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Albarano L., Ruocco N., Ianora A., Libralato G., Manfra L. and Costantini M. (2019). Molecular and Morphological Toxicity of Diatom-Derived Hydroxyacid Mixtures to Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus Embryos. Marine Drugs, 17(3): 144.

Balzano S, Villanueva L, de Bar M, Sahonero Canavesi DX, Yildiz C, Engelmann JC, Marechal E, Lupette J, Sinninghe Damsté JS, Schouten S (2019) Biosynthesis of Long Chain Alkyl Diols and Long Chain Alkenols in Nannochloropsis spp. (Eustigmatophyceae). Plant and Cell Physiology, pcz078, https://doi.org/10.1093/pcp/pcz078

Di Costanzo F, Di Dato V, Ianora A, Romano G (2019) Prostaglandins in Marine Organisms: A Review. Marine Drugs 17: 428. https://doi.org/10.3390/md17070428

Di Dato V, Di Costanzo F, Barbarinaldi R, Perna A, Ianora A, Romano G (2019) Unveiling the presence of biosynthetic pathways for bioactive compounds in the Thalassiosira rotula transcriptome. Scientific Reports 9: 9893. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-46276-8

Galasso C, D’Aniello S, Sansone C, Ianora A, Romano G (2019) Identification of Cell Death Genes in Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus and Their Expression Patterns during Embryonic Development. Genome Biology and Evolution 11: 586-596. https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evz020

Galasso C, Gentile A, Orefice I, Ianora A, Bruno A, Noonan DM, Sansone C, Albini A, Brunet C (2019) Microalgal Derivatives as Potential Nutraceutical and Food Supplements for Human Health: A Focus on Cancer Prevention and Interception. Nutrients 11: 1226. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11061226

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Merquiol L, Romano G, Ianora A, D’Ambra I. (2019) Biotechnological Applications of Scyphomedusae. Marine Drugs. 17(11):604. https://doi.org/10.3390/md17110604

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Vingiani GM, De Luca P, Ianora A, Dobson AD, Lauritano C. (2019) Microalgal Enzymes with Biotechnological Applications. Marine Drugs. 17(8):459. https://doi.org/10.3390/md17080459

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Rasmusson, L. M., Lauritano, C., Procaccini, G., Gullström, M. and Björk, M. (2015). Respiratory oxygen consumption in the seagrass Zostera marina is affected by light and varies on a diel basis: a combined gas exchange and gene expression study.

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Ruggiero, M. V., Santoro, M., Ferrante, M. I., Iudicone, D., Kooistra, W. H. C. F., D'Alelio, D., Procaccini, G. and Montresor, M. (2015a). TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL POPULATION STRUCTURE AND GENETIC DIVERSITY DURING A BLOOM OF THE MARINE DIATOM PSEUDO-NITZSCHIA MULTISTRIATAEuropean Journal of Phycology 50, 91-92.

Ruggiero, M. V., Sarno, D., Barra, L., Kooistra, W. H. C. F., Montresor, M. and Zingone, A. (2015b). Diversity and temporal pattern of Pseudo-nitzschia species (Bacillariophyceae) through the molecular lens. Harmful Algae 42, 15-24.

Russo, M. T., Annunziata, R., Sanges, R., Ferrante, M. I. and Falciatore, A. (2015). The upstream regulatory sequence of the light harvesting complex Lhcf2 gene of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum enhances transcription in an orientation- and distance-independent fashion. Mar Genomics 24 Pt 1, 69-79.

Sabatino, V., Russo, M. T., Patil, S., d'Ippolito, G., Fontana, A. and Ferrante, M. I. (2015). Establishment of Genetic Transformation in the Sexually Reproducing Diatoms Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata and Pseudo-nitzschia arenysensis and Inheritance of the Transgene. Marine Biotechnology 17, 452-462.

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Books and/or Book Chapters

Kooistra, W. H. and Pohl, G. (2015). Diatom Frustule Morphology and its Biomimetic Applications in Architecture and Industrial Design. In Evolution of Lightweight Structures, pp. 75-102: Springer Netherlands.


Amato, A., Kooistra, W., Peters, F., Ribera d’Alcalà, M., Sanges, R., Iudicone, D. and Ferrante, M. I. (2015). Isotropic marine microturbulence affects diatom chain composition. In 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting,  (ed. A. f. t. S. o. L. a. Oceanography). Granada, Spain.

Gana, S., Iudicone, D., Ghenim, L., Mortier, L., Testor, P., Olita, A., Buongiorno-Nardelli B., Tintoré J. (2015a). Monitoring of water masses properties in the Channel of Sardinia by Glider and SAtellites Observations. In Sentinel-3 for Science Workshop, 8ed. L. Ouwehand), Venice, Italy.

Gana, S., Iudicone, D., Ghenim, L., Mortier, L., Testor, P., Tintoré, J. and Olita, A. (2015b). Monitoring water masses properties by Glider in Sardinia Channel during summer 2014. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, vol. 17, pp. 14252.

Jahnke, M., Pagès, J. F., Alcoverro, T., Lavery, P. S., McMahon, K. M. and Procaccini, G. (2015). Assessing the importance of genetic and ecological factors for the occurrence of patchy flowering in Posidonia oceanica: PeerJ PrePrints.

Lauritano, C., Bulleri, F., Ravaglioli, C., Tamburello, L., Buia, M. C. and Procaccini, G. (2015). Antioxidant and stress-related genes in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in the vicinity of natural CO2 vents at different nutrient conditions: PeerJ PrePrints.

Marin-Guirao, L., Dattolo, E., Ruiz, J. M. and Procaccini, G. (2015). Differential tolerance and resilience of Mediterranean seagrasses to short-term heat stress: PeerJ PrePrints.

Procaccini, G., Dattolo, E., Lauritano, C., Ruocco, M. and Marin-Guirao, L. (2015). Posidonia oceanica molecular adaptation to the light environment: PeerJ PrePrints.

Reñé, A., Garcés, E., Zingone, A. and Massana, R. (2015). Molecular and Morphology Methods for the Assessment of Marine Dinoflagellates Diversity: Do they Agree? In VII European Congress of Protistology - International Society of Protistologists. Sevilla, Spain.

Ruocco, M., Gabriele, P., Musacchia, F., Sanges, R., Olivé, I., Costa, M. M., Barrote, I., Santos, R. and Silva, J. (2015). Cymodocea nodosa response to simulated CO2-driven ocean acidification: a first insight from global transcriptome profiling: PeerJ PrePrints.


Kudela R., Berdalet E., Bernard S., Burford M., Fernand L., Lu S., Roy S., Tester P., Usup G., Magnien R., Anderson D.M., Cembella A., Chinain M., Hallegraeff G., Reguera B., Zingone A., Enevoldsen H., Urban E. (2015). Harmful algal blooms: a scientific summary for policy makers. IOC/UNESCO, Paris (IOC/INF-1320).


Addamo, A. M., Vertino, A., Stolarski, J., García-Jiménez, R., Taviani, M. and Machordom, A. (2016). Merging scleractinian genera: the overwhelming genetic similarity between solitary Desmophyllum and colonial Lophelia. BMC evolutionary biology 16.

Amaro, T., Huvenne, V., Allcock, A., