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Ion currents involved in gamete physiology

Nuovi dati sperimentali sul profilo cinetico di marbofloxacina nella tartaruga comune (Caretta caretta) dopo somministrazione endovenosa e intramuscolare

Nuovi dati sperimentali sul profilo cinetico di marbofloxacina nella tartaruga comune (Caretta caretta) dopo somministrazione endovenosa e intramuscolare

Tunicate Neurogenesis: The Case of the SoxB2 Missing CNE

Tunicate Neurogenesis: The Case of the SoxB2 Missing CNE

Anti-obesity and lipid lowering effects of Cymodocea nodosa sulphated polysaccharide on high cholesterol-fed-rats

Anti-obesity and lipid lowering effects of Cymodocea nodosa sulphated polysaccharide on high cholesterol-fed-rats

The upstream regulatory sequence of the light harvesting complex Lhcf2 gene of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum enhances transcription in an orientation- and distance-independent fashion

The upstream regulatory sequence of the light harvesting complex Lhcf2 gene of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum enhances transcription in an orientation- and distance-independent fashion

Special Issue Marine genomics for evolution and development

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