Grant and Innovation Office Coordinator: Giorgio Carpino

Grant and Innovation Office Staff: Giosuè Zurzolo, Ornella Papaluca, Alberto Corona, Valerio Mattera, Valeria Mancusi


The SZN Grant and Innovation Office (GIO) offers support to SZN members on looking for funding opportunities, developing their ideas and expoiting the results of their research. 

We will help you to take the next step, either for research or for the market. 

Do you need support to delevop your ideas? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book an appointment


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network1 grant office szn

New opportunities · Funding your research · Developing your ideas · Expanding your network


Strategic advice for your research – funding your research

GIO staff aims at maximising the capacity of SZN researchers to obtain external funding for their research. We provide you with support for:

  • Scouting for international and national calls, opportunities, training programmes
  • Identifying the most promising funding schemes for your research idea and career stage 
  • Maintenance of statistics on research funding at the SZN
  • Publicizing opportunities and research related events to the SZN research community

Project Management – funding your research

Based on previous experience of management of large national and international projects, we can help you with:

  • Understanding the regulations of the funding agencies
  • Developing and establishing research networks
  • Preparing the proposal (in terms of budget planning, project management preparation, workplan and impact) 
  • Managing the application process, by clarifying inquiries, reading, giving feedback and commenting on applications
  • Definition of a Project Management and a Dissemination and Exploitation plan of the project
  • Negotiation of terms and conditions for a successful proposal
  • Implementation of an efficient project management in all administrative, legal, and financial matters
  • Submission of progress reports and financial statements to the funding agency

Patenting, licensing, property right and Innovation advice – develop your ideas

Our innovation advisors have a good knowledge of promotion, commercialization, product development, business development, technology transfer and intellectual property rights. We support you in developing your ideas through the evaluation process towards a possible patent. This means, for example, that we:

  • Help you to design, present and formulate your ideas
  • Identify potential patents from SZN research results
  • Submit to the internal evaluation Commission the potential patenting ideas
  • Manage the relationship with SZN administrative offices and external consultants
  • Define an Exploitation plan
  • Promote and manage the relationship with stakeholders
  • Prepare and sign of patents-related contracts
  • Manage the patents portfolio of the SZN  
  • Maintain statistics on research services and patents by the SZN

SZN has an Industrial Property Regulation implementing the changes introduced by Law No. 102 of July 24, 2023 "Amendments to the Industrial Property Code, referred to in Legislative Decree No. 30 of February 10, 2005" available at the following link: REGULATION

The list of documents on the topics of Protection and Exploitation of Research Results and the templates to be filled out to file a new patent application is in the following:

01. Patent filing request form
02. Disclosure of invention
03. Non Disclosure Agreement - NDA
04. Material and Data Transfer Agreement - MTDA
05. Agreement of joint ownership of Patent

All mentioned documents are available, in Italian and English version, at the following link: FORMS

External contracts - expand your network

Research activities can be conducted in the framework of external contracts with public and private institutes. These contracts can be institutional and involve different entities and structures of SZN. Alternatively, they can be referred to specific research activities. These contracts are not confined to research agreements, but can also cover such things as the exchange of confidential information, datasets, research tools or materials and terms and conditions for research projects. 

GIO staff, depending on the case, will support several activities, for example:  

  • Preparing the administrative documents 
  • Developing and establishing of the partnership participating to the activities (in case of institutional contracts) and its coordination
  • Defining the budget
  • Defining the contracts

Training and networking events 

  • Organizing and conducting workshops on scouting, proposal preparation, patenting and develop new business (spin-off)
  • Organizing and conducting workshops on specific funding opportunities
  • Contact point with APRE and other Agencies

Contact: gio(at)szn.it

You can download the PDF presentation about us here

Grand and Innovation Office Contacts

Giorgio Carpino: giorgio.carpino(at)szn.it, +39 081 5833231

Giosuè Zurzolo: giosue.zurzolo(at)szn.it, +39 081 5833341

Ornella Papaluca: ornella.papaluca(at)szn.it, +39 081 5833366

Alberto Corona: alberto.corona(at)szn.it

Valerio Mattera: valerio.mattera(at)szn.it, +39 081 5833 367

Valeria Mancusi: valeria.mancusi(at)szn.it, +39 388 800 46 08

AmphioxusNOS - Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG)

Corbel - Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science Services

EvoCell - Animal evolution from a cell type perspective: multidisciplinary training in single-cell genomics, evo-devo and in science outreach

FIRB, MIUR-Cineca - Non-Coding RNA Explosion: Novel Implications in Neurotrophin Biology

MouZeCLINIC - Empowering an integrated platform for the study of human diseases with great impact by means of system phenotyping of model animals: mouse and zebrafish clinic

Neptune - Multidisciplinarity training in evo-devo and neurobiology of marine animal models

PANTRAC - Gut patterning and PANcreas development in evolution and disease: a TRAnsCriptomic approach

segreteria 01I Servizi Amministrativi, suddivisi in Uffici, assicurano la gestione amministrativa della SZN svolgendo tutti i compiti e le funzioni a carattere amministrativo ad essa affidate dal Direttore Generale. In particolare l’Amministrazione deve:
a) provvedere alla gestione contabile e finanziaria dell’Ente;
b) assicurare la gestione amministrativa, giuridica ed economica del personale dell’Ente;
c) provvedere alla gestione dei contratti attivi e passivi e delle forniture dell’Ente;
d) provvedere alla gestione degli affari generali;
e) provvedere a tutti gli altri adempimenti previsti dalla legge.

