PON01_02093 Study of new technologies and technological platforms for the improvement of production processes of active pharmaceutical ingredients of industrial interest and search for new bioactive molecules from natural sources


Sanofi-Aventis S.p.A.


36 months


natural medicines, chemotherapy, microalgae

ERC sectors

LS7_3, LS9_9

Summary of the project

The overall objective of the project is the study and application of advanced and innovative technologies for the  improvement of productive processes of pharmaceutical industry and the search for new molecules with potential pharmacological activity in the anti-infective, anti- cancer and anti-inflammatory field.
The first research line of the project will study the most innovative aspects of technologies of microbiology and genetics of producer strains.
The second research line will study the possibility to identify new products as candidates of potential pharmaceutical interest in the fields of anti-infectives and more generally in cancer and chronic-degenerative diseases connected with ageing, with particular attention to inflammation role. These activities will be focused on the search for new substances of pharmacological interest by screening extracts from microorganisms and / or aquatic organisms and on the characterization of their beneficial and anti-infection properties.
The project will allow the maintenance of a high scientific and technological concentration of great innovative potential characterized by an organic collaboration between industrial and academic researchers.

Description of activities

The project is divided into two lines, each divided into four development objectives (OR) according to the following scheme:
OR 1.1 - Genetic Improvement / genomic technologies
OR 1.2 - Genetic Improvement / Strain improvement
OR 1.3 - Physiology of fermentation
OR 1.4 - Extraction / Purification
OR 2.1 - New methods for the search of bioactive molecules by microorganisms
OR 2.2 - Summary of chemical derivatives of mature products
OR 2.3 - Identification of target and natural compounds relevant to cancer diseases, and chronic degenerative diseases associated with aging
OR 2.4 - Screening and characterization of extracts from marine organisms
The Zoological Station will be involved in the following activities:
OR 2.4 - Screening and characterization of extracts from marine organisms
The purpose of this Objective is the identification of new active principles with antimicrobial and / or antitumor and / or protective activity against neurodegeneration and / or aging. To achieve this goal the Zoological Station will perform the following activities:
ARI 2.4.1 - Identification of bodies from which to extract the active ingredients and their collection
Will be identified already known that microalgae can be a source of active ingredients with antimicrobial activity, antitumor, antineurodegenerativa, anti-aging. The selection will be made on the basis of their environmental activities.
ARI 2.4.2 - Extraction and sample preparation
Each species of microalgae will be cultivated to SZN so as to obtain a sufficient biomass for the extraction of small molecules by the Institute of CNR of Biomolecular Chemistry (ICB-CNR) as a third party custodial .. Once you have identified the active fractions from the other partners will identify molecule chemistry by the ICB and production in the SZN algae that produce these molecules.

Expected Results

Identification of at least one product that has the characteristics to be evaluated as a new "lead candidate" (New Product).

Time charts

PON 02093 timechart

Table 1 Costs

CostiValoreDurata mesi
Spese di personale totale 360.000 36
Costi consulenza tot 225.000 36
Altri costi esercizio totali 160.000 36
Spese generali 180.000 36

Table 2 Personnel SZN

NominativoQualificaMonte ore tot
per persona
Durata mesi
Ianora Adrianna Senior Researcher 5,5 36
Romano Giovanna Researcher 8 36
Esposito Francesco Technologist 8 36
Palumbo Flora Cter 8 36
Perna Massimo Cter 8 36
Tecn 1 temp det Technologist 22 24
Cter 1 tempo det Cter 22 24
Totale ore   82 36


Project financed in the framework of PON R&C 2007-2013 - PAC Enhancement of public research infrastructures

Coordinator Raffaella Casotti

The project concerns the enhancement of research infrastructures for marine environment located in the Convergence Regions Sicily, Campania and Puglia, where the sea is a primary opportunity of development. The project, called EMSO‐MedIT is the Italian contribution to the consolidation in the above mentioned regions of the European research infrastructure EMSO, which, within the context
of EMSO‐MedIT, is in synergy with the other ESFRI coordinated by Italy (KM3NeT and EMBRC) and the Italian initiative for marine research RITMARE.
The actions foreseen will be carried out according to the following objectives:

1) enhancement of marine infrastructures and of scientific and technological facilities to strengthenand expand the network for multidisciplinary monitoring of coastal, deep and the water column
marine environment;

2) networking of all existing and enhanced infrastructures for the transmission in real‐time/near‐realtimeintegrating the data from fixed and relocatable observing systems;

3) establishment of a mobile system of intervention to be used for monitoring campaigns at sites ofstrategic interest or in the case of environmental emergencies.

The network of monitoring infrastructures will be further enhanced through the creation of anexchange information system that will enable the sharing of the large amounts of data, providing access to a large community of Italian and foreign users.

