
News & Events

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn

Explore the Mediterranean Sea to understand and protect the Global Ocean

Founded in 1872, the SZN is among the most influential research Institutions in the field of marine biology and ecology.

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The SZN carries on advanced research on the biology, ecology and evolution of marine organisms.

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A core activity of the SZN is the higher education and formation of young scientists to lead pure and applied research.

High Education @SZN

Research Departments

The research at the SZN is organized in 5 Departments, three focusing on scientific research: 1) Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms; 2) Integrative Marine Ecology, 3) Marine Animal Conservation and Public Engagement and two dedicated to technological research 4 Research Infrastructures for Marine Biological Resources, 5) Marine Biotechnology.

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Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms

Studies the fundamental biological mechanisms that allow animals to deal with the challenges of Life on Earth.

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Ecosustainable Marine Biotechnology

The mission of the Marine Biotechnology Department is to conduct and promote scientific research regarding the possible applications of marine natural products in the biomedical and environmental sectors

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Integrative Marine Ecology

Promotes interdisciplinary research on biodiversity, structure and functioning of marine ecosystems.

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Research Infrastructures for marine biological resources

The Department of Research Infrastructures for marine biological resources (RIMAR) provides high technology services and access to infrastructure and research platforms to the national and international scientific community, as well as support third mission activities such as third-party contracts

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Marine Animal Conservation and Public Engagement

Research activities aim at conservation of large marine vertebrates and correct management and reproduction of marine fauna in controlled environment.

Hot Topics

A summary of the most recent research activities carried out in our laboratories.

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Virus-induced spore formation as a defense mechanism in marine diatoms

Virus-induced spore formation as a defense mechanism in marine diatoms

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Species-specific gamete interaction during sea urchin fertilization

Roles of the egg jelly and vitelline layer

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Sea turtles are now texting their whereabouts directly to the researchers

Loggerhead sea turtles are abundant in the Western Mediterranean.


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Last Publications


Nature Communications

Vulnerability of benthic trait diversity across the Mediterranean Sea following mass mortality events


Trends in Ecology & Evolution

Advances in systematic conservation planning to meet global biodiversity goals



Identification of the New Cytotoxic Pyrrole-Terpene Molliorin F from the Mediterranean Sponge Cacospongia Mollior


Ecology and Evolution

Microplastics alter the functioning of marine microbial ecosystems


Free Radical Biology and Medicine

Molecular evolution of ovothiol biosynthesis in animal life reveals diversity of the natural antioxidant ovothiols in Cnidaria


Science of The Total Environment

Trophic organization of the benthic communities off the South Italian coasts: A review with a modelistic approach


Environmental Pollution

Effects of biodegradable microplastics on the crustacean isopod Idotea balthica basteri Audouin, 1826


Scientific Reports

Toxigenic effects of sponges and benthic diatoms on marine invertebrates and their possible biotechnological applications


Frontiers in Marine Science

On the tracks of white sharks in the Mediterranean Sea


Nature Communications

Pink power”—the importance of coralline algal beds in the oceanic carbon cycle

Member of the
Euromarine Network

SZN - Member of the European Marina Board

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