HighGrass - High-CO2 effects on seagrass photosynthetic ecophysiology


The atmospheric concentration of CO2 has been steeply increasing since the beginning of the industrial era. The oceans are responsible for taking up around 25% of the anthropogenic CO2 emitted into the atmosphere, but in this process the seawater chemistry is being altered, with the increase of total dissolved inorganic carbon (Ci) and the decrease of pH. At present, very little is known on the potential effects that these changes may have on seagrass biology and ecology, despite the fact that these plants are among the world's most productive marine ecosystems, with a very high ecological and economical importance (Costanza et al. 1997). A major impact is likely to occur at the photosynthetic carbon acquisition level. On the current state of the art, major uncertainties still persist concerning the operation of the fundamental processes of light harvesting and carbon acquisition in seagrasses. Much of these gaps are related to the fact that, although seagrasses are angiosperms, some of the physiological mechanisms and pathways of light harvesting and carbon acquisition are not identical to those found in their terrestrial counterparts, neither to those used by macroalgae inhabiting similar aquatic environments. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the operation of these mechanisms is a pre-requisite for further research aiming to predict the effects of a high-CO2 environment on seagrass physiology, productivity, distribution and ecosystem function. While it is commonly assumed that seagrass photosynthetic rates will respond positively to a high-CO2 scenario (Hellblom et al. 2001), the few published studies on this subject are not consensual, showing diverse responses and lacking physiological insights and explanations for the observed results. On the other hand, studies conducted in natural CO2 vents revealed that seagrasses have adapted to live under permanently high CO2 levels (Hall-Spencer et al. 2008) and are able to exploit CO2 of volcanic origin (Vizzini et al. 2010). Nevertheless, little information is still available on the effects of more diffuse and stable release of hydrothermal CO2 on seagrass productivity.
The first step in our research will be to solve critical knowledge gaps regarding the operation of the fundamental physiological processes of light harvesting and carbon acquisition in seagrasses. The next step will be to determine, in controlled mesocosm conditions, the short and long-term effects of high CO2 exposure on the operation of these two processes. Finally, we shall investigate how seagrasses growing in the vicinity of natural CO2 venting sites have adapted to long-lasting high CO2 conditions, under both high- and low-light regimes. To address this sequential set of objectives, we shall use an innovative combination of ecophysiological tools, coupled to genomics and proteomics techniques in a multilevel approach, from genes to the whole-plant level.

SZN role

Participant Institution for the genetic characterization of seagrass species in situ and in mesocosms experiment and for assessment of gene expression in situ and controlled conditions.


University of Algarve, Portugal; Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy; University of Palermo, Italy; University of Calabria, Italy

Project lifetime


P. I.

Gabriele Procaccini
Project coordinator: Joao Silva (University of Algarve, Portugal)

Funding Institution

Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior - Portugal

PALEOPARK – Seagrass palaeo-records as a tool for the evaluation, diagnosis and prognosis of the evolution of species, communities, and processes in Spanish insular National Parks


