
Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms (BEOM):

  • Title: Behavioral plasticity in Octopus vulgaris
    SZN Tutor: Graziano Fiorito
    Department: BEOM


Analysis of problem-solving capability in the common octopus, based also on historical data related to behavioral performance. Study of inter-individual variability in contextual learning

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  • Title: Annotating octopus brain regions: a development of an interactive digital atlas for the cephalopod brain
    SZN Tutor: Graziano Fiorito
    Department: BEOM


A brain atlas is a necessary tool for analyzing structure and function of nervous system in fields of neuroscience and behavioral science. Although various annotations are available for 'brains' of several mammalian and few other species including some invertebrates, annotation for 'brains' of cephalopod mollusks is not available. The proposed thesis work is aimed at filling this gap and implementing a pipeline for construction of a flexible annotation atlas (FAA) of the octopus (O. vulgaris) brain. The workplan include analysis of published works and in-house resources (available at the octopus lab, BEOM Dept, Stazione Zoologica), annotation of serial sections of entire adult octopus’ brain, data on brain structure, digital representation of single areas and ROIs. The produced FAA will be then available as Open Data – implementing FAIR Data Principles – and will help improving the consistency of whole brain ROI definition among laboratories internationally by fulfilling various requests from researchers with its flexibility and reproducibility. The same principles utilized for octopus will be subsequently adopted for other cephalopod species.

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Ecosustainable Marine Biotechnology (BIOTECH)

  • Title: Isolation and characterization of microalgae from high anthropogenic impacted areas
    Tutor: Lucia Barra
    Department: BLUBIO, Calabria site


The activities will include the sampling of sea water and sediments in sites with high contaminants presence such as metals and hydrocarbons, and their enrichment for the isolation of species through the use of capillary method and serial dilutions. The photosynthesizing eukaryotic fraction will be genetically characterized through already published or newly designed molecular markers. The construction of phylogenetic trees with the sequences of the species obtained will relate the identified communities from an evolutionary point of view.

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  • Title: Evaluation of physiological response of microalgae in presence of metals
    Tutor: Lucia Barra
    Department: BLUBIO, Calabria site


The student will evaluate the growth response of different microalgal species, isolated from highly impacted areas, in the presence of toxic metals such as zinc, lead, cadmium, mercury and chromium III-VI, regarding both the single metal and a mix of them. The responses will be categorized into lethal-sublethal-tolerant-resistant and the analysis of the adsorbed and/or accumulated fraction will be conducted using ICP-MS technology. The establishment of algal consortia that work in synergistic mode will be the aim of the study conducted.

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Integrated Marine Ecology (EMI):

  • Titolo: Biodiversity associated with deep-sea mounds of the Central Mediterranean Sea
    Tutor SZN: Frine Cardone
    Dipartimento: EMI


The study aims to investigate the biological diversity associated with the submarine mounds of the Central Mediterranean. These geomorphological structures represent unique deep-sea habitats that often host complex and diverse ecosystems. Despite their ecological importance, they remain largely unexplored. The main objective of the research project will be to analyze the videos collected using ROVs, integrating the results with the analysis of previously collected biological samples. The student will examine the species present and evaluate their distribution and abundance.

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  • Title: Deep-sea megabenthos of the Central Mediterranean
    Tutor SZN: Frine Cardone
    Department: EMI


The study aims to create an inventory of the deep-sea megabenthic fauna of the Central Mediterranean by combining video analysis with morphological and molecular approaches to the sampled material.

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  • Title: Monitoring of microcosms in a controlled environment
    Tutor SZN: Frine Cardone
    Department: EMI


The research aims to evaluate the aquarium rearing performance of "mini-communities" through medium-term monitoring of morphometric parameters

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  • Title: Management of marine litter in deep-sea ecosystems
    Tutor SZN: Frine Cardone
    Department: EMI


Despite deep sea ecosystems are recognized a biodiversity hot spot with relevant functional roles, recent mapping activities have shown that they are largely impacted by marine litter, with important but still underestimated consequences in terms of habitat loss. At present, there are no standardized protocols and best practices able to guide decisions on how and when to deal with this human impact, in terms of removal and restoration techniques. The master thesis will be dedicated to the development of a new framework for the development of standardized methodologies for marine litter removal in cold water habitats. The work will be first dedicated to a systematic review of on-going experiences in this field, this representing the first step for building the new protocol and consequent best practices. Then, a case study where to apply this framework will be selected within the project LIFEDREAMS (https://www.life-dream.eu/) to address framework feasibility. We anticipate that this is a new challenging topic, with wide opportunities to feed the scientific debate.

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  • Title: Communities responses to multiple stressors
    Tutor SZN: Manuel Berlino, Maria Cristina Mangano
    Department: EMI, Sicily Marine Centre


Benthic habitats are highly biodiverse, an attribute that makes them energy flow and carbon cycling hotspots. Unfortunately, metabolism dynamics across varying ecosystems and communities are poorly understood, particularly in function of their associated biodiversity (changes/loss) and functionality. The aim of this work is to measure metabolism in situ, and to collect/measure pertinent community and abiotic variables from diverse ecosystems. Thus, to be able to understand the community metabolism across varying habitats’ composition, ecosystem functions and under different stressors presence.
Profile: Biological/Environmental/Natural Sciences degree or equivalent; Proficiency in English; Proven experience in fieldwork (marine); Proven experience in laboratory (biological sciences); Diving certificate(?); Knowledge about biogeochemical cycles in marine environments; Availability to go to the field when necessary; Basic Microsoft Office skills; Ability to work in a team and willingness to learn. The activities will consist of providing support during the different phases of the research: Fieldwork (metabolism measurements of several day cycles, biodiversity and abiotic variables assessment in different ecosystems), laboratory processing of samples and data extraction.

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  • Title: The metabolites of invasive algal species: direct and indirect effects and potential practical outcomes
    Tutor SZN: Mirko Mutalipassi
    Department: EMI (NA)


The experimental thesis project focuses on analyzing the metabolites of marine macroalgae considered "alien" and their impacts on vertebrates and invertebrates in marine environments. The primary objective goes beyond mere characterization and identification of key metabolites, emphasizing the understanding of their ecological role, as well as the direct and indirect effects these compounds can have on marine organisms, influencing predation dynamics, competition, and the entire trophic network. Additionally, the research aims to evaluate potential applications of these metabolites, opening new perspectives for the sustainable exploitation of these extraordinary marine resources. This study will contribute to a greater understanding of marine ecology and potential implications for the management and conservation of coastal ecosystems.

