscopes (stero- and fluorescence), video recording analysis and high-throughput systems for behavioral tests.



Stanza 147



Manager: Pamela Imperadore

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Extension #281





First Floor EAST Wing, #147

Analisi morfologiche mappa

Bookable instruments
- Upright Microscope
- Stereo Microscope
- Fluorescence Microscope
- Ultrasound Machine
- System for behavioral analysis from Video Recording - large animals
- System for behavioral analysis - tracking movements in larvae or small animals
Book on LabAgenda: instructions for users

Jacopo Aguzzi, María del Mar Flexas, Sascha Flögel, Claudio Lo Iacono, Michael Tangherlini, Corrado Costa, Simone Marini, Nixon Bahamon, Séverine Martini, Emanuela Fanelli, Roberto Danovaro, Sergio Stefanni, Laurenz Thomsen, Giorgio Riccobene, Marc Hildebrandt, Ivan Masmitja, J Del Rio, Evan B Clark, Andrew Branch, Peter Weiss, Andrew T Klesh, Michael P Schodlok (2020). Exo-ocean exploration with deep-sea sensor and platform technologies. Astrobiology, 20(7), 897-915.

L. Angeletti, S. Canese, F. Cardone, G. Castellan, F. Foglini, M. Taviani. (2020).A brachiopod biotope associated with rocky bottoms at the shelf break in the central Mediterranean Sea: Geobiological traits and conservation aspects. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 1:10 DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3255

Armeli Minicante S, Piredda R, Finotto S, Bernardi Aubry F C, Acrì F, Pugnetti A & Zingone A (2020) Spatial diversity of planktonic protists in the Lagoon of Venice (LTER-Italy) based on 18S rDNA Advanced Limnology Oceanography 11 (1).

Arsenieff L, Le Gall F, Rigaut-Jalabert F, Mahé F, Sarno D, Gouhier L, Baudoux A-C, Simon N (2020). Diversity and dynamics of relevant nanoplanktonic diatoms in the Western English Channel. ISME J 14 (8), 1966-1981. Available online 3 September 2020, 103364

Battaglia P.C, Pagano L., Consoli P., Esposito V., Granata A., Guglielmo L., Pedà C., Romeo T., Zagami G., Vicchio T.M., Guglielmo R., Andaloro F. (2020). Consumption of mesopelagic prey in the Strait of Messina, an upwelling area of the central Mediterranean Sea: feeding behaviour of the blue jack mackerel Trachurus picturatus (Bowdich, 1825). Deep-Sea Research Part I, 155: 103158.

M. Bo, S. Canese, F. Betti. ( 2020) Occurrence of the carnivorous sponge Lycopodina hypogea in the North-central Tyrrhenian Sea. Mediterranean marine Science 21(3) COLLECTIVE ARTICLE B “New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea”.

Bolinesi F., Arienzo M., Donadio C., Ferrara L., Passarelli A., Saggiomo M., Saggiomo V., Stanislao C., Trifuoggi M., Mangoni O., (2020). Spatial and temporal variation of phytoplankton community structure in a coastal marine system subjected to human pressure, Regional Studies in Marine Science,35,101198.

Bolinesi, F.; Saggiomo, M.; Aceto, S.; Cordone, A.; Serino, E.; Valoroso, M. Carmen; cMangoni, O., (2020). On the Relationship between a Novel Prorocentrum sp. and Colonial Phaeocystis antarctica under Iron and Vitamin B12 limitation: ecological implications for antarctic waters, Applied Sciences,10,19,6965.

Bolinesi, F.; Saggiomo, M.; Ardini, F.; Castagno, P.; Cordone, A.; Fusco, G.; Rivaro, P.; Saggiomo, V.; Mangoni, O., (2020). Spatial-related community structure and dynamics in phytoplankton of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, Frontiers in Marine Science,7, 1092.

Busseni G., Caputi L., Piredda R., Fremont P., Hay Mele B., Campese L., Scalco E., de Vargas C., Bowler C., d'Ovidio F. Zingone A., Ribera d’Alcalà M., Iudicone D.C (2020). Large scale patterns of marine diatom richness: Drivers and trends in a changing ocean. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29(11): 1915-1928.

Catanese G C, Di Capua I, Iriondo M, Bonanno A, Estonba A, Procaccini G (2020) Application of highthroughput single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping for assessing the origin of Engraulis encrasicolus eggs. Aquatic Conservation: Marine Freshwater Ecosystems.

