The Department of Research Infrastructures for marine biological resources (RIMAR) provides high technology services and access to infrastructure and research platforms to the national and international scientific community, as well as support third mission activities such as third-party contracts

Studies the fundamental biological mechanisms that allow animals to deal with the challenges of Life on Earth.

The Stazione Zoologica conducts its research through an integrated and interdisciplinary approach.
In addition to the activities of basic research, the Zoological Station, in line with its mission and tradition provides activities to support applied research and environmental consultancy in the marine area.

All research activities are conducted within the framework of programs and research projects divided into the following categories:

  • Institutional research, whereby the Zoological leads activities under the flagship projects that have not been financed by external funds; 
  • International Projects, conducted with European fundings managed by the European Commission; 
  • National Strategic Projects, funded by Ministries and National, regional and local authorities;
  • Research Contracts, upon request of public and private authorities.

The activities of technology transfer (TT) at the Stazione Zoologica are focused on development of patents enabling the exploitation and transfer of knowledge (ToK) and its application in ameliorating environmental protection and the quality of human life.  At the SZN the TT activities contribute to the promotion of economic, social and cultural advancements.
The Stazione Zoologica has launched a policy of development and promotion of its intangible assets by strengthening the activities of assessment, marketing, and protection of intellectual property rights of inventions and results achieved in the framework of research and development projects, internal or funded by public or private institutions or by companies.

The main activities are:

  • Management and licensing of patents;
  • Promotion of research results by participating and/or hosting spin-off companies;
  • Promotion of industrial partnerships to exploit the research and analysis expertise;
  • Promotion of industrial partnerships to exploit the results of research activities;
  • Mediation between scientific, business and institutional interests.

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