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  • Title: Marine sponges as producers of active metabolites: ecological role and applications
    Tutor SZN: Mirko Mutalipassi
    Department: EMI (NA)


The experimental thesis project constitutes an in-depth investigation into the metabolic profile of specific marine sponges, with particular attention to those classified as "alien," exploring their potential as a source of antifouling compounds. The primary objective is to conduct comprehensive characterization and identify metabolites with relevant functions, as well as to study in detail their impact on the different stages of marine biofouling. Through experimental activities, our aim is to understand how these metabolites may influence the initial stages of fouling, related to bacterial and microalgal activities, as well as the subsequent stages involving macrofoulers such as mussels and ascidians. This research aims to maximize the use of marine species considered alien as a source of molecules with potential applications in biotechnology, particularly in the field of antifouling.

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  • Title: Integrated taxonomy studies in marine invertebrates
    SZN Tutor: Laura Nunez Pons
    Department: EMI


Research based on the classification of marine invertebrates applying techniques for the morphological description and diagnosis of species identification, and molecular approaches related to DNA barcoding and phylogeny.

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  • Title: Allelopathy and functional symbioses in marine holobionts
    SZN Tutor: Laura Nunez Pons
    Department: EMI


Studies related to symbiotic interactions taking place in marine ecosystems and their role in organismal health, disease, and acclimatization to the environment via metabolic fluxes of nutrients, defensive compounds and allelochemical mediators.

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  • Title: IBiology and  ecology of fish early life stages in the south-central Tyrrhenian Sea
    SZN Tutor: Lorenzo Ciannelli
    Department: EMI, Ischia Marine Centre, Ischia (NA)


The early stages (eggs, larvae and juveniles) of the fish life cycle have high mortality rates which influence the population dynamics of the adult stages. For many commercial species of the southcentral Tyrrhenian there is no knowledge on the reproduction areas of fish eggs and larvae and of the bio-physical processes that influence their transport and survival. The aim of this study is to characterize the ichthyoplankton communities of the Gulf of Naples and Gaeta, using various coastal and oceanic sampling systems, and to create bio-physical models to predict the transport of fish eggs and larvae.

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  • Title: Integrative taxonomy as a tool to assess the true biodiversity of the marine biota of the Gulf of Naples (Italy, Mediterranean Sea)
    SZN Tutor: Fabio Crocetta
    Department: EMI


The Mediterranean Sea is one of the most important biodiversity hotspots worldwide. However, many local zoological groups have not been subjected to a deep review based on
modern methods. The aim of the project will be to explore the biota of the Gulf of Naples through an integrative taxonomy approach – i.e. a comprehensive framework to delimit and describe taxa by integrating information from ecological, molecular, and morphological data. Data obtained will have important implications in conservation issues, refine phylogenetic relationships and species boundaries, and shed a light on evolutionary lines and cryptic diversity.

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  • Title: Formation and morphological description of spores in diatoms of the genus Chaetoceros
    SZN Tutor: Wiebe Kooistra
    Department: EMI


Many species in the planktonic diatom genus Chaetoceros form resting spores to survive unfavourable conditions. The candidate will expose monoclonal cultures of different Chaetoceros species to different conditions to induce spore formation. The ultrastructural characters of the spores will be studied by means of optical and electron microscopy and considered as diagnostic characters in the identification of the species.
Together with Marina Montresor

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  • Title: Biodiversity in the diatom genus Chaetoceros
    SZN Tutor: Wiebe Kooistra
    Department: EMI


The candidate isolates monoclonal strains within selected species complexes in the planktonic diatom genus Chaetoceros, identifythem by means of LM photography, DNA-extraction, PCR-amplification, and sequencing of choice strains and examine them in SEM and TEM. The objective is to describe new species.

Together with Diana Sarno

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  • Morphological plasticity in diatoms of the genus Chaetoceros in response to nutrient deficiency
    SZN Tutor: Wiebe Kooistra
    Department: EMI


Monoclonal cultures of species in the planktonic diatom genus Chaetoceros will be grown under nutrient-limiting conditions to study their phenotypic plasticity. The morphology and ultrastructure of the different species under various conditions will be documented by optical and electron microscopy.
Together with Alessandra Rogato.

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  • Title: Identification of zoobenthic species in the mesophotic zone and extraction of qualitative and quantitative data using image analysis
    SZN Tutor: Eva Salvati
    Department: EMI


Identification of zoobenthic species in the mesophotic zone and extraction of qualitative and quantitative data using image analysis.

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Conservation of marine Animals and Public Engagement (CAPE):

  • Title: Patterns and drivers of native species richness decline in the Eastern Mediterranean
    SZN Tutor: Paolo Albano
    Department: CAPE


The Eastern Mediterranean Sea is under the siege of climate warming, biological invasions, and further local stressors. We quantify today's and historical native Mediterranean and non-indigenous species richness with extensive sampling programs and use multidisciplinary approaches at the interface of marine ecology and paleontology to quantify species loss and identify its main drivers. Furthermore, we use functional trait studies and species distribution models to understand and predict the fate of the Mediterranean in future climate scenarios.

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (website https://pgalbano.weebly.com/)

Eco-sustainable Marine Biotechnology (BIOTECH):

  • Title: Functional characterization of the prostaglandin synthesis pathway in marine microalgae:

SZN Tutor: Valeria Di Dato
Department: BluBiotech


Prostaglandins are molecules similar to second messengers and are mainly involved in inflammatory processes resolution as well as in the onset of serious pathologies. Their synthesis and related metabolic pathway have been recently discovered in marine eukaryotic unicellular microalgae. Understanding their role in such simple organisms and the functional regulation mechanisms will help decipher their ecological and physiological role as well as the importance of their conservation during the evolution of the planet.
Approaches used: biochemistry and molecular biology techniques; cell culture techniques; bioinformatics approaches.
Organisms used: marine microalgae (diatoms) and zooplanktonic species.

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  • Title: Comparative study of the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase (COX) in different species of marine microalgae:

SZN Tutor: Valeria Di Dato
Department: BluBiotech


In order to transform the production of prostaglandins through marine microalgae into a biotechnological application, the characterization of the chemical-physical and kinetic characteristics of the enzyme necessary for their synthesis, the cyclooxygenase, is crucial to prepare the ground for future application research lines.
Approaches used: biochemistry and molecular biology techniques.
Organisms used: bacteria and marine microalgae (diatoms).