Ceruso M, Mascolo C, De Luca P, Venuti I, Smaldone G, Biffali E, Anastasio A, Pepe Tc, Sordino P. (2020) A Rapid Method for the Identification of Fresh and Processed Pagellus erythrinus Species against Frauds. Foods 10, 1397.

G. Chimienti, L. Angeletti, G. Furfaro, S. Canese, M. Taviani (2020) Habitat, morphology and trophism of Tritonia callogorgiae sp. nov., a large nudibranch inhabiting Callogorgia verticillata forests in the Mediterranean Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers

P. Consoli, M. Sinopoli, A.Deidun, S.Canese, C. Berti, F. Andaloro, T. Romeo (2020)The impact of marine litter from fish aggregating devices on vulnerable marine benthic habitat of the central Mediterranean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 152 110928.

Deidun A, Maggio T, Castriota L, Falautano M, & Franzitta G (2020) Genetic confirmation of the first Mediterranean record of Holacanthus africanus Cadenat, 1951. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 25(1):112-118.

Elagoz AM, Ambrosino L, Lauritano C. (2020) De novo transcriptome of the diatom Cylindrotheca closterium identifies genes involved in the metabolism of anti-inflammatory compounds. Scientific Reports, 10(1):4138. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-61007-0.

F. Enrichetti, G. Bavestrello, F. Betti, M. Coppari, M. Toma, R. Pronzato, S. Canese, M. Bertolino, G. Costa, M. Pansini, M. Bo (2020). Keratose‐dominated sponge grounds from temperate mesophotic ecosystems (NW Mediterranean Sea). Marine Ecology, e12620

F. Enrichetti, C. Dominguez-Carrió, M. Toma, G. Bavestrello, S. Canese, M. Bo. (2020) Assessment and distribution of seafloor litter on the deep Ligurian continental shelf and shelf break (NW Mediterranean Sea). Marine Pollution Bulletin 151

Esposito V, Canese S, Scotti G, Bo M, De Vittor C, Andaloro F, Romeo T (2019) Spiculosiphon oceana (foraminifera) and its affinity to intermediate stress conditions in the Panarea hydrothermal complex (Mediterranean Sea). Marine Biodiversity Records 12: 23. doi.org/10.1186/s41200-019-0183-4 

E. Fanelli, J. Aguzzi, S. Marini, J. del Rio, M. Nogueras, S. Canese, S. Stefanni, R. Danovaro and F. Conversano (2020)Towards Naples Ecological Research for Augmented Observatories (NEREA): The NEREA-Fix Module, a Stand-Alone Platform for Long-Term Deep-Sea Ecosystem Monitoring. Sensors 2020, 20, 2911; doi:10.3390/s20102911

Filogna S, Iacovacci V, Vecchi F, Musco L, Menciassi A (2020) Protrusion mechanism study in sipunculid worms as model for developing bio-inspired linear actuators. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 16: 026008. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-3190/abc671

Gallo A, Esposito MC, Cuccaro A, Buia MC, Tarallo A, Monfrecola V, Tosti E, Boni R (2020) Adult exposure to acidified seawater influences sperm physiology in Mytilus galloprovincialis: Laboratory and in situ transplant experiments. Environmental Pollution 265: 115063. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115063

Gaonkar CG*, Piredda R*, Sarno D, Zingone A, Montresor M, Kooistra WHCFC (2020). Species detection and delineation in the marine planktonic diatoms Chaetoceros and Bacteriastrum through metabarcoding: making biological sense of haplotype diversity. Environ Microbiol.

Granata A., Bergamasco A., Battaglia P., Milisenda G., Pansera M., Bonanzinga V., Arena G., Andaloro F., Giacobbe S., Greco S., Guglielmo R., Spanò N.C., Zagami G., Guglielmo L.C (2020). Vertical distribution and diel migration of zooplankton and micronekton in Polcevera submarine canyon of the Ligurian mesopelagic zone (NW Mediterranean Sea). Progress in Oceanography, 183: 102298.

Bruno Hay Mele, Luca Russo, Fabio Crocetta, Cristina Gambi, Antonio Dell’Anno, Roberto Danovaro, Rosanna Guglielmo, Luigi Musco, Francesco Paolo Patti, Emilio Riginella, Michael Tangherlini, Maurizio Ribera d’Alcalá, Domenico D’Alelio (2020). Ecological assessment of anthropogenic impact in marine ecosystems: the case of Bagnoli Bay. Marine environmental research, 158, 104953.

Lauritano C, Rizzo C, Lo Giudice A, Saggiomo M (2020) Physiological and Molecular Responses to Main Environmental Stressors of Microalgae and Bacteria in Polar Marine Environments. Microorganisms 8: 1957. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms8121957

Lauritano C, Roncalli V, Ambrosino L, Cieslak MC, Ianora A (2020) First De Novo Transcriptome of the Copepod Rhincalanus gigas from Antarctic Waters. Biology 9: 410. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology9110410

Limatola N, Bertocci I, Chun JT, Musco L, Munari M, Caramiello D, Danovaro R, Santella L. (2020). Oxygen supersaturation mitigates the impact of the regime of contaminated sediment reworking on sea urchin fertilization process. Mar Environ Res. 158:104951. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104951

Limatola Nc, Chun JT, Santella L. (2020). Effects of salinity and pH of seawater on the reproduction of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Biol. Bull. 239(1):13-23. https://doi.org/10.1086/710126.

Limatola N, Vasilev F, Santella L, Chun JT. (2020). Nicotine induces polyspermy in sea urchin eggs through a non-cholinergic pathway modulating actin dynamics. Cells 9(1), 63. https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9010063

D. Malara, P. Battaglia, P. Consoli, E. Arcadi, S. Canese, S. Greco, F. Andaloro and T. Romeo (2020) Evidence of a predation event on a tagged Mediterranean spearfish (Tetrapturus belone; Pisces, Istiophoridae), inferred from pop-up satellite tagging data. Aquat. Living Resour. 2020, 33, 23

Mangoni, O.; cBolinesi, F.; Saggiomo, V.; Saggiomo, M., 2020. Photosynthetic rate and size structure of the phytoplankton community in transitional waters of the Northern Adriatic Sea, Ecological Questions, 31, 4, 1-15.

Margiotta F, Balestra C, Buondonno A, Casotti R, D'Ambra I, Di Capua I, Gallia R, Mazzocchi MG, Merquiol L, Pepi M, Percopo I, Saggiomo M, Sarno D, Zingone A (2020) Do plankton reflect the environmental quality status? The case of a post-industrial Mediterranean Bay. Marine Environmental Research 160: 104980. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104980

Monticolo, F.*, Palomba, E.*, De Santis, R., Assentato, L., Triscino, V., Langella, M. C., Lanzotti, V., Chiusano, M. L.C (2020). anti-HCoV: A web resource to collect natural compounds against human coronaviruses. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 106, 1-11.

Monticolo, F.*, Palomba, E.*, Termolino, P., Chiaiese, P., De Alteriis, E., Mazzoleni, S., & Chiusano, M. L. (2020). The role of DNA in the extracellular environment: a focus on NETs, RETs and biofilms. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 589837.

Murano C, Agnisola C, Caramiello D, Castellano I, Casotti R, Corsi I, & Palumbo A (2020) How sea urchins face microplastics: Uptake, tissue distribution and immune system response. Environmental Pollution 264:114685. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114685

Pargana A, Musacchia F, Sanges R, Russo MT, Ferrante M I, Bowler, C & Zingone A (2020). Intraspecific diversity in the cold stress response of transposable elements in the diatom Leptocylindrus aporusGenes 11, 9.

Pelusi A, De Luca P, Manfellotto F, Thamatrakoln K, Bidle KD, Montresor M  (2020) Virus-induced spore formation as a defense mechanism in marine diatoms. New Phytologist n/a. doi:10.1111/nph.16951

Pelusi A, Margiotta F, Passarelli A, Ferrante MI, Ribera d'Alcalà M, Montresor M (2020). Density-dependent mechanisms regulate spore formation in the diatom Chaetoceros socialis. Limnology and Oceanography Letters n/a. https://doi.org/10.1002/lol2.10159

Retelletti Brogi S, Balestra C, Casotti R, Cossarini G, Galletti Y, Gonnelli M, Vestri S, Santinelli C (2020) Time resolved data unveils the complex DOM dynamics in a Mediterranean river. Science of the Total Environment 733: 139212. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139212

Ruocco M, Ambrosino L, Jahnke M, Chiusano ML, Barrote I, Procaccini G, Silva J, Dattolo E (2020) m6A RNA Methylation in Marine Plants: First Insights and Relevance for Biological Rhythms. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21: 7508. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21207508

Russo E, d’Ippolito G, Fontana A, Sarno D, D’Alelio D, Busseni G, Ianora A, von Elert E, Carotenuto Y (2020). Density-dependent oxylipin production in natural diatom communities: possible implications for plankton dynamics. ISME J 14, 164–177.

Russo E, Lauritano C, d’Ippolito G, Fontana A, Sarno D, von Elert E, Ianora A, Carotenuto Y (2020). RNA-Seq and differential gene expression analysis in Temora stylifera copepod females with contrasting non-feeding nauplii survival rates: an environmental transcriptomics study. BMC genomics 21 (1), 1-22.

Salvatore MM, Ciaravolo M, Cirino P, Toscano A, Salvatore F, Gallo M, Naviglio D, Andolfi Anna (2019) Fatty Acids from Paracentrotus lividus Sea Urchin Shells Obtained via Rapid Solid Liquid Dynamic Extraction (RSLDE). Separations 6: 50. doi:10.3390/separations6040050

Santella L, Limatola N, Chun JT. (2020). Cellular and molecular aspects of oocyte maturation and fertilization: a perspective from the actin cytoskeleton. Zoological Lett. 6, 5. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40851-020-00157-5.

Sato S*, Nanjappa D*, Dorrell R G, Vieira F R J, Kazamia E, Tirichine L, Veluchamy A, Heilig R, Aury J-M, Jaillon O, Wincker P, Fussy Z, Obornik M, Muñoz-Gómez S A, Mann D G, Bowler CC & Zingone, A (2020). Genome-enabled phylogenetic and functional reconstruction of an araphid pennate diatom Plagiostriata sp. CCMP470, previously assigned as a radial centric diatom, and its bacterial commensal, Scientific Reports. 10, 9449.

Saviano S, Cianelli D, Zambianchi E, Conversano F, Uttieri M (2020) An Integrated Reconstruction of the Multiannual Wave Pattern in the Gulf of Naples (South-Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea, Western Mediterranean Sea). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8: 372. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse8050372

Tangherlini, M., Corinaldesi, C., Rastelli, E., Musco, L., Armiento, G., Danovaro, R., & Dell’Anno, A.C (2020). Chemical contamination can promote turnover diversity of benthic prokaryotic assemblages: The case study of the Bagnoli-Coroglio bay (southern Tyrrhenian Sea). Marine environmental research, 160, 105040.

M. Toma, S. Canese (2020) Record of the rare sea star Coronaster briareus in the Taranto Gulf (Ionian Sea). Mediterranean marine Science 21(3) COLLECTIVE ARTICLE B “New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea”

Uttieri M C, Aguzzi L, Aiese Cigliano R, Amato A, Bojanić N, Brunetta M, Camatti E, Carotenuto Y, Damjanović T, Delpy F, de Olazabal A, Di Capua I, Falcão J, Fernandez de Puelles ML, Foti G, Garbazey O, Goruppi A, Gubanova A, Hubareva E, Iriarte A, Khanaychenko A, Lučić D, Marques SC, Mazzocchi MG, Mikuš J, Minutoli R, Pagano M, Pansera M, Percopo I, Primo AL, Svetlichny L, Rožić S, Tirelli V, Uriarte I, Vidjak O, Villate F, Wootton M, Zagami G, Zervoudaki S (2020). WGEUROBUS–Working Group “Towards a EURopean OBservatory of the non-indigenous calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinUS. Biological Invasions. 22: 885-906.

Varrella, S., Tangherlini, M., & Corinaldesi, C. (2020). Deep hypersaline anoxic basins as untapped reservoir of polyextremophilic prokaryotes of biotechnological interest. Marine drugs, 18(2), 91.

Vingiani GM, Štālberga D, De Luca P, Ianora A, De Luca D, Lauritano C (2020) De novo Transcriptome of the Non-saxitoxin Producing Alexandrium tamutum Reveals New Insights on Harmful Dinoflagellates. Marine Drugs 18: 386. https://doi.org/10.3390/md18080386

Zingone A, Escalera L, Aligizaki K, Fernández-Tejedor M, Ismael A, Montresor M, Mozetic P, Tas S, Totti C (2020) Toxic marine microalgae and noxious blooms in the Mediterranean Sea: A contribution to the Global HAB Status Report. Harmful Algae: 101843. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hal.2020.101843

Albarano L, Costantini M, Zupo V, Lofrano G, Guida M, Libralato G (2020) Marine sediment toxicity: A focus on micro- and mesocosms towards remediation. Science of the Total Environment 708: 134837. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134837

Albarano L, Esposito R, Ruocco N, Costantini M. (2020) Genome Mining as New Challenge in Natural Products Discovery. Marine Drugs, 18(4):199.

