CRISPR spotlight

Scienza e Responsabilità
La "correzione" dei geni e le nuove frontiere della manipolazione genetica

Martedì 5 dicembre, ore 16.30

Introduce e modera: Roberto Defez

Intervengono: Luigi Naldini (L’Editing del Genoma: nuove frontiere per la Scienza e la Bioetica), Anna Meldolesi (Benvenuti nell'età del CRISPR), Chiara Lalli (E' giusto manipolare il genoma?)

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La musica degli ecosistemi
Un approccio acustico alla biodiversità

Venerdì 24 novembre, ore 17.00

Introduce: Silvia Caianiello

Intervengono: David Monacchi, Maurizio Ribera d'Alcalà

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Gli abissi del tempo: le prime forme di vita nel mare

Presentazione del libro di Marco Signore con le illustrazioni di Tommaso De Francesco

Martedì 7 novembre, ore 17.00

Introduce e moderaRoberto DanovaroRoberto Paura

IntervengonoMarco Signore e Tommaso De Francesco

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Coltivare il Mare

Mercoledì 25 ottobre 2017, ore 17.00

Moderatore: Maurizio Ribera d’Alcalà

IntervengonoRoberto DanovaroAmedeo Di MaioGiuseppe Cataldi
Intervengono per ISPRA: Michela Angiolillo, Marco La Commare, Marco Pisapia

Presentazione della mostra fotografica "Colori profondi del Mediterraneo
organizzata da ISPRA in collaborazione con la Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn

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Darwin copertina

Diario di bordo del viaggio del Beagle
Presentazione della prima traduzione italiana del libro di Charles Darwin a cura di Guido Chiesura

Martedì 4 luglio 2017, ore 17.00

Introduce e modera:
Pietro Greco

Barbara ContinenzaGuido Chiesura

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immagine 25 maggio

Un mare di vetro
Presentazione del libro di Drew Harvell
A Sea of Glass: Searching for the Blaschkas’ Fragile Legacy in an Ocean at Risk

Giovedì 25 maggio 2017, ore 17.00

Proiezione del documentario "Fragile Legacy"

Filippo Barattolo, Università Federico II di Napoli 
Graziano Fiorito, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn

Drew Harvell, Cornell University, New York

Seguirà la visita alla mostra "La fragilità del mare: Blaschka e la Stazione Zoologica a fine ‘800"

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immagine 11 aprile

Buona scienza ma poca impresa: il paradosso della ricerca italiana

Martedì 11 aprile 2017, ore 17.00

Moderatore: Roberto Defez
IntervegonoRoberto Di Lauro, Alessandro Commito, Giuseppe Martini e Fabrizio Zilibotti

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Rivaro, P., Ianni, C., Langone, L., Ori, C., Aulicino, G., Cotroneo, Y., Saggiomo, M. and Mangoni, O. (2017). Physical and biological forcing of mesoscale variability in the carbonate system of the Ross Sea (Antarctica) during summer 2014’. Journal of Marine Systems 166:144-158 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.11.002)

Saggiomo, M., Poulin, M., Mangoni, O., Lazzara, L., De Stefano, M., Sarno, D. and Zingone, A. (2017). Spring-time dynamics of diatom communities in landfast and underlying platelet ice in Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Journal of Marine Systems 166:26-36. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.06.007)


Aoyama, M., et al. (including Margiotta, F.). IOCCP-JAMSTEC 2015 Inter-Laboratory calibration exercise of a certified reference material for nutrient in seawater. International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP) Report Number 1/2016. Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Tokosuka, Japan (176pp).

D'Alelio, D., Margiotta, F., Sarno, D. and Ribera d'Alcalà, M. (2016). Plankton food-webs: to what extent can they be simplified? Advances in Oceanography and Limnology 7, 67-92.

Mangoni, O., Lombardo, R., Camminatiello, I. , Margiotta, F., Passarelli, A., Saggiomo, M. (2016). Phytoplankton community to assess the environmental status of the Adriatic Sea via non-linear partial least squares regression. Quality & Quantity (in press) First Online: 12 October 2016.

Pepi, M., Borra, M., Tamburrino, S., Saggiomo, M., Viola, A., Biffali, E., Balestra, C., Sprovieri, M. and Casotti, R. (2016). A Bacillus sp isolated from sediments of the Sarno River mouth, Gulf of Naples (Italy) produces a biofilm biosorbing Pb(II). Science of the Total Environment 562, 588-595.

Valenti D., Denaro G.; Spagnolo B., Mazzola S., Basilone G., Conversano F., Brunet C., Bonanno A. (2016) Stochastic models for phytoplankton dynamics in Mediterranean Sea. Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Ecological Complexity, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecocom.2015.06.001.


