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Research activities at the SZN require the employment of a large number of PhDs and young researchers. PostDoc programs are defined on a 3-year basis and PostDocs are continuously recruited through public calls. Their work is linked either to specific research EU programs or to flagship programs of the SZN. The recruitment of PostDocs allow their further training in specific research fields and is operated either through grants or by means of Assegni di Ricerca, whose duration can vary from 1 to 5 years.


Since the early nineties SZN promotes and hosts a very important series of international seminars, involving either the participation of SZN scientists (including early stage researchers) to top level scientists from all around the world, including Noble Prizes who have conducted or present their research at the SZN.

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The SZN promotes and organizes meetings and workshops aimed to high level scientific exchanges, to support the scientific communities to meet and discuss topics with leaders in the field as well as to discuss common themes and exchange cross-disciplinary results.


The SZN has a long tradition in the organization of Advanced Courses for the training of scientists working in public or private institutions, and Summer Schools, that include summer schools in the History of Biology and the most advanced scientific issues (e.g., Advanced Phytoplankton Course) aiming at promoting the transfer of new methods and emerging techniques to a specialized audience.

The Stazione Zoologica provides a unique opportunity for tailored educational experiences to undergraduate students through stages, traineeships and internship  in its laboratories for conducting either experimental thesis of making qualified experience under the supervision of experienced scientists. This activity gives Bachelors’ or Masters’ students important opportunities to develop their laboratory and scientific skills and improve their employment prospects.


Undergraduate internships are part of the student's Bachelor or Masters’ thesis project. The SZN provides the opportunity to these students to carry on their experimental thesis in its laboratories, under the supervision of international scientists, thanks to the agreements established with several Italian Universities and international institutions.
INFO and ADMISSION procedure: please contact the Higher Education Office  (HEO)
Ph: +39-081-5833396 or 5833397
Email: higher.education(at)szn.it


SZN traineeship program aims to modernize and improve higher education, giving to Bachelors’ or Masters’ students opportunities to develop their skills and boost their employment prospects, offering an alternation between study and work as part of the educational process. The internship is offered through specific agreements with some Italian universities or  under the Erasmus program.
INFO and ADMISSION procedure: please contact the Higher Education Office  (HEO)
Ph: +39-081-5833396 or 5833397
Email: higher.education(at)szn.it

Elenco Tesi

2023 2022 2021  2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010


From AY 2014/2015 to the AY 2021/2022 SZN was co-funder, in collaboration with the University  of Naples Federico II, of the  Master’s Degree in Biology and Ecology of the Marine Environment and Sustainable Use of Marine Resources, whose mission was to train highly specialized marine biologists and to develop skills in the marine ecosystem management and conservation.

The Master’s Degree courses  gathered the most distinguished Italian and international marine biologists in order to offer outstanding teaching and professional competencies. Moreover it offered students access to an extraordinary network of international bodies that included ASSEMBLE, the Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories, and EMBRC, the European Marine Biological Resource Centre. The courses  were in English and included a stimulating mix of formal lectures, lab work and field trips.

The Master’s Degree was conceived to provide a broad range of professional skills and competencies. Our graduates have been able to work both in basic science labs and in jobs involving scientific and technological research and innovation for the management and sustainable exploitation of marine resources.


Last update 28/04/2022

 N. 6 Ph.D. fellowships are available to carry out interdisciplinary training in Biological Sciences

at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples (Italy)

Applications are invited from suitably qualified postgraduate candidates

The closing date for applications is June 21st, 2024 h. 12.00

Link to the Call


PhD scholarship in collaboration between the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II and the SZN

The PhD project will be conducted in collaboration between the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II and the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn.

We invite applications for a PhD student to work with Dr Lucia Campese, Dr Mariella Ferrante, Dr Daniele Iudcione and Prof Donato Giovannelli on “Diatom Bloom Dynamics in a Human-Impacted Coastal Environment: Insights from Metagenomics and Metatranscriptomics

To apply, please follow this link and the guidelines therein.

The application deadline is July 1st, 2024


PhD scholarship in Microbial Ecology of Seagrasses

The PhD project will be conducted in collaboration between the University of Pisa and the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn.

We invite applications for a PhD student to work with Dr Ulisse Cardini and Prof Fabio Bulleri on “Nested microbial interactions in seagrass ecosystems

To apply, please follow this link and the guidelines therein.

The application deadline is June 20, 2024

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