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  • Title: Use of bioinformatic approaches for the identification of the prostaglandin synthesis "pathway" in different marine organisms:

SZN Tutor: Valeria Di Dato
Department: BluBiotech


Prostaglandins are molecules involved in inflammatory and pathological processes that have been very well studied in humans. Very interesting has been considered their production in simple marine organisms such as diatoms, unicellular eukaryotic algae. Given the strong interest in marine resources both from an ecological and biotechnological point of view, it is very interesting to expand their research into other marine organisms in order to understand their role both in physiology and in the chemical communication necessary to establish a balance between the various species component the plankton. The new sequencing technologies supported by bioinformatics software are very useful and versatile to be able to perform a wide-spectrum study.
Approaches used: bioinformatics approaches.
Organisms used: marine microalgae and zooplanktonic species.

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  • Title: Molecular insights into the synthetic pathways of secondary metabolites produced by the diatom Thalassiosira rotula:

SZN Tutor: Valeria Di Dato
Department: BluBiotech


Marine microalgae in the diatom group are particularly interesting for the production of metabolites deriving from secondary metabolism for adaptation to different climatic conditions. These metabolites mainly perform a defense function and therefore have biological activities that are often interesting for human use in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical fields. Thalassiosira rotula is a species of diatom present in the Gulf of Naples capable of synthesizing some interesting secondary metabolites. Its genome and transcriptome have been sequenced thus allowing the identification of the pathways responsible for the synthesis of these metabolites. The sequences obtained from genomic and transcriptomic sequencing allow to investigate the activation of these pathways in different conditions through molecular approaches.
Approaches used: techniques of biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology; cell culture techniques; bioinformatics approaches.
Organisms used: Thalassiosira rotula.

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  • Title: Discovery of the pharmacological potential of marine microalgae against telomerase activity in human cancers

SZN Tutor: Valeria Di Dato
Department: BluBiotech


Telomeres are special sequences located at the ends of chromosomes whose role is to protect the ends of the DNA from damage. However, after each cell division their size decreases and when their length reaches a critical point, the cells undergo apoptosis and/or senescence. Thus, the length of telomeres can act as a biological clock to determine the life span of a cell and an organism, and their length is determined by an enzyme called telomerase. This enzyme is constitutively turned off in somatic cells, while it is highly active in germ cells allowing their continuous replication. Likewise, telomerase is expressed in approximately 90% of cancer cells, thus allowing for their indefinite proliferation. For this reason, telomerase inhibition may represent a preferred specific target for anticancer therapies. Various natural products, commonly derived from plants, have shown telomerase inhibitory activity and include secondary metabolites such as polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenoids, xanthones, and sesquiterpenes.
Marine eukaryotic microalgae are very important components of phytoplankton able to adapt to all kinds of ecological niches and physicochemical conditions due to a series of secondary metabolites they produce. The project aims to identify microalgae species that produce molecules capable of inhibiting telomerase activity in a set of different cancer cell lines for possible exploitation as an anticancer drug.
Approaches used: techniques of biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, bioinformatics approaches.
Organisms used: diatoms, dinoflagellates.

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  • Title: Biotechnological potential of enzymes from diatoms
    SZN Tutor: Giovanna Romano
    Department: BIOTECH


Marine microorganisms must endure habitats characterized by extreme conditions of salinity, temperature or pressure. Their enzymes present concomitant features, e.g. thermostability or halo-stability, which are appealing for practical applications. The proposed project will focus on lipases and lipoxygenases enzymes from diatoms, since we expect new and useful feature for applications in the food industry e.g. for improving the quality of bread and for flavor enhancement of food products (lipases); in bleaching of colored components and production of aroma compounds (lipoxygenases).

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Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms (BEOM):

  • Title: Neuronal plasticity in marine molluscs: the role of mitochondria
    SZN Tutor: Serena Mirra
    Department: BEOM


We aim to elucidate the cellular mechanisms of neuronal resilience against environmental stress in marine molluscs, with a particular focus on mitochondrial homeostasis (dynamics, function, bioenergetics), autophagy, cell death and inflammatory responses.

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  • Title: Annotating octopus brain regions: a development of an interactive digital atlas for the cephalopod brain
    SZN Tutor: Graziano Fiorito
    Department: BEOM


A brain atlas is a necessary tool for analyzing structure and function of nervous system in fields of neuroscience and behavioral science. Although various annotations are available for 'brains' of several mammalian and few other species including some invertebrates, annotation for 'brains' of cephalopod mollusks is not available. The proposed thesis work is aimed at filling this gap and implementing a pipeline for construction of a flexible annotation atlas (FAA) of the octopus (O. vulgaris) brain. The workplan include analysis of published works and in-house resources (available at the octopus lab, BEOM Dept, Stazione Zoologica), annotation of serial sections of entire adult octopus’ brain, data on brain structure, digital representation of single areas and ROIs. The produced FAA will be then available as Open Data – implementing FAIR Data Principles – and will help improving the consistency of whole brain ROI definition among laboratories internationally by fulfilling various requests from researchers with its flexibility and reproducibility. The same principles utilized for octopus will be subsequently adopted for other cephalopod species.

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sustainable Marine Biotechnology (Bluebio)

  • Title: Functional characterization of the prostaglandin synthesis pathway in marine microalgae:
    SZN Tutor: Valeria Di Dato
    Department: BluBiotech


Prostaglandins are molecules similar to second messengers and are mainly involved in inflammatory processes resolution as well as in the onset of serious pathologies. Their synthesis and related metabolic pathway have been recently discovered in marine eukaryotic unicellular microalgae. Understanding their role in such simple organisms and the functional regulation mechanisms will help decipher their ecological and physiological role as well as the importance of their conservation during the evolution of the planet.
Approaches used: biochemistry and molecular biology techniques; cell culture techniques; bioinformatics approaches.
Organisms used: marine microalgae (diatoms) and zooplanktonic species.

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  • Title: Comparative study of the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase (COX) in different species of marine microalgae:
    SZN Tutor: Valeria Di Dato
    Department: BluBiotech


In order to transform the production of prostaglandins through marine microalgae into a biotechnological application, the characterization of the chemical-physical and kinetic characteristics of the enzyme necessary for their synthesis, the cyclooxygenase, is crucial to prepare the ground for future application research lines.
Approaches used: biochemistry and molecular biology techniques.
Organisms used: bacteria and marine microalgae (diatoms).