D'Alelio, D., Mazzocchi, M. G., Montresor, M., Sarno, D., Zingone, A., Di Capua, I., Franze, G., Margiotta, F., Saggiomo, V. Ribera d'Alcala, M. (2015). The green-blue swing: plasticity of plankton food-webs in response to coastal oceanographic dynamics. Marine Ecology-an Evolutionary Perspective 36, 1155-1170.

Valenti D, Denaro G, Spagnolo B, Conversano F, Brunet C. (2015) How Diffusivity, Thermocline and Incident Light Intensity Modulate the Dynamics of Deep Chlorophyll Maximum in Tyrrhenian Sea. PLoS ONE 10(1): e0115468. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0115468.


Carella F, Aceto S, Saggiomo M, Mangoni O, De Vico G (2014). Gorgonian disease outbreak in the Gulf of Naples: pathology reveals cyanobacterial infection linked to elevated sea temperatures. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 110: 69-80.

Towards an integrated observing system in the Gulf of Naples

NRMC1380 01 03 2021 compressed

The Gulf of Naples (Central Tyrrhenian Sea, Western Mediterranean Sea) extends between 40°50’-40°32’N and 13°52’-14°28’E, with an area of 870 km2 and an average depth of 170 m. About 4 million people live along the coasts, which have been inhabited since the pre-Roman age. The Gulf is characterized by the contrast between highly polluted areas (Bagnoli-Coroglio, Eastern-Naples) and pristine sites identified as Marine Protected Areas (Punta Campanella, Regno di Nettuno).

Logo LTERMCThe Research Program MareChiara was launched by SZN in 1984 with the aim of investigating the structure and functioning of planktonic communities of the Gulf of Naples in relation to the environmental variability and climate change. Since 2006, the station LTER-MareChiara (LTER-MC) is part of the national (LTER-Italy) and international networks of Long Term Ecological Research sites (I-LTER, E-LTER). LTER- MC is located 2 miles offshore the city of Naples, on the 75 m isobath, at the boundary between the coastal area, influenced by land runoff, and the offshore oligotrophic waters with characteristics of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea. In support to the observational activities, two MEDA-elastic buoys (MEDA A and MEDA B) were installed in 2016 at a short distance from the coast, one off the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn and the other off Bagnoli. The buoys are equipped with meteorological sensors, multiparametric profiling probes and ADCP current-meters. High-frequency data are transmitted in real time via a broadband Wi-Fi bridge and also via the GSM network. In 2022 LTER-MC and the «Gulf of Naples integrated pelagic observatory» has been nominated “Endorsed Decade Action” by the United Nations under the Marine Life 2030 program (https://oceandecade.org/actions/gulf-of-naples-integrated-pelagic-observatory/).

Since March 2019 an augmented observatories established in the frame of ongoing monitoring programs, at Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites, and in two preferential sites at the mouth of the Sarno river (Nerea_Sarno) and on the Dohrn Canyon off Capri (Nerea_Capri). Sampling monthly involving the use of molecular methods to increase the taxonomic and functional detail of the biodiversity of the Gulf of Naples.
The nereaObservatory is called NEREA (Naples Ecological research Augmented observatory www-nerea observatory.org) and has received the endorsement of the United Nations as a project under the OBON program (Ocean Biomolecular Observing Network https:///www.oceandecade.org/actions/ocean-biomolecular-observing-network-obon/). NEREA also participates in the EMOBON initiative (European Marine Omics Biodiversity Observation Network https:///www.embrc.eu/emo-bon).

For further information

Mappa web LTER MC sito SZN aggiornata


Di Capua I., Maffucci F., Pannone R., Mazzocchi M.G., Biffali E. and Amato A. (2017). Molecular phylogeny of Oncaeidae (Copepoda) using nuclear ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS rDNA) PLoS ONE #PONE-D-16-33262 (under review)


De Felice, B., Borra, M., Manfellotto, F., Santangelo, A., Biffali, E. and Guida, M. (2016) Assessment of genetic diversity between wild and cultivated artichokes using SSR markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution,63,8,1363-1369,2016,Springer Netherlands

D’Agostino, Y., Locascio, A., Ristoratore, F., Sordino, P., Spagnuolo, A., Borra, M. and D’Aniello, S. (2016) A rapid and cheap methodology for CRISPR/Cas9 zebrafish mutant screening. Molecular biotechnology, 58: 73-78.

Iacomino G., Russo P., Stillitano I., Lauria F., Marena P., Ahrens W., De Luca P. and Siani A. (2016). Circulating microRNAs are deregulated in overweight/obese children: preliminary results of the I.Family study. Genes and Nutrition, vol. 11:7, ISSN: 1555-8932

Karaa S., Maffucci F., Jribi I., Bologna M. A., Borra M., Biffali E., Bradai M. N. and Hochscheid S. (2016). Connectivity and stock composition of loggerhead turtles foraging on the North African continental shelf (central Mediterranean): implications for conservation and management. Marine Ecology. Vol. 37, Issue 5, October, 1103–1115.

