Researchers and technologists - Closed Calls

Public selection based on examination of qualifications and interview for the recruitment of a Researcher (fixed-term contract) - III professional level, for the study and understanding of the effects of environmental change due to multiple anthropogenic factors on planktonic communities, linked to the EU-funded AtlantEco and Marco Bolo projects

Deadline August 4, 2023 at 1 pm

Approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubblicato il 30.01.2024)

Albo Prova orale

CALENDARIO prova orale ed elenco candidati ammessi

Estratto Verbale 1

CV Dr. Annalisa Fierro

CV Prof. D. Giovannelli

CV Prof. S. S. Suweis

Nomina Commissione

Call for selection

Public call for the recruitment of one Technologist - III professional level. The call for a fixed-term contract of 3-yrs duration is based on examination of qualifications and interview on the subject: History of Science and of scientific thinking for the enhancement of the historical documents of the Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn” – Naples.

Deadline 18.1.2021 at 1 pm

Approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (published on October 19, 2021)


Calendario prove orali

Elenco Ammessi e non Ammessi alle prove orali

Rettifica decreto Sotituzione Segretario

Sostituzione Segretario

Sostituzione Segretario

Estratto Verbale 1 Bando 21-2020

CV Roberto Bassi

CV Silvia Caianiello

CV Sabina Leonelli

Nomina commissione

Call for Selection


Updated on 19.10.2021

The candidates have to physically participate in the written tests. The telepresence is not allowed.

The candidates coming from abroad, can come to Italy without having to put themselves in mandatory self-isolation. In this regard, read the official website of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in particular the part in which it has been written that for persons travelling to Italy for a short stay (72 hours, extendable for justified reasons up to 120 hours in total) for proven work, urgent or health reasons, the mandatory self-isolation is not required. The participation in a public competition is certainly one of the reasons for work.
As for oral tests and commissions, participation can be remote.

New Deadline


New Deadline 1 pm - 7.02.2020

Diario Prove Scritte

Elenco ammessi prove scritte

CV Livio Favaro

CV Letizia Marsili

CV Sandro Mazzariol

Nomina Commissione (published on August 3rd, 2020)


Call for Selection


Updated on September 17, 2020

Public competition based on examination of qualifications, exams and interview for the recruitment of two Researchers (permanent position) - III professional level. The topic of the call is: "Marine Biology and Ecology"

Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 85 del 25/10/2019

Deadline November 25, 2019

Approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubblicato il 29.7.2020)

Esito esame-colloquio

Nuova modalità espletamento prova orale (pubblicato il 23.6.2020)

Rettifica Elenco candidati ammessi/non ammessi alla prova orale

Accesso agli Atti

Calendario Prova Orale

Elenco candidati ammessi/non ammessi alla prova orale

Calendario Prove Scritte

CV Silvia Bianchelli

CV Giulia Ceccherelli

CV Emanuela Fanelli

Sostituzione membro rinunciatario

Nomina Commissione

Call for Selection

Submit application - How to fill in the online form


Updated on July 29, 2020

public competition based on examination of qualifications, exams and interview for the recruitment of one Researcher (permanent position) - III professional level, in Systems Biology.

Deadline 27/12/2018

Scorrimento graduatoria (pubblicato il 24 settembre 2019)

Determina approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubblicato 11 giugno 2019)


Diario Prove Scritte

CV Daniela Corda

CV Silvia Perotto

CV Graziano Pesole

Decreto sostituzione membro commissione esaminatrice bando 32_2018

Decreto Rettifica Nomina Commissione esaminatrice bando 32_2018

Decreto Nomina Commissione

Call for Selection

Submit application - How to fill in the online form

Public competition based on evaluation of titles and qualifications, exams and interview for the recruitment of one Researcher (permanent position) - III professional level.  The topic of the call is: “Neurophysiology of Marine Organisms”.

Deadline December 6, 2018

Scorrimento graduatoria (Pubblicato in data 28.10.2019)

Determina approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (Pubblicato in data 06 agosto 2019)


Diario Prova Orale

Diario Prove Scritte

CV Igor Branchi

CV Patrizia Fattori

CV Alessandro Vercelli

Decreto nomina commissione esaminatrice

Call for Selection

Submit application - How to fill in the online form

Public competition based on examination of qualifications, exams and interview for the recruitment of two Researchers (permanent position) - III professional level. The topic of the call is: "Molecular and Functional Marine Ecology"

Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 87 del 2/11/2018

Deadline November 22, 2018

Approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubblicato il 25 luglio 2019)

Accesso agli atti

Diario Prova Orale

Diario Prove Scritte

Decreto Nomina Commissione Esaminatrice

Call for Selection

Submit application - How to fill in the online form

Public competition based on examination of qualifications, exams and interview for the recruitment of one Researcher (permanent position) - III professional level. The topic of the call is: "Cellular and Developmental Biology in Marine Organisms"

Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 87 del 2/11/2018

Deadline November 22, 2018

Determina approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubblicato il 15 aprile 2019)


Diario Prove Scritte

CV Luigi Abelli

CV Giorgia Gioacchini

CV Paola Oliveri

Decreto Nomina Commissione

Call for Selection

Submit application - How to fill in the online form

Public competition based on examination of qualifications, exams and interview for the recruitment of two Researchers (permanent position) - III professional level. The topic of the call is: "Systems Biology and Functional Genomics"

Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 87 del 2/11/2018

Deadline November 22, 2018

Scorrimento graduatoria (pubblicato il 21 gennaio 2020)

Annullamento e rettifica in autotutela della graduatoria (pubblicato il 29 novembre 2019)

Approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubblicato il 25 luglio 2019)

Accesso agli atti

Diario Prova Orale

Diario Prove Scritte

CV Paola Oliveri

CV Graziano Pesole

CV Giorgio Valle

Decreto nomina commissione

Call for Selection

Submit application - How to fill in the online form

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