Asai S, Sanges R, Lauritano C, Lindeque PK, Esposito F, Ianora A, Carotenuto Y (2020) De Novo Transcriptome Assembly and Gene Expression Profiling of the Copepod Calanus helgolandicus Feeding on the PUA-Producing Diatom Skeletonema marinoiMarine Drugs 18: 392. https://doi.org/10.3390/md18080392

Buonocore C, Tedesco P, Vitale GA, Palma Esposito F, Giugliano R, Monti MC, D’Auria MV, de Pascale D (2020) Characterization of a New Mixture of Mono-Rhamnolipids Produced by Pseudomonas gessardii Isolated from Edmonson Point (Antarctica). Marine Drugs 18: 269. https://doi.org/10.3390/md18050269

Coppola D, Oliviero M, Vitale GA, Lauritano C, D’Ambra I, Iannace S, de Pascale D.  (2020) Marine Collagen from Alternative and Sustainable Sources: Extraction, Processing and Applications. Marine Drugs, 18(4):214. https://doi.org/10.3390/md18040214

Couturier LIE, Michel LN, Amaro T, Budge SM, da Costa E, De Troch M, Di Dato V, Fink P, Giraldo C, Le Grand F, Loaiza I, Mathieu-Resuge M, Nichols PD, Parrish CC, Sardenne F, Vagner M, Pernet F, Soudant P (2020) State of art and best practices for fatty acid analysis in aquatic sciences. ICES Journal of Marine Sciencehttps://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsaa121

D’Ambra I, Lauritano C (2020) A Review of Toxins from Cnidaria. Marine Drugs 18: 507  https://doi.org/10.3390/md18100507

De Luca D & Lauritano C (2020) In Silico Identification of Type III PKS Chalcone and Stilbene Synthase Homologs in Marine Photosynthetic Organisms. Biology 9(5):110. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology9050110

Di Dato V, Barbarinaldi R, Amato A, Di Costanzo F, Fontanarosa C, Perna A, Amoresano A, Esposito F, Cutignano A, Ianora A, Romano G. (2020) Variation in prostaglandin metabolism during growth of the diatom Thalassiosira rotulaScientific Reports, 10(1):5374. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-61967-3.

Di Dato V, Ianora A, Romano G (2020) Identification of Prostaglandin Pathway in Dinoflagellates by Transcriptome Data Mining. Marine Drugs 18: 109. doi:10.3390/md18020109

Eliso MC, Bergami E, Manfra L, Spagnuolo A, Corsi I (2020) Disclose nanoplastic toxicity on the embryogenesis of the ascidian Ciona robusta (Phylum Chordata). Nanotoxicology: 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/17435390.2020.1838650

Eliso MC, Manfra L, Savorelli F, Tornambè A, Spagnuolo A (2020) New approaches on the use of tunicates (Ciona robusta) for toxicity assessments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27: 32132-32138. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-09781-2

Esposito R, Ruocco N, Albarano L, Ianora A, Manfra L, Libralato G, Costantini M. (2020) Combined Effects of Diatom-Derived Oxylipins on the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividusInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21(3):719. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21030719

Gregorin C, Musco L, Somma E, Zupo V (2020) Behavioural Responses of the Colonial Sea Squirt Botrylloides violaceus Oka to Suspended Food Micro-Particles in Laboratory Cultures. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8: 1021. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse8121021

Lauritano C, Helland K, Riccio G, Andersen JH, Ianora A, Hansen EH. (2020) Lysophosphatidylcholines and Chlorophyll-Derived Molecules from the Diatom Cylindrotheca closterium with Anti-Inflammatory Activity. Marine Drugs, 18(3):166. PubMed PMID: doi:10.3390/md18030166.

