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  • AmphioxusNOS - Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG)
  • Assemble+ - Consortium of marine biological research stations
  • Corbel - Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science Services
  • DiaEdit - Development of genetic tools for the establishment of routine genome editing in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
  • EMBRIC - European Marine Biological Research Infrastructure Cluster to promote the Blue Bioeconomy
  • ESSEM COST Action ES0906 - Seagrass productivity: from genes to ecosystem management
  • EvoCell - Animal evolution from a cell type perspective: multidisciplinary training in single-cell genomics, evo-devo and in science outreach
  • FishMPABlue2 PLUS - Transferring FishMPABlue2 approach to sustainably manage Small Scale Fisheries in Mediterranean MPAs
  • GRASSMET - Climate change effects on seagrass secondary metabolism: ecological implications
  • GreenList4MMPAs - project funded by the Interreg Euro-MED programme, which aims to promote effective and equitable management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean Region
  • HighGrass - High-CO2 effects on seagrass photosynthetic ecophysiology
  • INBALANCE - INvertebrate-BActeriaL Associations as hotspots of benthic Nitrogen Cycling in Estuarine ecosystems
  • LIFE TURTLENEST - Caretta caretta nesting range expansion under climate warming: urgent actions to mitigate threats at emerging nesting sites in the Western Mediterranean
  • LIFE DREAM - Deep REef restoration And litter removal in the Mediterranean sea
  • LIFE European Sharks - European Sharks – a project co-funded by the European Union to safeguard Mediterranean sharks and rays (www.europeansharks.eu
  • LIFE OASIS - Mitigating the negative interactions of protected species with marine litter and pelagic fisheries of the Mediterranean
  • MPA Engage - Engaging Mediterranean key actors in Ecosystem Approach to manage Marine Protected Areas to face Climate Change
  • NEPTUNE - Multidisciplinarity training in evo-devo and neurobiology of marine animal models
  • Ocean Medicines
  • PANTRAC - Gut patterning and PANcreas development in evolution and disease: a TRAnsCriptomic approach
  • PALEOPARK – Seagrass palaeo-records as a tool for the evaluation, diagnosis and prognosis of the evolution of species, communities, and processes in Spanish insular National Parks
  • Progetto S&T MED
  • PharmaDeep
  • PharmaSea
  • RESIGRASS - An holistic understanding of seagrass functioning and resilience to local-scale disturbances: from molecular to biogeographical scales

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