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  • Title: Use of bioinformatic approaches for the identification of the prostaglandin synthesis "pathway" in different marine organisms:
    SZN Tutor: Valeria Di Dato
    Department: BluBiotech


Prostaglandins are molecules involved in inflammatory and pathological processes that have been very well studied in humans. Very interesting has been considered their production in simple marine organisms such as diatoms, unicellular eukaryotic algae. Given the strong interest in marine resources both from an ecological and biotechnological point of view, it is very interesting to expand their research into other marine organisms in order to understand their role both in physiology and in the chemical communication necessary to establish a balance between the various species component the plankton. The new sequencing technologies supported by bioinformatics software are very useful and versatile to be able to perform a wide-spectrum study.
Approaches used: bioinformatics approaches.
Organisms used: marine microalgae and zooplanktonic species.

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  • Title: Molecular insights into the synthetic pathways of secondary metabolites produced by the diatom Thalassiosira rotula:
    SZN Tutor: Valeria Di Dato
    Department: BluBiotech


Marine microalgae in the diatom group are particularly interesting for the production of metabolites deriving from secondary metabolism for adaptation to different climatic conditions. These metabolites mainly perform a defense function and therefore have biological activities that are often interesting for human use in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmeceutical fields. Thalassiosira rotula is a species of diatom present in the Gulf of Naples capable of synthesizing some interesting secondary metabolites. Its genome and transcriptome have been sequenced thus allowing the identification of the pathways responsible for the synthesis of these metabolites. The sequences obtained from genomic and transcriptomic sequencing allow to investigate the activation of these pathways in different conditions through molecular approaches.
Approaches used: techniques of biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology; cell culture techniques; bioinformatics approaches.
Organisms used: Thalassiosira rotula.

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  • Title: Discovery of the pharmacological potential of marine microalgae against telomerase activity in human cancers
    SZN Tutor: Valeria Di Dato
    Department: BluBiotech


Telomeres are special sequences located at the ends of chromosomes whose role is to protect the ends of the DNA from damage. However, after each cell division their size decreases and when their length reaches a critical point, the cells undergo apoptosis and/or senescence. Thus, the length of telomeres can act as a biological clock to determine the life span of a cell and an organism, and their length is determined by an enzyme called telomerase. This enzyme is constitutively turned off in somatic cells, while it is highly active in germ cells allowing their continuous replication. Likewise, telomerase is expressed in approximately 90% of cancer cells, thus allowing for their indefinite proliferation. For this reason, telomerase inhibition may represent a preferred specific target for anticancer therapies. Various natural products, commonly derived from plants, have shown telomerase inhibitory activity and include secondary metabolites such as polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenoids, xanthones, and sesquiterpenes.
Marine eukaryotic microalgae are very important components of phytoplankton able to adapt to all kinds of ecological niches and physicochemical conditions due to a series of secondary metabolites they produce. The project aims to identify microalgae species that produce molecules capable of inhibiting telomerase activity in a set of different cancer cell lines for possible exploitation as an anticancer drug.
Approaches used: techniques of biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, bioinformatics approaches.
Organisms used: diatoms, dinoflagellates.

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  • Title: Screening for the production of biomolecules with antibiofilm properties
    SZN Tutor: Carmen Rizzo
    Department: BLUEBIO, Sicily Marine Centre, Messina


Screening of marine bacterial isolates for antimicrobial activity and production of bioactive molecules with activity inhibiting the formation of biofilms of pathogenic strains. Application of culture approach and molecular techniques for taxonomic identification.

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  • Title: Extraction of chitin and chitosan from fisheries waste
    SZN Tutor: Carmen Rizzo
    Department: BLUEBIO, Sicily Marine Centre, Messina


Isolation of high-value products from under-utilised marine species and waste from fish processing and aquaculture plants in the view of a circular economy and recycling perspective.

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  • Title: Characterisation of microbial communities associated with microplastics in the marine environment
    - SZN Tutor: Carmen Rizzo
    Department: BLUEBIO, Sicily Marine Centre, Messina


Culture-based and molecular approach for the study of microbial communities associated with microplastics (plastisphere) and biotechnological applications for degradative potential.

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Integrated Marine Ecology (EMI):

  • Title: Communities responses to multiple stressors
    Tutor SZN: Manuel Berlino, Maria Cristina Mangano
    Department: EMI, Sicily Marine Centre


Benthic habitats are highly biodiverse, an attribute that makes them energy flow and carbon cycling hotspots. Unfortunately, metabolism dynamics across varying ecosystems and communities are poorly understood, particularly in function of their associated biodiversity (changes/loss) and functionality. The aim of this work is to measure metabolism in situ, and to collect/measure pertinent community and abiotic variables from diverse ecosystems. Thus, to be able to understand the community metabolism across varying habitats’ composition, ecosystem functions and under different stressors presence.
Profile: Biological/Environmental/Natural Sciences degree or equivalent; Proficiency in English; Proven experience in fieldwork (marine); Proven experience in laboratory (biological sciences); Diving certificate(?); Knowledge about biogeochemical cycles in marine environments; Availability to go to the field when necessary; Basic Microsoft Office skills; Ability to work in a team and willingness to learn. The activities will consist of providing support during the different phases of the research: Fieldwork (metabolism measurements of several day cycles, biodiversity and abiotic variables assessment in different ecosystems), laboratory processing of samples and data extraction.

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  • Title: Biological and ecological aspects of deep-sea fish
    Tutor SZN: Pietro Battaglia
    Department: EMI, Sicily Marine Centre


There is still little knowledge on Mediterranean deep-sea fish. The purpose of this project is to investigate some ecological and biological aspects of deep-sea fish species, including growth, age, sexual maturity, and feeding habits. The trainee will gain knowledge about the taxonomy of fish and the methods commonly used to assess the above mentioned aspects. The results will provide a baseline for potential management and conservation policy for the species. The activity will be carried out at the Ichthyology and Fisheries Laboratory of the SZN headquarters in Messina (Sicily Marine Centre).

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  • Title: trophic ecology of cephalopods
    Tutor SZN: Pietro Battaglia e Giorgio Aglieri
    Department: EMI, Sicily Marine Centre


The CIAO MARE project uses several species of cephalopods, having different ecology and lifestyle, as bioindicators of the environmental status of the sea, investigating the effects of pollution and marine litter on the biology, physiology, ecology, and flesh quality of these fishery resources. In this context, the feeding habits of cuttlefish, octopus and loliginid squids are studied through an integrated approach using several complementary techniques: stomach content analysis, isotopic analysis and metabarcoding. The internship activity will be carried out at the Ichthyology and Fisheries Laboratory of the SZN headquarters in Messina (Sicily Marine Centre).

