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Greetings from the International Summer School on “Marine Ecotoxicology”.

We would like to introduce the upcoming 2nd edition of the International Summer School on Marine Ecotoxicology (SSME 2022), which will take place at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn from September 12th to 16th 2022 in the city of Naples.

This course is designed for biologists with basic knowledge in ecotoxicology providing advanced training on different environmental stressors and how biological systems are affected and respond to these contaminants at all biological levels, as well as methods and approaches for investigating their impact on marine biota. The course program integrates theoretical lectures with practical sessions, which will include standardized and innovative ecotoxicity tests for the assessment of the potential of marine environmental stressors to cause environmental damage to marine organisms.

Attending the SSME at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples, you will have the benefit of enjoying an exciting experience in a highly stimulating research environment in one of the largest and most beautiful art cities on the Mediterranean Sea.

The number of participants will be limited to 20. Admission to the course will be evaluated by the scientific committee based on the preliminary knowledge of applicants.

Detailed information on the program of the course and the online registration form for the SSME 2022 are available at the following link:

We look forward to welcoming you in Naples!

Please do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need any further assistance.

The SSME scientific committee

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