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Reverse transcriptase genes are highly abundant and transcriptionally active in marine plankton assemblages

Ion currents involved in gamete physiology

Nuovi dati sperimentali sul profilo cinetico di marbofloxacina nella tartaruga comune (Caretta caretta) dopo somministrazione endovenosa e intramuscolare

Nuovi dati sperimentali sul profilo cinetico di marbofloxacina nella tartaruga comune (Caretta caretta) dopo somministrazione endovenosa e intramuscolare

Tunicate Neurogenesis: The Case of the SoxB2 Missing CNE

Tunicate Neurogenesis: The Case of the SoxB2 Missing CNE

Anti-obesity and lipid lowering effects of Cymodocea nodosa sulphated polysaccharide on high cholesterol-fed-rats

Anti-obesity and lipid lowering effects of Cymodocea nodosa sulphated polysaccharide on high cholesterol-fed-rats

The upstream regulatory sequence of the light harvesting complex Lhcf2 gene of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum enhances transcription in an orientation- and distance-independent fashion

The upstream regulatory sequence of the light harvesting complex Lhcf2 gene of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum enhances transcription in an orientation- and distance-independent fashion

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