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  • Title: assessment of the impact of microplastic ingestion in cephalopod molluscs
    Tutor SZN: Pierpaolo Consoli
    Department: EMI, Sicily Marine Centre


The impact of human activities has significant consequences on marine biota and the environment due to the presence of various chemical pollutants and marine litter, including microplastics. The internship activity will focus on the study of microplastic ingestion by cephalopods through the analysis of gasto-intestinal tract, using the chemical digestion approach and the identification and characterization of compounds by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The internship activity will be carried out at Messina, SZN Sicily Marine Centre.
Per ulteriori informazioni e disponibilità, contattare: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Title: Integrated taxonomy studies in marine invertebrates
    SZN Tutor: Laura Nunez Pons
    Department: EMI


Research based on the classification of marine invertebrates applying techniques for the morphological description and diagnosis of species identification, and molecular approaches related to DNA barcoding and phylogeny.

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Title: Allelopathy and functional symbioses in marine holobionts
    SZN Tutor: Laura Nunez Pons
    Department: EMI


Studies related to symbiotic interactions taking place in marine ecosystems and their role in organismal health, disease, and acclimatization to the environment via metabolic fluxes of nutrients, defensive compounds and allelochemical mediators.

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Title: Integrative taxonomy as a tool to assess the true biodiversity of the marine biota of the Gulf of Naples (Italy, Mediterranean Sea)
    SZN Tutor: Fabio Crocetta
    Department: EMI


The Mediterranean Sea is one of the most important biodiversity hotspots worldwide. However, many local zoological groups have not been subjected to a deep review based on modern methods. The aim of the project will be to explore the biota of the Gulf of Naples through an integrative taxonomy approach – i.e. a comprehensive framework to delimit and describe taxa by integrating information from ecological, molecular, and morphological data. Data obtained will have important implications in conservation issues, refine phylogenetic relationships and species boundaries, and shed a light on evolutionary lines and cryptic diversity.

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Title: Spore formation in Chaetoceros cultures as a mode of long-term strain-maintenance and storage.
    SZN Tutor: Wiebe Kooistra
    Department: EMI


The candidate exposes monoclonal strains of Chaetoceros species to conditions fostering spore formation, and to determine optimalconditions for survival. If spores are obtained, their ultrastructural details are documented in SEM if this information is not already availablefor the species.

Together with Marina Montresor

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Title: Morphological plasticity of Chaetoceros strains in response to grazing copepods
    SZN Tutor: Wiebe Kooistra
    Department: EMI


Strains of several species of the planktonic diatom Chaetoceros are exposed to grazing copepods. In case the copepods enticephenotypic responses in the diatoms, further experiments unravel if mechanical or biochemical triggers cause the response.

Together with Ylenia Carotenuto.

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Title: Deep-sea mega-benthos of the central Mediterranean Sea.
    SZN Tutor: Frine Cardone
    Department: EMI


The study aims to create an inventory of the Mediterranean deep-sea megabenthos, combining video analysis with morphological/molecular approach of sampled materials.

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Title: Monitoring of microcosms life cycles in controlled environment
    SZN Tutor: Frine Cardone
    Department: EMI


The research aims to evaluate the aquarium rearing performance of rare species by means medium-term monitoring of morphometric parameters.

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Conservation of marine Animals and Public Engagement (CAPE):

  • Title: Management and databasing of the scientific collections of Stazione Zoologica
    Tutor SZN: Paolo Albano
    Department: CAPE


Stazione Zoologica owns an important historical collection of marine organisms, whose enlargement is undergoing due to the contribution of its scientists and acquisitions from third parties. The internship objective is to learn the techniques to handle samples preserved both in liquids or dry, both historical and modern, both in the public exhibits and preserved uniquely for scientific research. Moreover, the intern will learn about the use of specific software for databasing the collection.

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (website https://pgalbano.weebly.com/)

  • Title: Patterns and drivers of native species richness decline in the Eastern Mediterranean
    SZN Tutor: Paolo Albano
    Department: CAPE


The Eastern Mediterranean Sea is under the siege of climate warming, biological invasions, and further local stressors. We quantify today's and historical native Mediterranean and non-indigenous species richness with extensive sampling programs and use multidisciplinary approaches at the interface of marine ecology and paleontology to quantify species loss and identify its main drivers. Furthermore, we use functional trait studies and species distribution models to understand and predict the fate of the Mediterranean in future climate scenarios.

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (website https://pgalbano.weebly.com/)

Research Infrastructures for marine biological resources (RIMAR):

  • Title: Design, construction, and testing of underwater research equipment
    SZN Tutor: Simonepietro Canese
    Department: RIMAR


Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn is seeking a mechanical, manufacturing, or industrial engineering student for a summer internship in our research infrastructure department. The start date and schedule of the internship is flexible, but we are looking for students who can commit 30 to 40 hours per week for a 10-to-12-week period.
Essential Functions: Design, construction and testing of underwater research equipment;

For further information and availability, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MicroscopiaThe laboratory of Microscopy is equipped for the initial observation of microbes (direct diagnostics) in suspension or on substrate and for their identification, preliminary or final.

Cardini NEW

Lab Manager: Ulisse Cardini
Room #303







For reservations please contact the Lab Manager


Available instrumentation
Epifluorescence microscope with camera Zeiss AxioSkop
Fluorescence microscope with camera Zeiss AxioZoom
Biofuge Centrifuge for eppendorfs
CARD-FISH incubation oven


Citometria a flussoThe Flow Cytometry laboratory is equipped for the detection, counting and characterization of suspended microorganisms based on optical properties (scatter and fluorescence). Preparative and ancillary sampling (filtrations, dissection, etc.) is also performed here.

Cardini NEW

Lab Manager: Ulisse Cardini
Room #303







For reservations please contact the Lab Manager


Available instrumentation
FACScalibur cytometer BD BioSciences
Accuri C6 cytometer with onCyt module
CytoSense benchtop cytometer


GeomicrobologiaThe laboratory of Geomicrobiology is equipped for the study of microbial processes that affect biogeochemical cycles. The available instrumentation allows the maintenance of cultures, the preparation of samples for incubation and their analysis for chemical composition, total alkalinity and dissolved gases.