Change in the ecosystems occurs at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Discriminating between real state changes, cycles, and trends, is often difficult or not possible without the adequate time perspective. For this reason, long, detailed, and reliable series of data of relevant ecosystem functional and structural variables, are a central priority for natural reserves managers. Long-term series can be generated from monitoring programs or sought in human, biological, or geological records. Monitoring programs can provide detailed and high-quality information but because of their costly implementation they are often denied by the administrations or drastically limited to a few variables. When the right record is found, modern palaeo-reconstruction techniques can provide an extraordinary wealth of qualitative and quantitative information on environmental and biological features of the ecosystems along very long periods of time and with remarkable time resolution. High human population densities along the coasts of the world, are resulting in constant and intense impact on coastal environments. Paleo-reconstructions can provide valuable insights on these impacts and on the responses of the ecosystems. However, accurate paleo-records in exposed coastal environments are very rare, what has prevented this field of science to develop in such zones. Exceptionally, the endemic Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica has been found to be an accurate and patient observer of the past natural history of our coasts. Within its highly anoxic peat-like sedimentary deposits, the meadow stores information encompassing, at least, the last ca. 6000 years with a resolution ranging from 1 to 10 yr cm-1. The only other environments where appropriate paleo-records can be found are coastal lagoons. The sheltered condition of these systems, often colonized by species of the genus Zostera, allows the establishment of chronological coherent sedimentary records due to the relatively low hydrodynamism. The peat-like paleo-record formed by P. oceanica, has been found to hold a remarkable stock of carbon in the organic form. In a warming planet, the conservation and enhancement of efficient carbon sinks has become a priority as a help to offsetting the rise in atmospheric CO2. This project proposes 1. to take advantage of these palaeo-records as a tool to characterize the evolution, health state and prognosis, of species, communities, and processes in Spanish insular National Parks (Illas Atlánticas and Cabrera Archipelagos Maritime-Terrestrial National Parks), as driven by humanization and other major environmental stressors and 2. to assess and price the carbon stocks and fluxes associated to the P. oceanica sedimentary record. Both objectives use the same ‘object’ of study and share exactly the same methodology. The objectives will be achieved by the participation of an international consortium of a dozen of research groups that will study geological, chemical, micropaleontological, molecular, genetic, palinological, and isotopic proxies, together with archaeological and historical information. These proxies will provide the managers with information on background levels (pre-anthropic), disambiguation between human and natural derived impacts, identification of ecosystems change patterns (cycles, extreme events, and trends), or quantification of the effects of CO2 rise (sea surface warming and acidification), among many other features.

SZN role

Participant Institution for the analysis of fossil/sub-fossil DNA.


CSIC, Spain; University of Barcelona, Spain; Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain; University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; University Politécnica de Cataluña, Spain; Brunel University, UK; SZN, Italy; University of Western Australia, Australia; NIOZ, The Netherlands; Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssic, Spain

Project lifetime


P. I.

Gabriele Procaccini
Project coordinator: Miguel Ángel Mateo Mínguez (CEAB-CSIC, Spain)

Funding Institution

Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentacion y Medio Ambiente - Spain


Multidisciplinarity training in evo-devo and neurobiology of marine animal models


Neptune is a multidisciplinary training network in evo-devo and neurobiology of marine animal models. Through the use of advanced methods of genetic analysis and imaging technologies, Neptune aims at solving an array of important questions in the evolution, development, neurobiology and ecology of marine invertebrates.
Neptune is training a new generation of young researchers by combining the strengths of modern technologies with a real understanding of traditional approaches. The Neptune consortium involves seven academic institutions and one industrial partner that will provide Neptune fellows with expertise, specialized equipment and training on a wide range of approaches and methodologies incorporated in evolutionary developmental biology and marine neurobiology.

What we do

We are one of the seven partners and are contributing to the WP "Evolution of sensory systems" by studying photoreceptor evolution in echinoderms and hemichordates (Ambulacraria).


European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg - DE; Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napoli – IT; Uppsala University, Uppsala – SE; Max Plank Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübigen – DE; University College London, London – UK; Sars International Center for Marine Molecular Biology, Bergen – NO; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Villefranches sur mer, Lion - FR; Associate industrial partner: ZEISS.

Research Area

Organismal Biology

Project Lifetime

March 2013 to February 2017

SZN Role


Principal Investigator

Maria I. Arnone

Funding Institution

European Commission, FP7 Call for Proposal: FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN
Marie Curie Action - Initial Training Network (ITN)
Grant no. 317172

Contribution to SZN

€302.697,45 (EU contribution)

Dedicated website


Media - Pictures

Neptune facebook group



Valero-Gracia A, Petrone L, Oliveri P, Nilsson DE, Arnone MI. Non-directional Photoreceptors in the Pluteus of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (2016) 4, 127.

D’Aniello S, Delroisse J, Valero-Gracia A, Lowe EK, Byrne M, Cannon JT, Halanych KM, Elphick MR, Mallefet J, Kaul-Strehlow S, Lowe CJ, Flammang P, Ullrich-Lüter E, Wanninger A and Arnone MI (2015). Opsin evolution in the Ambulacraria. Marine Genomics, 24: 177-183.

