

The MEDA unit carries out the data processing of the automatic profilers, returning them in standard and graphic formats.

Moreover, chemical and instrumental analyses are conducted on the main environmental and biological variables.

Services provided
  • Post processing of CTD data
  • Data processing of automatic profilers
  • Analyses of:

üInorganic nutrients;

üTotal and dissolved Nitrogen and Phosphorus;

üDissolved oxygen;

üParticulate organic carbon ( POC);

üTotal suspended solids ( TSS );

üChlorophyll a ( spectrofluorimetry and spectrophotometry );

üPhotosynthetic pigments ( HPLC );

üAbsorption spectra;

üModulated fluorescence

In order to access the service, users have to fill the form and mail it at: francesca.margiotta(at)szn.it

The analyses will be scheduled with Dr. Francesca Margiotta


Flow Sys Systea Autoanalyzer

Thermo Flash EA 1112 Series CHN analyzer

Agilent 1110 Series HPLC

SHIMADZU RF-5301PC spectrofluorometer

Agilent 8453 UV-Visibile spectrophotometer

Walz Phyto-Pam


Fabio Conversano

Tel. + 39 081 5833357

e-mail: fabio.conversano(at)szn.it









The MEDA Unit has many years of experience in the environmental field, gained through participation at several external projects.

The activity consists in data collection, analysis and elaboration aimed at transferring technical and scientific reports to local and national institutions or to private entities.

The unit is specialized in:

•coastal waters monitoring;

• assessment of e environmental impact (due to sediment disposal, engineering works on the seabed or on the coast, etc.);

• biogeochemical characterization of sand and marine sediments for reclamation, beach nourishment, environmental impact assessments etc.( in collaboration with other institutions);

• Monitoring of benthic biocoenosis and of P. Oceanica meadows (in collaboration with the Ecology of Benthos Laboratory – Ischia).

Services provided
  • Continuous acquisition (by means of multiparametric probes), data processing and analysis hydrographic variables (temperature, salinity, dissolved , fluorescence, transmittance, PAR, SPAR and pH) along the water column
  • Sampling and analysis of the main abiotic and biotic variables:
    - Inorganic nutrients;
    - Total and dissolved N and P;
    - Dissolved oxygen;
    - Particulate Organic Carbon (POC);
    - Total suspended solids (TSS);
    - Chlorophyll a;
    - Photosynthetic pigments;
  • Plankton sampling;
  • Sampling and pre-treatment of sediments addressed to geochemical analyses and to the characterization of benthic communities.

These activities are mainly carried on board the M / N Vettoria or on other research vessels. Moreover, in absence of suitable support structures, a fully equipped mobile laboratory can be set up, allowing the first processing of samples.

Field work instruments:

  • Multi-parametric CTD probes equipped with dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, trasmittance, pH, ORP, altimeter, Par & Spar sensors
  • Carousel automatic sampler with 12 Niskin bottles (10LT)

Lab instruments:


Fabio Conversano

Tel. + 39 081 5833357

e-mail: fabio.conversano(at)szn.it

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn

contatti napoli

Villa Comunale
80121 - Naples, Italy
Tel.: +39 081 5833111
Fax: +39 081 7641355
Secretariat: +39 081 5833218
e-mail: stazione.zoologica(at)szn.it

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn - "Villa Dohrn"

contatti ischia

Punta S. Pietro
80077 - Ischia, Naples, Italy
Tel. +39 081 5833521
Fax. +39 081 984201
e-mail rosanna.messina(at)szn.it

Description Preparation of media and plate for bacteriology and media for animal cell culture, supply of modifying enzymes, supply of several products and reagents for Molecular Biology and ISH experiments, preparation of competent cells for bacterial transformation etc. Provisioning of normal and modified synthetic oligonucleotides satisfying all the needs of the Institute.
Services Provided

- Sterilization of glassware, flasks, liquid and semi-solid media for bacteriology and general solutions and buffers.

- Preparation of solutions and media for bacteriology.

- Preparation and testing of bacterial competent cells for transformation by electroporation.

- Maintenance, preparation of aliquotes and distribution of the stock of enzymes, antibiotics and various reagents (ISH, etc.) and Kits for Molecular Biology, for more than 200 different products.

 - Centralization of the request for the synthesis of oligonucleotides.


- Janus (Bio Air) cappa a flusso laminare 70 cm;

- Elix 10 (Millipore) sistema produzione acqua pura;

- Synergy-UV (Millipore) sistema produzione acqua ultrapura;

- FV-A (Fedegari) Autoclave per sterilizzazione);

- Mod. 800 (Memmert) stufa termostatata ventilata per batteriologia;

- Mod. 600 (Memmert) stufa termostatata ventilata 50°C;

- Mod. 000 (Memmert) stufa termostatata 200°C;

- HT Multitron (Infors) Shaker refrigerato per batteriologia;

- -86°C Ultra-freezer (Forma)


Dr. Elio Biffali

Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics Unit

Tel. +39 081 5833298

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information and to book a visit:fondazionedohrn.it


turtle pointIn Portici, close to the harbour, the Stazione Zoologica established a new "Research Centre - Observatory of the Gulf of Naples” and the largest Marine Turtle Research Centre of the Mediterranean sea. The aim of these structures is to open a window between the science conducted at the Stazione Zoologica and the public interested into the research activities at sea.

One section is dedicated to the research and protection of the marine environments and its health, and includes the possibility to follow in the real time its activities.

This structure, with wide external spaces, hosts an area dedicated to scientific laboratories specialised in advanced marine monitoring. The area includes also an exposition and aquaria dedicated to the 11 Descriptors of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. This multifunctional area is equipped with a room for seminars, conferences, and workshops, and spaces dedicated to students training, aimed at the dissemination of scientific marine research. The Sea Turtle Research Centre is equipped with a quarantine area and a surgery room for rapid chirurgical interventions.


Andrea Affuso, Responsible

Sandra Hochscheid

Francesco Di Liello

Gianluca Treglia

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