boero ferdinandoFerdinando Boero

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche e Ambientali

Università del Salento

Lecce - Italia

Curriculum Vitae



Roberto BassiRoberto Bassi

Biochimica e Fisiologia Vegetale

Dipartimento di Biotecnologie

Università di Verona

Curriculum Vitae


Tim Hunt

Francis Crick Institute

Cancer Research UK Clare Hall Laboratories

South Mimms, England

Curriculum Vitae

Nancy KnowltonNancy Knowlton

Sant Chair in Marine Science

Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History

Washington, DC


Curriculum Vitae



Axel MeyerAxel Meyer 

Chair in Zoology and Evolutionary Biology

Department of Biology

University of Konstanz


Curriculum Vitae

Stephen Palumbi

Hopkins Marine Station

Dept. Biological Sciences

Pacific Grove, CA


Curriculum Vitae

schiaffino stefanoStefano Schiaffino

Istituto Veneto di Medicina Molecolare

Padova - Italia

Curriculum Vitae




Margherita Groeben

Tel. +39 081 5833310
Fax +39 081 7641355
E-mail: margherita.groeben(at)szn.it

In this section you can find news and updates on the activities of SZN and a complete overview of events, seminars and courses.

Prof. Roberto Bassi

BassiRoberto Bassi (1955) was born in Vicenza (I). He graduated in Biology in Padua (1977), after which, he worked as microbiologist and botanist in the same University till 1983, when he won an assistant professorship in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. He specialized in genetics in Copenhagen, Biophysics in Paris and Molecular Biology in Geneva. He has been teaching Plant Biochemistry, Physiology and synthetic biology in Padua, Urbino, Marseille, Lausanne and Verona.  His research focuses on the structure and function of the photosynthetic systems of plants and algae and the environmental stress physiology with the aim of optimizing the light to biomass conversion efficiency and devise biotechnological solutions for environmental sustainability, with special reference to the management of carbon cycle. He has published more than 300 articles in international journals with an HF of 102 and 28.000 citations. He is a member of the National Academy of Lincei, National Academy of Technology, the EMBO, the European Academy and others. He was awarded theBaccarini-Melandri prize, the Herlitzka prize, for Physiology, the von Humboldt Award, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Award and the Miller Research professorship in Berkeley. He is the P.I of the ERC advanced grant GrInSun (2022-2027). He has been serving as the chair of the scientific advisory board of  the Stazione Anton Dorhn in Naples of which he is now the President.

Segreteria del Presidente

Giovanna Di Gennaro 
Tel.  +39 081 5833215

E-mail: presidenza(at)szn.it

The CUG-SZN, established in December 2011, was renewed in April 2016 for the 2016-2020 four-year period. The Committee is currently composed of six members designated by representative trade unions and six representatives of the Administration, appointed by the President on the basis of electoral consultations, ensuring overall equal presence of both genders.

Appointment of the Committee:

1) Delibera del Presidente n. 32 del 7 aprile 2016 - 2) Decreto del presidente n. 20 del 5 aprile 2018 (In Italian)

Members Substitute members Role
Diana Sarno Andrea Affuso President
Salvatore D’Aniello Andrea Travaglini Member
Elisabetta Tosti Gianluca Zazo Member
Paola Cirino Maria Francone (Segretaria) FLC CGIL designation member
Claudia Di Somma Giuseppe Corato FIR CISL designation member
Carmen Minucci Alessandro Amoroso UIL RUA designation member

Ing. Massimo Ferdinando Francesco Cavaliere
e-mail: direzione(at)szn.it 

Delibera di Nomina

Curriculum Vitae

Segreteria del Direttore

Italia Canettieri
Tel.: +39 081 5833253
E-mail: italia.canettieri(at)szn.it

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