Lauritano C, Ianora A (2020) Chemical Defense in Marine Organisms. Marine Drugs 18: 518.  https://doi.org/10.3390/md18100518

Lauritano C, Martínez KA, Battaglia P, Granata A, de la Cruz M, Cautain B, Martín J, Reyes F, Ianora A, Guglielmo L. (2020) First evidence of anticancer and antimicrobial activity in Mediterranean mesopelagic species. Scientific Reports, 10(1):4929. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-61515-z.

Lauritano C, Rizzo C, Lo Giudice A, Saggiomo M (2020) Physiological and Molecular Responses to Main Environmental Stressors of Microalgae and Bacteria in Polar Marine Environments. Microorganisms 8: 1957. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms8121957

Lauritano C, Roncalli V, Ambrosino L, Cieslak MC, Ianora A (2020) First De Novo Transcriptome of the Copepod Rhincalanus gigas from Antarctic Waters. Biology 9: 410. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology9110410

Manfellotto F, Stella GR, Falciatore A, Brunet C, Ferrante MI (2020) Engineering the Unicellular Alga Phaeodactylum tricornutum for Enhancing Carotenoid Production. Antioxidants 9: 757. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox9080757

Milito A, Murano C, Castellano I, Romano G, & Palumbo A (2020) Antioxidant and immune response of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus to different re-suspension patterns of highly polluted marine sediments. Marine Environmental Research 160:104978. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104978

Milito A, Orefice I, Smerilli A, Castellano I, Napolitano A, Brunet C, Palumbo A (2020) Insights into the Light Response of Skeletonema marinoi: Involvement of Ovothiol. Marine Drugs 18: 477. https://doi.org/10.3390/md18090477

Riccio G, De Luca D, & Lauritano C (2020) Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol and Sulfolipid Synthesis in Microalgae. Marine Drugs 18(5):237. https://doi:10.3390/md18050237

Riccio G, Lauritano C. (2020) Microalgae with Immunomodulatory Activities. Marine Drugs. 18(1):2. https://doi.org/10.3390/md18010002

Riccio G, Ruocco N, Mutalipassi M, Costantini M, Zupo V, Coppola D, de Pascale D, Lauritano C (2020) Ten-Year Research Update Review: Antiviral Activities from Marine Organisms. Biomolecules 10: 1007. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom10071007

Ruocco N, Albarano L, Esposito R, Zupo V, Costantini M, Ianora A (2020) Multiple Roles of Diatom-Derived Oxylipins within Marine Environments and Their Potential Biotechnological Applications. Marine Drugs 18: 342. https://doi.org/10.3390/md18070342

Ruocco N, Bertocci I, Munari M, Musco L, Caramiello D, Danovaro R, Zupo V, Costantini M (2020) Morphological and molecular responses of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus to highly contaminated marine sediments: The case study of Bagnoli-Coroglio brownfield (Mediterranean Sea). Marine Environmental Research 154: 104865. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.104865

Ruocco N, Nuzzo G, d’Ippolito G, Manzo E, Sardo A, Ianora A, Romano G, Iuliano A, Zupo V, Costantini M, Fontana A (2020) Lipoxygenase Pathways in Diatoms: Occurrence and Correlation with Grazer Toxicity in Four Benthic Species. Marine Drugs 18: 66. https://doi.org/10.3390/md18010066

Russo E, Lauritano C, d’Ippolito G, Fontana A, Sarno D, von Elert E, Ianora A, Carotenuto Y (2020) RNA-Seq and differential gene expression analysis in Temora stylifera copepod females with contrasting non-feeding nauplii survival rates: an environmental transcriptomics study. Bmc Genomics 21: 693. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-020-07112-w

Sorrentino I, Gargano M, Ricciardelli A, Parrilli E, Buonocore C, de Pascale D, Giardina P, Piscitelli A (2020) Development of anti-bacterial surfaces using a hydrophobin chimeric protein. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 164: 2293-2300. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.07.301

Vingiani GM, Štālberga D, De Luca P, Ianora A, De Luca D, Lauritano C (2020) De novo Transcriptome of the Non-saxitoxin Producing Alexandrium tamutum Reveals New Insights on Harmful Dinoflagellates. Marine Drugs 18: 386. https://doi.org/10.3390/md18080386

Vitale GA, Coppola D, Palma Esposito F, Buonocore C, Ausuri J, Tortorella E, de Pascale D (2020) Antioxidant Molecules from Marine Fungi: Methodologies and Perspectives. Antioxidants 9: 1183. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox9121183

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