Accounting, Finance and Budget Office

Sede Napoli
• Salvatore OrfanoHead
• Salvatore Addezio
Luigi De Martino
Marco Grimaldi
Francesca Landi
Pier Paolo Mari
Salvatore Scotti
Vincenzo Signore

Human Resources Office

Sede Napoli
Patrizia Varriale Head

Silvia Chieffi
Francesca Crispino
Vincenzo Puglisi
• Raffaele Rosamilia
Giuseppina Sorrentino

Purchasing Office

Sede Napoli
Raffaele Sepe Head
• Isidoro De Mare
Giuseppina Iorio
• Francesca Russo

logo aquarium newBook your visit on fondazionedohrn.it


The first public aquarium in Italy

Entering the historic public Aquarium of Naples, the oldest still functioning, designed to show the ecosystems and biodiversity of the Gulf of Naples and more generally of the Mediterranean and their possible evolution in relation to changes, means crossing the threshold of time and diving in the dream of its founder, the zoologist Anton Dohrn, to provide and disseminate knowledge of the underwater world.
The Aquarium, in fact, was inaugurated in 1874 only two years after the foundation of the Zoological Station itself, "the great hotel of scientists", as Benedetto Croce defined it, which took place in March 1872, to fulfill the triple function of live observation of the sea, entertainment and research funding.

DSC02109 2 copia 2Flora and fauna of the Gulf of Naples

Students, scientists and researchers from all over the world came to Naples to analyze and study animals live and in their natural environment. Just a few steps were enough to leave your rented study table, equipped with a very rich instrumentation, to find yourself face to face with the subject of your own research, living or "fixed" by the skilled hands of the conservators of the Stazione Zoologica, first of all Salvatore Lo Bianco.

Located on the ground floor, the Aquarium was connected, and still is today, directly to the sea by an underground channel. The engineering work was entrusted to the English William Alford Lloyd, who had already developed the aquariums in London and Hamburg. The exhibition rooms received natural light from the side windows and skylights and the semi-darkness thus generated made the visit even more immersive.

Today the architectural layout has remained unchanged. The restoration and necessary modernization works, have allowed the maintenance of the ancient exhibition tanks dedicated to the environments of the Gulf of Naples and the peculiarities of its marine life, equipping them with the most modern and sophisticated technological systems to ensure the well-being of the organisms that populate it. At the same time it shows a great novelty, represented by the large central tanks hosting the tropical coral reef, the vision of a possible change in the Mediterranean induced by environmental changes.

Discovering the Aquarium

dettagli specie Aquarium SZN DOHRN Autore Marco Signore 11The journey inside the Aquarium will then lead the visitors to discover the sea, from the coast to the open sea, between caves and ravines, along seagrass meadows, passing from the coralligenous to the abyss, from the pelagic environment, also inhabited by alien species, from Mediterranean reefs to tropical formations. Of particular interest will be the murenarium, which represents the breeding structures of moray eels (murenari) designed by the ancient Romans and well preserved in the submerged archaeological area of ​​Gaiola in Capo Posillipo. Another novelty is the octopus tank, an extraordinary ancient organism that has a life cycle of about two years and an intelligence similar to that of mammals.

The knowledge of the richness of the sea and of the biodiversity it contains, as well as of all its wonders, must lead each of us to the awareness of its importance for our very survival. To protect it and manage it in an eco-sustainable way, we need to know it and even today our knowledge is not complete.
Dohrn's dream has never ceased, the scientific and cultural climate of his Stazione Zoologica, currently the National Institute of Marine Biology, Ecology and Biotechnology, considered in an international ranking among the best 20 Scientific Research Institutes in the world, has reached us and allows us to look at life and the mysteries of the underwater world with open eyes.

IRM1Core Facility ‐ Infrastructure for Marine Research (IRM) deals with the provision of services and support for: collection and analysis of environmental data by the management and use of advanced oceanographic instruments; installation, maintenance and inspection of fixed underwater instruments, submerged infrastructures; management of the vessels of the Stazione Zoologica; activities of material collection, visual census and maintenance of underwater instrumentation with the help of underwater Technical Operators (OTS) and underwater Scientific Operators (OSS).The IRM Unit provides research with a high level technical-technological support and produces a portfolio of innovative activities and a continuous development of competencies.IRM2



Meda A 1

MEDA A Bagnoli

Meda B 1

MEDA B Napoli


Augusto Passarelli

Tel. +39 081 5833 603-604
Fax: +39 081 7641355 - +39 081 5833360

e-mail augusto.passarelli(at)szn.it

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