Cardini NEW

Lab Manager: Ulisse Cardini
Room #303







For reservations please contact the Lab Manager


Available instrumentation
Thermostatic cell with illumination
Metrohm automatic titration system
Portable underwater respirometer CISME

Soon available
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Thermostatic cell without illumination
Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometer




ISSNP virtual school: 6th – 8th July 2021

We are glad to announce the 4th edition of the “International Summer School of Natural Products” (ISSNP)

As we are still experiencing Covid19-related restrictions, this edition will switch from physical to virtual school.

The school is designed for PhD students and young researchers and aimed to build up a lively scientific community tackling global challenges in the field of natural products.

Strategical objectives will be focused on interdisciplinary and intersectoral learning, networking and cross collaborations.

A combination of lectures, seminars and interactive sessions will provide an immersive and challenging experience and team-based problem-solving activities will help the participants to be prepared for future research studies in these fields

Applicants will learn from top scientists and professionals

In order to become a leader yourself, it is very important to learn from leaders. ISSNP attracts experts who are typically busy and rarely available during the academic year.

Applicants will be able to network with like-minded colleagues.

ISSNP is built around specific themes and targets students and researchers who have an interest in and enthusiasm for this special subject, Natural Products. Networks will be constructed throughout the 3 days of school activities, during lectures, seminars and interactive sessions, working in-group.

Positive aspects of Virtual Meetings:

• Meeting recordings ensure nothing goes lost
• You can meet on the go from your phone
• You can join from your favourite place
• You can create new workflows
• You can still talk face to face
• It’s easy to collaborate with screen sharing
• A big community online is even bigger

To register visit to the Registration Page for the IV Edition of the International Summer School on Natural Products (ISSNP) at https://www.issnpschool.org/registration/

The programme will be available at the link: issnpschool.org/programme/
Further information is available at the school website: https://www.issnpschool.org/school/


On the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of its foundation, Indena (www.indena.com), in partnership with the International Summer School of Natural Products ISSNP, is pleased to announce the institution of a biennial prize dedicated to the memory of its founder “Biagio Alberto Della Beffa.”

For the first edition of the “Biagio Alberto Della Beffa” Prize, three contest winners will be selected among the next International Summer School of Natural Product edition participants. The prize aims to award and support the professional development of young talented scientists in Natural Product Chemistry.

The prize is directed to Chemists, Pharmacists, and Pharmaceutical Chemists who obtained their MSc after 2018 and are currently attending the 2nd/3rd year of a PhD related to Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The three winners will be awarded a Grant of 5.000,00 €, and they will benefit of a 6-month internship at Indena’s premises, that includes a Managerial course.

The prize will be awarded during the International Summer School on Natural Products, organized among the 6th and the 8th July 2021, signifying a closer collaboration between Industry and Academia.
Kindly feel free to contact us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for any further queries.

Scientific committee

Valeria COSTANTINO, President (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Alessia CASO (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Adele CUTIGNANO (Istituto di chimica biomolecolare, CNR)
Gerardo Della Sala (Stazione Zoologica, Anton Dohrn)
Germana ESPOSITO (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Gabriele FONTANA (Indena)
Roberta MARCHETTI (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Luigi MILELLA (Università degli Studi della Basilicata)
Alberto MINASSI (Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale)
Maria Chiara MONTI (Università degli Studi di Salerno)
Mattia MORI (Università degli Studi di Siena)
Vera MUCCILLI (Università degli Studi di Catania)
Giorgia OLIVIERO (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Daniele PASSARELLA (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Giovanna ROMANO (Stazione Zoologica, Anton Dohrn)
Valentina SEPE (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)

Advisory Board

William GERWICK (Department of Biology and Marine Biology and Center for Marine Science, UNCW)
Mark BRÖNSTRUP (Centre for Drug Research, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki)
Patrícia VALENTÃO (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto).

Rapporti con la Fondazione Dohrn

Sede Napoli – DaDoM
• Fulvia Battiloro

Higher Education

Grant Innovation Office (GIO)



Institutional communication

NO affilations

Albarano L, Zupo V, Caramiello D, Toscanesi M, Trifuoggi M, Guida M, Libralato G, & Costantini M (2021) Sub-Chronic Effects of Slight PAH- and PCB-Contaminated Mesocosms in Paracentrotus lividus Lmk: A Multi-Endpoint Approach and De Novo Transcriptomic. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(13):6674. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22136674

Albarano L, Zupo V, Guida M, Libralato G, Caramiello D, Ruocco N, & Costantini M (2021) PAHs and PCBs Affect Functionally Intercorrelated Genes in the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus Embryos. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(22):12498. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms222212498

Andretta E, Costa C, Longobardi C, Damiano S, Giordano A, Pagnini F, Montagnaro S, Quintiliani M, Lauritano C, & Ciarcia R (2021) Potential Approaches Versus Approved or Developing Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Therapy. Frontiers in Oncology 11(5087). https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2021.801779

Ausuri J, Vitale GA, Coppola D, Palma Esposito F, Buonocore C, & de Pascale D (2021) Assessment of the Degradation Potential and Genomic Insights towards Phenanthrene by Dietzia psychralcaliphila JI1D. Microorganisms 9(6):1327. https://doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9061327

Balzano S, Jamieson T, & Leterme S (2021) Changes in microbial communities during seawater pre-treatment within a desalination plant. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 86:63-68. https://doi.org/10.3354/ame01958

Bazzani E, Lauritano C, Mangoni O, Bolinesi F, & Saggiomo M (2021) Chlamydomonas Responses to Salinity Stress and Possible Biotechnological Exploitation. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9(11):1242. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse9111242

Blasio M & Balzano S (2021) Fatty Acids Derivatives From Eukaryotic Microalgae, Pathways and Potential Applications. Frontiers in Microbiology 12(2689). https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2021.718933/full

Coppola D, Lauritano C, Palma Esposito F, Riccio G, Rizzo C, & de Pascale D (2021) Fish Waste: From Problem to Valuable Resource. Marine Drugs 19(2):116. doi: 10.3390/md19020116.

