Biochimica e Biologia Cellulare2The Biochemistry and Cell Biology area is equipped with various instruments useful for the biochemical and functional characterization of proteins and small molecules, including the study of signal transduction in marine organisms. The available equipment includes homogenizers for cell destruction, chromatographic systems for the purification and characterization of proteins, spectrophotometers for enzymatic assays.

CastellanoManager: Imma Castellano

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Extension #293





Third floor EST Wing, #356

Biochimica e Biologia Cellulare mappa

Bookable instruments
- Chromatographic System/FPLC Acta
- Spectrophotometer Agilent
- Spectrophotometer Agilent Cary 100 Scan
- Homogenizer ultraturrax Junke&Kunkel
- Incubator Thermo scientific





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