Ullrich-Lüter E, D’Aniello S and Arnone MI (2013). C-opsin expressing photoreceptors in echinoderms. Integr Comp Biol 53: 27-38.

Peterson KJ, Su Y-H, Arnone MI, Swalla B, and King B (2013). microRNAs Support the Monophyly of Enteropneust Hemichordates. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol 320: 368-374.

Meet the team

Maria I. Arnone, primo ricercatore
Alberto Valero Gracia, PhD student

RECCAM - Seagrass Meadows resilience to global warming: an analysis based on responses at  ecophysiological, population and ecosystem levels


Climatic change is supposed to cause significant alterations in the global environment, with clear and specific effects in the oceans. The Mediterranean Sea is an excellent model for the study of such effects on marine ecosystems. Seagrass meadows, and specifically those dominated by Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa, are amongst the most threatened and relevant Mediterranean habitats. This project is aimed at contributing to the understanding of the main response mechanisms of these key habitats to global warming, probably the main component of climate change.To this end, we have focused the problem through three major approaches, relatively unexplored so far but crucial to achieve a proper knowledge of the impacts of temperature rising. First, we will study the physiological tolerance of Mediterranean seagrass species to thermal stress. Second, we will evaluate the influence of warming on herbivorism. Third, we will analyse the interactions between climatic change and other stressors, in particular eutrophication and mechanical disturbances.

SZN role

Participant Institution for the genetic characterization of seagrass species in mesocosms experiment and for assessment of gene expression in controlled conditions.


University of Barcelona, Spain; Spanish Oceanographic Institute (IEO), Spain; Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy; CSIC-CEAB, Spain

Project lifetime


P. I.

Gabriele Procaccini 
Project coordinator: Javier Romero Martinengo (University of Barcelona, Spain)

Funding Institution

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) - Spain

Contribution to SZN

€ 16.000


Gut patterning and PANcreas development in evolution and disease: a TRAnsCriptomic approach


Many genes that have been shown to cause diseases were originally identified because of their role in embryonic development, but were subsequently shown to be also important in the postnatal control of cell growth and differentiation. This is the case of many transcription factors (TF) among which the ParaHox gene Xlox, whose mammalian homolog, Pdx1, is well known for its role in specification of the pancreas, and subsequent formation and maintenance of pancreatic beta-cells. Pdx1 is a causal factor in the development of diabetes, wherein there is a deficiency in insulin production of beta-cells within the pancreas. Moreover, mis-expression of Pdx1 is commonly seen in intestinal disorders such as Crohn’s disease. Here we propose to combine analyses in the highly simple but phylogenetically relevant sea urchin embryo and sea star embryo models with developmentally targeted mouse transcriptome data to characterize regulatory connections that are downstream of the disease-related Xlox/Pdx1 transcription factor.

What we do

We are coordinator of the project and Operating unit SZN and will perform all manipulations and analyses in sea urchin and sea star embryos and all bioinformatic analyses and evolutionary comparisons.


Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napoli; Laboratorio di Medicina Molecolare e Genomica, Università degli Studi di Salerno.

Research Area

Organismal Biology

Project Lifetime

April 2014 to December 2015

SZN Role


Principal Investigator

Maria I. Arnone

Funding Institution

MIUR Progetti Premiali (DLGS 213/99)

Contribution to SZN

€169.143,00 (MIUR contribution)


Annunziata R and Arnone MI (2014). A dynamic network of regulatory interactions explains ParaHox gene control of gut patterning in the sea urchin embryo. Development 141: 2462-72.

Perillo M, Wang YJ, Leach SD and Arnone MI. Specification and differentiation of pancreatic, acinar-like cells in the sea urchin embryo and larva. Submitted to Development.

Meet the team

Maria I. Arnone, primo ricercatore
Rossella Annunziata, postdoc
Claudia Cuomo, PhD student
Elijah Lowe, postdoc

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