Researchers and technologists - Closed Calls
Selection n. 24/2018
An open public competition based on evaluation of titles and qualifications, exams and interview is open for the recruitment of a Researcher (permanent position) - III professional level. The topic of the call is: “Biology and ecology of marine fauna of coastal and vegetated environments”.
Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 80 del 9/10/2018
Deadline November 8, 2018
Scorrimento graduatoria (pubblicato il 17 settembre 2019)
Approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubblicato il 12 settembre 2019)
Selection n. 25/2018
An open a public competition based on evaluation of titles and qualifications and interview is open, for the recruitment of a Senior Scientist (permanent position) - II professional level: The topic of the call is: “Marine Biology and / or Marine Ecology”
Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 80 del 9/10/2018
Deadline November 8, 2018
Scorrimento graduatoria (Pubblicato il 18.11.2019)
Determina approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (Pubblicato in data 06 agosto 2019)
Decreto sostituzione componente commissione esaminatrice (pubblicato il 9 maggio 2019)
Selection 15/2018
Public competition based on evaluation of titles and qualifications, exams and interview for the recruitment of a Researcher (permanent position) - III professional level, in the field of Marine Biodiversity Conservation, with competences in the conservation Biology of marine ecosystems and studies related to marine protected areas, and/or to keystone and flag species and to the development of innovative strategies of biological conservation. Knowledge of methods for the conservation analysis, including experimental and/or modelling and/or habitat mapping aspects and statistical skills to allow an interdisciplinary development of these research in this field.
Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 72 del 11/09/2018 (in Italian)
Deadline - October 11, 2018
Scorrimento graduatoria (Pubblicato il 18.11.2019)
Determina approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubblicato il 15 maggio 2019)
Selection 16/2018
Public competition based on evaluation of titles and qualifications, exams and interview for the recruitment of a Researcher (permanent position) - III professional level, in the field of Integrative Taxonomy of marine organisms, with competences in the field of taxonomy of vegetal or animal marine organisms, using classic, microscopic and advanced methodologies, with special reference to the use of molecular methodologies and the most recent and innovative techniques, associated to field experience and skills to allow interactions with interdisciplinary working groups
Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 72 del 11/09/2018 (in Italian)
Deadline - October 11, 2018
Decreto di annullamento in autotutela del concorso (pubblicato 09 agosto 2019)
Decreto nuova nomina membro commissione
Selection 17/2018
Public competition based on evaluation of titles and qualifications, exams and interview for the recruitment of a Researcher (permanent position) - III professional level, in the field of Marine ecotoxicology, with experience in the eco-toxicological research on marine organisms and competence in the eco-toxicological essays conducted in order to identify the responses of marine organisms exposed to xenobiotics and different sources of contamination. The candidate must possess the knowledge of the most advanced methodologies in this field, and project skills enabling and interdisciplinary development of the research in marine eco-toxicology also with reference of the biological processes involved.
Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 72 del 11/09/2018 (in Italian)
Deadline - October 11, 2018
Scorrimento graduatoria (pubblicato il 6 febbraio 2020)
Determina approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubblicato il 15 maggio 2019)
Selection 18/2018
Public competition based on evaluation of titles and qualifications, exams and interview for the recruitment of a Researcher (permanent position) - III professional level, in the field of Marine Biotechnology for the study of the use of molecules or biological processes of industrial interest, with experience in the field of biotechnological techniques either in the field of molecular biology and marine biochemistry; identification and isolation of molecules of nutraceutical and/or pharmaceutical and/or cosmeceutical interest and/or of biomaterials of marine origin and their use. The candidate must possess the knowledge of advanced methodologies and competences allowing the development and the transferability of the acquired know-how.
Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 72 del 11/09/2018 (in Italian)
Deadline, October 11, 2018
Scorrimento graduatoria (Pubblicato il 18.11.2019)
Determina approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubblicato il 4.4.2019)
Selection 19/2018
Public competition based on evaluation of titles and qualifications and interview for the recruitment of a Senior Scientist (permanent position) - II professional level, for research in the field of “Biodiversity, ecology and functioning of marine ecosystems” with competences in the field of marine biology and ecology, with experience in either experimental and/or field research and wide understanding of the interactions between biodiversity and the functioning of marine ecosystems. The candidates should have consolidated and competences allowing and interdisciplinary development of the research in this field.
Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 72 del 11/09/2018 (in Italian)
Deadline - October 11, 2018
Scorrimento graduatoria (Pubblicato in data 20.11.2019)
Determina approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (Pubblicato in data 06 agosto 2019)
CV Simonetta Fraschetti (in sostituzione del Prof. Alberto Castelli)
Decreto Sostituzione Componente Commissione Esaminatrice
CV Alberto Castelli (sostituito dalla Prof.ssa Simonetta Fraschetti)
Decreto sostituzione componente effettivo commissione bando 19_2018
Selection 20/2018
Public competition based on evaluation of titles and qualifications, exams and interview for the recruitment of a Senior Technologist (permanent position) - II professional level, for the Management of the services of taxonomy of marine organisms, with competences in the management of the services in taxonomy of marine vegetal and / or animal organisms, using classical, microscopic and advanced methodologies, with particular reference to the use of molecular methodologies and the most recent and innovative techniques, associated to field work experience, ability to interact with interdisciplinary working groups.
Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 72 del 11/09/2018 (in Italian)
Deadline October 11, 2018
Determina Annullamento atti (pubblicato il 9.3.2020)
Determina Approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubblicato il 4.4.2019)
Selection 21/2018
Public competition based on evaluation of titles and qualifications and interview for the recruitment of a Senior Scientist (permanent position) - II professional level, in Evolutionary biology and/or developmental biology with international experience, proven by objective elements, in determine independently advances of particular originality, significance and international value, in the research field of molecular and/or developmental biology, and/or genetics and/or comparative genomics and/or phylogenesis and/or evolution of marine organisms and competences allowing the comprehension of the basic biological processes and the evolutionary process of Metazoans.
Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 72 del 11/09/2018 (in Italian)
Deadline October 11, 2018
Approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubbilcato il 25 luglio 2019)
Comunicazione accesso agli atti
Selection 1/2017
Public Call based on examination of qualifications and interview for recruitment, with fixed-term contract, of one Researcher - III professional level in Applied Ecophysiology for the conservation and restoration of seagrass meadows. Selection no 1/2017
Extract of the Call published on the Italian G.U. IV special series n. 47 - 23/06/2017
Deadline 24/7/2017
Ranking approval and appointment of the winner (In Italian)
Nomination of the Examination Commission (In Italian)