Dell’Anno F, Rastelli E, Tangherlini M, Corinaldesi C, Sansone C, Brunet C, Balzano S, Ianora A, Musco L, Montereali MR, & Dell’Anno A (2021) Highly Contaminated Marine Sediments Can Host Rare Bacterial Taxa Potentially Useful for Bioremediation. Frontiers in Microbiology 12(326). https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.584850

Di Costanzo F, Di Dato V, van Zyl LJ, Cutignano A, Esposito F, Trindade M, & Romano G (2021) Three Novel Bacteria Associated with Two Centric Diatom Species from the Mediterranean Sea, Thalassiosira rotula and Skeletonema marinoiInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(24):13199.https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms222413199

Giordano D, Corti P, Coppola D, Altomonte G, Xue J, Russo R, di Prisco G, & Verde C (2021). Regulation of globin expression in Antarctic fish under thermal and hypoxic stress. Marine Genomics 57:100831. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margen.2020.100831

Gregorin C, Albarano L, Somma E, Costantini M, Zupo V (2021) Assessing the Ecotoxicity of Copper and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Comparison of Effects on Paracentrotus lividus and Botryllus schlosseri, as Alternative Bioassay Methods. Water 13: 711. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13050711

Horchani M, Della Sala G, Caso A, D’Aria F, Esposito G, Laurenzana I, Giancola C, Costantino V, Jannet HB, & Romdhane A (2021) Molecular Docking and Biophysical Studies for Antiproliferative Assessment of Synthetic Pyrazolo-Pyrimidinones Tethered with Hydrazide-Hydrazones. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(5):2742. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22052742

Jamieson T, Balzano S, Le Lan C, Kildea T, Ellis AV, Brown MH, & Leterme SC (2021) Survival of the fittest: Prokaryotic communities within a SWRO desalination plant. Desalination 514:115152. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2021.115152

Lattaud J, Balzano S, van der Meer MTJ, Villanueva L, Hopmans EC, Sinninghe Damsté JS, & Schouten S (2021) Sources and seasonality of long-chain diols in a temperate lake (Lake Geneva). Organic Geochemistry 156:104223.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2021.104223

Lauritano C & Saide A (2021) Editorial of Special Issue "Microalgal Molecules and Enzymes". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(24):13450. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms222413450

Levy T, Zupo V, Mutalipassi M, Somma E, Ruocco N, Costantini M, Abehsera S, Manor R, Chalifa-Caspi V, Sagi A, & Aflalo ED (2021) Protandric Transcriptomes to Uncover Parts of the Crustacean Sex-Differentiation Puzzle. Frontiers in Marine Science 8(1487). https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.745540

Mutalipassi M, Riccio G, Mazzella V, Galasso C, Somma E, Chiarore A, de Pascale D, & Zupo V (2021) Symbioses of Cyanobacteria in Marine Environments: Ecological Insights and Biotechnological Perspectives. Marine Drugs 19(4):227.  https://doi.org/10.3390/md19040227

Roncalli V, Lauritano C, & Carotenuto Y (2021) First Report of OvoA Gene in Marine Arthropods: A New Candidate Stress Biomarker in Copepods. Marine Drugs 19(11):647. https://doi.org/10.3390/md19110647

Ruocco N, Esposito R, Bertolino M, Zazo G, Sonnessa M, Andreani F, Coppola D, Giordano D, Nuzzo G, Lauritano C, Fontana A, Ianora A, Verde C, Costantini M (2021) A Metataxonomic Approach Reveals Diversified Bacterial Communities in Antarctic Sponges. Marine Drugs 19: 173. https://doi.org/10.3390/md19030173

Ruocco N, Esposito R, Zagami G, Bertolino M, De Matteo S, Sonnessa M, Andreani F, Crispi S, Zupo V, & Costantini M (2021) Microbial diversity in Mediterranean sponges as revealed by metataxonomic analysis. Scientific Reports 11(1):21151.  https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-00713-9

Sabatino V, Orefice I, Marotta P, Ambrosino L, Chiusano ML, d'Ippolito G, Romano G, Fontana A, & Ferrante MI (2021) Silencing of a Pseudo-nitzschia arenysensis lipoxygenase transcript leads to reduced oxylipin production and impaired growth. New Phytologisthttps://doi.org/10.1111/nph.17739

Saide A, Damiano S, Ciarcia R, & Lauritano C (2021) Promising Activities of Marine Natural Products against Hematopoietic Malignancies. Biomedicines 9(6):645. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines9060645

Saide A, Lauritano C, & Ianora A (2021) A Treasure of Bioactive Compounds from the Deep Sea. Biomedicines 9(11):1556. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines9111556

Sardo A, Orefice I, Balzano S, Barra L, & Romano G (2021) Mini-Review: Potential of Diatom-Derived Silica for Biomedical Applications. Applied Sciences 11(10):4533. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11104533

Tedesco P, Palma Esposito F, Masino A, Vitale GA, Tortorella E, Poli A, Nicolaus B, van Zyl LJ, Trindade M, & de Pascale D (2021) Isolation and Characterization of Strain Exiguobacterium sp. KRL4, a Producer of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites from a Tibetan Glacier. Microorganisms 9(5):890. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9050890.

Teta R, Sala GD, Esposito G, Stornaiuolo M, Scarpato S, Casazza M, Anastasio A, Lega M, & Costantino V (2021) Monitoring Cyanobacterial Blooms during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Campania, Italy: The Case of Lake Avernus. Toxins 13(7):471. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins13070471

Funari V, Gomes HI, Coppola D, Vitale GA, Dinelli E, de Pascale D, & Rovere M (2021) Opportunities and threats of selenium supply from unconventional and low-grade ores: A critical review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 170:105593.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105593

Zou Y, Tortorella E, Robbens J, Heyndrickx M, Debode J, De Pascale D, & Raes K (2021) Bioactivity Screening of Hydrolysates From Brown Crab Processing Side Streams Fermented by Marine Pseudoalteromonas Strains. Waste and Biomass Valorization 12(5):2459-2468. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12649-020-01195-y

Zannella C, Giugliano R, Chianese A, Buonocore C, Vitale GA, Sanna G, Sarno F, Manzin A, Nebbioso A, Termolino P, Altucci L, Galdiero M, de Pascale D, & Franci G (2021) Antiviral Activity of Vitis vinifera Leaf Extract against SARS-CoV-2 and HSV-1. Viruses 13(7):1263. doi: 10.3390/v13071263.

