
Next Generation Sequencing service


NGS data production
Services provided

In progress

The Next Generation Sequencing technologies (NGS) is revolutionizing the molecular biology field of application. Recently the Molecular Biology Service was implemented by such technologies and is developing this facility based on an ION Proton sequencer.

The Next Generation Sequencing facility is based on the ION Proton technology: mainly transriptomics, gene expression analysis, targeted resequencing, metagenomics.

At present No bioinformatic analysis provided.


Life Technologies ION Proton semiconductor sequencer

Life Technologies ION Chef

Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100


Dr. Elio Biffali

Tel.: +39 081 5833298

e-mail: elio.biffali(at)szn.it


The Service is equipped with a robotic system able to realize high productivity projects for the research activities that needs, in brief times, the analysis of a high number of samples.

Technical Data Sheet

Services provided

The Service is able to accomplish to different demands:

- PCR and qPCR setup.

- PCR cleanup.

- Samples quantitation and normalization.

- Replica plates, cherry picking and gridding, library replica and re-gridding etc.

- Plasmidic DNA minipreparations.

- Sequencing reactions setup.

- Sequencing reactions cleanup.

- Microsatellites plates setup.

- AFLP plates setup.

- SNiPs plates setup.

- Library management and cherry picking.

- gDNA extraction, conventional samples (blood, mouse tail, etc.).

- gDNA extraction, NON conventional samples (Ciona; Posidonia oceanica; Caretta caretta; Cymodocea nodosa; Caulerpa racemosa; Octopus vulgaris).

- Automated ICH-ISH in whole mount on larger embryos. (in progress).



Dr. Elio Biffali

Tel.: 081 5833298

e-mail: elio.biffali(at)szn.it


-Microsatellites by fragment analysis (single-locus).

-SNiPs, analysis of polymorphism in single base (single-locus).

-AFLP, amplified fragment lenght polymorphism (multi-locus).

Technical data sheet of the service

Services Provided

About 6,000 samples analysed per year, mainly for genetic population studies on marine plants (seagrass).

Genotyping is the process that allows identifying the genotype of an organism by biological testing (genotype testing). There are several techniques that can be used for genotyping mainly with a multi-locus or single-locus approach. The service offers three different analytical approaches:

-Microsatellites (single-locus). Fragments analysis is achieved by capillary electrophoresis and applied to population genetics studies, primarily on aquatic plants (seagrasses) and algae. We analyze an average of 6000 samples per year.

-SNiPs, analysis of polymorphism in single base (single-locus). SNiPs analysis is realized at the SBM using the Snapshot technology that allows the analysis, through capillary electrophoresis, of any samples with the use of only one specific oligonucleotide.

-AFLP, amplified fragment lenght polymorphism (multi-locus). The detection is realized at SBM through capillary electrophoresis.


Applied Biosystems (Life Technologies) 3730 DNA Analyzer 48 capillaries


Dr. Elio Biffali

Tel.: +39 081 5833298

e-mail: elio.biffali(at)szn.it


(in progress)

The “Droplet Digital PCR" (ddPCR) allows to:

Detect small amounts of target DNA molecules with unparalleled sensitivity.

Determine the change in the number of genomic copies (copy number variation) with extreme accuracy.

Measure gene expression levels with extraordinary precision.

Quantify NGS libraries.

Services provided The Service supports the Institute's laboratories in experiments design, samples running and, if required, initial data analysis.

Biorad system "QX200 Droplet Digital PCR"

Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100


Dr. Elio Biffali

Tel.: 081 5833298

e-mail: elio.biffali(at)szn.it

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