Karaz S., Courgeon M., Lepetit H., Bruno E., Pannone R., Tarallo A., Thouzé F., Kerner P., Vervoort M., Causeret F., Pierani A. and D’Onofrio G. (2016). Neuronal fate specification by the Dbx1 transcription factor is linked to the evolutionary acquisition of a novel functional domain. EvoDevo, 7: 18.

Maffucci F., Corrado R., Palatella L., Borra M., Marullo S., Hochscheid S., Lacorata G. and Iudicone D. (2016). Seasonal heterogeneity of ocean warming: a mortality sink for ectotherm colonizers. Scientific reports, 6, Nature Publishing Group Article number: 23983.

Pepi M., Borra M., Tamburrino S., Saggiomo M., Viola A., Biffali E., Balestra C., Sprovieri M. and Casotti R. (2016). A Bacillus sp. isolated from sediments of the Sarno River mouth, Gulf of Naples (Italy) produces a biofilm biosorbing Pb(II). Science of The Total Environment. vol. 562, 15 August, 588–595.


Affinito O., Andreakis N., Caputi L., Marino R., Pannone R., Sordino P. & Procaccini G. (2015). High connectivity and directional gene flow in European Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of Ciona intestinalis sp. A. Marine Ecology, 36: 1230–1243.


MG Adelfi, M Borra, R Sanges, M Montresor, A Fontana, MI Ferrante (2014). Selection and validation of reference genes for qPCR analysis in the pennate diatoms Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata and P. arenysensis.  Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 451, 74-81.

Guida M, Cannavacciuolo PL, Cesarano M, Borra M, Biffali E, D’Alessandro R, De Felice B (2014) Microbial diversity of landslide soils assessed by RFLP and SSCP fingerprints. Journal of Applied Genetics, 55: 403-15.

De Felice B, Annunziata A, Fiorentino G, Manfellotto F, D'Alessandro R, Marino R, Borra M, Biffali E (2014). Telomerase expression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. Journal of human genetics, 59: 555-561.

De Felice B, Annunziata A, Fiorentino G, Borra M, Biffali E, Coppola C, Cotrufo R, Brettschneider J, Giordana ML, Dalmay T, Wheeler G, D’Alessandro R (2014) miR-338-3p is over-expressed in blood, CFS, serum and spinal cord from sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Neurogenetics, 15: 243-253.

Bosnjak I, Borra M, Iamunno F, Benvenuto G, Ujevic I, Buselic I, Roje-Busatto R, Mladineo I (2014), Effect of bisphenol A on P-glycoprotein-mediated efflux and ultrastructure of the sea urchin embryo. Aquatic toxicology, 156, 21-29.

E. Dattolo, M. Ruocco, C. Brunet, M. Lorenti, C. Lauritano, D. D'Esposito, P. De Luca, R. Sanges, S. Mazzuca, G. Procaccini (2014). Response of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica to different light environments: Insights from a combined molecular and photophysiological study. Marine Environmental research, 101. 225-236.

Porreca I, D'Angelo F, Gentilcore D, Carchia E, Amoresano A, Affuso A, Ceccarelli M, De Luca P, Esposito L, Guadagno FM, Mallardo M, Nardone A, Maccarone S, Pane F, Scarfò M, Sordino P, De Felice M, Ambrosino C. (2014). Cross-species toxicogenomic analyses and phenotypic anchoring in response to groundwater low-level pollution. BMC Genomics, 15: 1471-2164.



Unità Acquario 5Fin dal 1983, presso l'Acquario della Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn di Napoli vengono ricoverati esemplari di Caretta caretta, la specie di tartaruga marina più comune nelle acque italiane, classificata come "endagered" nella lista rossa delle specie a rischio d'estinzione dall'IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) e inclusa dalla Comunità Europea nell'Annex II della direttiva habitat come specie prioritaria, la cui conservazione nel Mediterraneo richiede speciali misure di protezione. Nella maggior parte dei casi, le tartarughe ricoverate sono gravemente ferite a causa dell'impatto con strumenti di pesca o imbarcazioni, oppure debilitate e denutrite a causa di fattori ambientali sfavorevoli. Si rendono quindi necessari interventi specifici di cura e riabilitazione prima di poterle rimettere in natura in aree idonee alla loro sopravvivenza.

Se vedi un esemplare in difficoltà contattaci e provvederemo alle cure necessarie.

Poster nidi 2018 A3 red

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