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Nel 1879 la Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn iniziò a pubblicare la propria rivista di biologia marina, dal titolo: Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel. A partire dal 1916, la rivista ha preso il nome di: Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli (PSZN, vol.1, 1922 – vol.40, 1977) e raccoglieva i risultati più rilevanti della ricerca svolta alla Stazione sia dal personale scientifico che dai ricercatori ospiti. Il crescente numero di articoli prodotti nel settore e di riviste specializzate internazionali portò ad una riorganizzazione della rivista che fu divisa in due ognuna delle quali focalizzata ad argomenti non completamente coperti da altre riviste internazionali: Marine Ecology (PSZN I, vol.1, 1980; dal 2005: Marine Ecology: an evolutionary perspective) e History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences (PSZN II, vol.1, 1979).

Marine Ecology: an evolutionary perspective

marine ecologyMarine Ecology, la rivista ufficiale della Stazione Zoologica ha rinnovato dal 2005 Editori, Editorial Board, formato e struttura editoriale generale.
La rivista è pubblicata online da Wiley; l'Impact factor è 1.693.

Editors-in-Chief: Roberto Danovaro

Associate Editors

Fabio Badalamenti
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - IAMC Castellammare del Golfo (Tp), Italy Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Thomas Schlacher
University of the Sunshine Coast
Queensland, Australia
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L’Editorial board che consiste di circa 20 membri appartenenti a diverse Istituzioni internazionale.
Nell'Editorial Board  sono anche presenti ricercatori della SZN: Paolo Guidetti, Gabriele Procaccini, Adriana Zingone.

Web Admistrator: Giuseppina Gargano.
Maggiori dettagli su Editorial Board, aims and scope del Journal ed i suoi diversi formati sono reperibili sul sito web della rivista: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14390485.
Mentre per la submission dei lavori è attivo il sito web: mc.manuscriptcentral.com/mae

History and Philosophy of the Life Science

history and philosophyMain Editor: Sabina Leonelli, Giovanni Boniolo

History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences is an interdisciplinary journal committed to providing an integrative approach to understanding the life sciences. It welcomes submissions from historians, philosophers, biologists, physicians, ethicists and scholars in the social studies of science. Contributors are expected to offer broad and interdisciplinary perspectives on the development of biology, biomedicine and related fields, especially as these perspectives illuminate the foundations, development, and/or implications of scientific practices and related developments. Submissions which are collaborative and feature different disciplinary approaches are especially encouraged, as are submissions written by senior and junior scholars (including graduate students).

HPLS also welcomes submissions featuring novel formats. While it is anticipated most submissions will represent recent scholarship, they may also include essays on contemporary issues or perspectives, results of unique workshops, and/or discussions featuring a wide-range of perspectives. Papers are published on the understanding that they have not been published before and are not concurrently under offer to any other journal. Authors will usually receive a decision on their articles within 3 months of receipt and since this journal uses continuous article publication accepted authors do not have to wait and are directly published in an issue.

Journal encourages submissions of:
- Historical and philosophical research of all life science disciplines
- Interdisciplinary research of Medicine
- English Book reviews of non-English books that fall within area of remit
- Philosophical or historical discussions about Bioethics

  • Open to historical, philosophical and social studies of the full range of the life sciences, including medicine, agriculture, environmental science and biotechnology
  • Presents pioneering discussions of the philosophical, social and historical relevance of key developments in the life sciences
  • Represents research communities and traditions around the world
  • Includes Nominated papers and Comments & Notes with discussion pieces and review articles

For more information

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