Our role: We are partners of the project and in charge of the WP2 "Strengthening of Campania", together with INGV for the Gulf of Pozzuoli. The expansion includes the acquisition of different oceanographic instrumentation, including a WaveGlider, an ROV, and various sensors, but mainly two buoys type elastic beacon to locate in the Gulf of Naples and Gulf of Pozzuoli for the real-time monitoring and data transmission to the control center of physical and biological environmental data.
Partners: National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Anton Dohrn Zoological Station (SZN), National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), the National Research Center (CNR), National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA)


Financed by the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin 2007/2013 Program of the European Union
Scientific Responsible Raffaella Casotti

The project aims to provide the necessary technical and organizational support, especially to small and medium-sized enterprises (existing and potential) that operate in the food sector and in other traditional sectors of tourism, to promote coordinated actions aimed at increasing the share revenue from tourism which benefits the economies of the countries of the Mediterranean. The main result of the project is the creation of new business activities related to sustainable tourism in four coastal areas with significant natural and cultural resources and the strengthening of alliances with companies through the adoption of an approach to public / private management, quality standards and incentive systems that are coupled objectives of economic development with the protection and enhancement of natural / cultural heritage.

In addition, the project will create an international network of sustainable coastal tourism destinations in the Mediterranean Sea basin as a place for the development of common methodologies during project implementation and in the long run such as monitoring and promotional platform owned by local users, national and scientific and open to new subjects, that could spur further development of sustainable coastal tourism on the Mediterranean route.

We are partners in the project and our role is to create the environmental monitoring system of the three sites in order to a) provide real-time data on environmental conditions b) raise awareness among visitors to environmental issues, spreading the sceintific culture through actions such as "citizen science" c) train tourism operators so that they are aware of the environmental value of their sites and participate in their development and conservation

Partners: the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (coordinator), the Sinis Peninsula (Sardinia), the Zoological Station Anton Dohrm, the city of Mahdia (Tunisia) and the National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology of Tunisia , the Al-Balqa Applied University and the Marine Protected Area of Aqaba (Jordan)

IRMA: Implementation and Remote Connection for Real Time Moniotoring of Marine Microorganisms

Funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Education (MIUR)
Scientific Coordinator Raffaella Casotti

This project proposes to use a prototype for the automatic, continuous staining of bacteria for the in situ high frequency monitoring (several times a day, up to every 30 min). This instrument will complement the tools already available to SZN for the monitoring of photosynthetic microorganisms, allowing the definition in close temporal and spatial scale of the microbial compartment. We will study the feasibility of use on sampling boats, even without any technical supervision and, in the long term, on buoys. The data produced will provide useful information on the microbial dynamics at very small time scale in several coastal sites. The final product will be a demonstrator of multiparameter monitoring station that transmits environmental data from different sources in real time, operated remotely, helping to build an early warning system for environmental risk

Our role in the project is to coordinate actions and to test, calibrate and validate the prototype

Partners: SZN, CytoBuoy bv (Holland, George Dubelaar), Eawag (Switzerland, Frederick Hammes), CNRS- MIO (France, Gérald Grégori, Melilotus Thyssen, Michel Denis), INGV (Italian, Giovanni Iannaccone, Sergio Guardato)


The DiaEdit project, Development of genetic tools for the establishment of routine genome editing in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, is part of the initiative “Increasing the Potential of Marine Microeukaryotes as Experimental Model Systems through the Development of Genetic Tools” promoted by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
The recent development of genetic tools for targeted genome editing of diatoms constitutes a great opportunity for the characterization of molecular processes in these ecologically important algae. Genome editing technologies in diatoms, however, are still in their infancy regarding their routine application. Targeted mutagenesis in diatoms is challenging because of their mostly diploid state and the current lack of efficient homologous recombination.
In this project we propose to enlarge knowledge and tools for genome editing in the molecular model species Phaeodactylum tricornutum, an essential requirement to transfer these technologies to other diatoms. We plan to develop and/or validate three different approaches for genome editing: a TALEN-based approach, the utilization of CRISPR/Cas9 and a viral integrase system.

What we do

SZN is involved in Task 4 "Control of nuclease expression", aimed at the improvement of the specificity of action and expression of the nuclease used to modify the genome. This will be done mainly by identifying promoters that can allow fine control of the nuclease expression. NGS (next generation sequencing) will be used to assess the level of specificity of the chosen system by re-sequencing engineered clones.


SZN; Universitè Pierre et Marie Curie Paris, France; University of Konstanz, Germany; Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway; Tel Aviv University, Israel; Biological Systems and Biochemical Engineering Laboratory INSA/CNRS, France.

Research Area

Functional Genomics, Marine Biotechnology

Project Lifetime

October 2015 - September 2017

SZN Role


SZN Principal Investigator

Mariella Ferrante

Project Leader

Angela Falciatore, UPMC

Funding Institution

The Marine Microbiology Initiative funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (USA).

Dedicated website

Under construction

Personnel involved

Mariella Ferrante, Principal investigator
Monia Russo, Senior Post-doc

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