Annunziata R, Balestra C, Marotta P, Ruggiero A, Manfellotto F, Benvenuto G, Biffali E, Ferrante MI (2021) An optimised method for intact nuclei isolation from diatoms. Scientific Reports 11: 1681. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-81238-z

Basso L, Papadia P, Rizzo L, Migoni D, Fanizzi FP, & Piraino S (2021) Trace Metals Do Not Accumulate Over Time in The Edible Mediterranean Jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) from Urban Coastal Waters. Water 13(10):1410. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13101410

Carbonne C, Teixidó N, Moore B, Mirasole A, Guttierez T, Gattuso J-P, & Comeau S (2021). Two temperate corals are tolerant to low pH regardless of previous exposure to natural CO2 vents. Limnology and Oceanographyhttps://doi.org/10.1002/lno.11942

Carlot J, Kayal M, Lenihan HS, Brandl SJ, Casey JM, Adjeroud M, Cardini U, Merciere A, Espiau B, Barneche DR, Rovere A, Hédouin L, Parravicini V (2021) Juvenile corals underpin coral reef carbonate production after disturbance. Global Change Biology n/a.  https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15610

D’Ambra I, Merquiol L, Graham WM, & Costello JH (2021) “Indirect development” increases reproductive plasticity and contributes to the success of scyphozoan jellyfish in the oceans. Scientific Reports 11(1):18653. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-98171-w

De Luca D, Kooistra WHCF, Sarno D, Biffali E, Piredda R (2021) Empirical evidence for concerted evolution in the 18S rDNA region of the planktonic diatom genus ChaetocerosScientific Reports 11: 807. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-80829-6

De Luca D, Piredda R, Sarno D, Kooistra WHCF (2021) Resolving cryptic species complexes in marine protists: phylogenetic haplotype networks meet global DNA metabarcoding datasets. The Isme Journal. doi.org/10.1038/s41396-021-00895-0

Di Genio S, Gaglioti M, Meneghesso C, Barbieri F, Cerrano C, Gambi MC (2021) Phenology and ecology of the alien seagrass Halophila stipulacea in its northern range limit in the Mediterranean Sea. Aquatic Botany 168: 103304. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquabot.2020.103304

Dittami SM, Arboleda E, Auguet J, Bigalke A, Briand E, Cárdenas P, Cardini U, Decelle J, Engelen AH, Eveillard D, Gachon CMM, Griffiths SM, Harder T, Kayal E, Kazamia E, Lallier FH, Medina M, Marzinelli EM, Morganti TM, Núñez Pons L, Prado S, Pintado J, Saha M, Selosse M, Skillings D, Stock W, Sunagawa S, Toulza E, Vorobev A, Leblanc C, Not F. (2021) A community perspective on the concept of marine holobionts: current status, challenges, and future directions. PeerJ 9:e10911 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.10911

Lobban, C.S., Majewska, R., Ashworth, M., Bizsel, N., Bosak, S., Kooistra, W.H.C.F., Lam, D.W., Nelson-Navarro, J., Pennesi, C., Sato, S., Van de Vijver, B., Witkowski, A. (2021). Diatom genus Hyalosira (Rhabdonematales emend.) and resolution of its polyphyly in Grammatophoraceae and Rhabdonemataceae with a new genus, Placosira, and five new Hyalosira species. Protist. 172: 125816 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.protis.2021.125816

Malkin, S. and Cardini, U. (2021), Facilitative interactions on the rise: cable bacteria associate with diverse aquatic plants. New Phytolhttps://doi.org/10.1111/nph.17664

Mammone M, Ferrier-Pagés C, Lavorano S, Rizzo L, Piraino S, Rossi S (2021) High photosynthetic plasticity may reinforce invasiveness of upside-down zooxanthellate jellyfish in Mediterranean coastal waters. Plos One 16: e0248814. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0248814

Marzocchi U, Bonaglia S, Zaiko A, Quero GM, Vybernaite-Lubiene I, Politi T, Samuiloviene A, Zilius M, Bartoli M, Cardini U (2021) Zebra Mussel Holobionts Fix and Recycle Nitrogen in Lagoon Sediments. Frontiers in Microbiology 11: 610269. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.610269

Murano C, Donnarumma V, Corsi I, Casotti R, & Palumbo A (2021) Impact of Microbial Colonization of Polystyrene Microbeads on the Toxicological Responses in the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividusEnvironmental Science & Technology 55(12):7990-8000. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.1c00618

Mutalipassi M, Riccio G, Mazzella V, Galasso C, Somma E, Chiarore A, de Pascale D, & Zupo V (2021) Symbioses of Cyanobacteria in Marine Environments: Ecological Insights and Biotechnological Perspectives. Marine Drugs 19(4):227.  https://doi.org/10.3390/md19040227

Palomba M, Mattiucci S, Crocetta F, Osca D, Santoro M (2021) Insights into the role of deep-sea squids of the genus Histioteuthis (Histioteuthidae) in the life cycle of ascaridoid parasites in the Central Mediterranean Sea waters. Scientific Reports 11: 7135. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-86248-5

Palomba M, Santoro M, Alburqueque RA, Cipriani P, Mattiucci S (2021) First molecular detection of the parasites Molicola uncinatus and Hepatoxylon trichiuri (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) infecting the silver scabbardfish Lepidopus caudatus from the Central Mediterranean Sea: Implications for the seafood quality and safety. Food Control 122: 107807. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107807

Politi T, Barisevičiūte R, Bartoli M, Bonaglia S, Cardini U, Castaldelli G, Kančauskaitė A, Marzocchi U, Petkuviene J, Samuiloviene A, Vybernaite-Lubiene I, Zaiko A, Zilius M (2021) A bioturbator, a holobiont, and a vector: The multifaceted role of Chironomus plumosus in shaping N-cycling. Freshwater Biology n/a.

Retelletti Brogi S, Casotti R, Misson B, Balestra C, Gonnelli M, Vestri S, Santinelli C (2021) DOM Biological Lability in an Estuarine System in Two Contrasting Periods. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9: 172. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse9020172

Rizzo L, Fiorillo I, Rossi S. (2021). Seasonal trends of the polyp expansion and nutritional condition of Alcyonium acaule (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea) PeerJ 9:e12032 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.12032

Roncalli V, Lauritano C, & Carotenuto Y (2021) First Report of OvoA Gene in Marine Arthropods: A New Candidate Stress Biomarker in Copepods. Marine Drugs 19(11):647. https://doi.org/10.3390/md19110647

Rossi S, Rizzo L (2021) The Importance of Food Pulses in Benthic-Pelagic Coupling Processes of Passive Suspension Feeders. Water 13: 997. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13070997

Roveta C, Annibaldi A, Afghan A, Calcinai B, Di Camillo CG, Gregorin C, Illuminati S, Pulido Mantas T, Truzzi C, Puce S (2021) Biomonitoring of Heavy Metals: The Unexplored Role of Marine Sessile Taxa. Applied Sciences 11: 580. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11020580

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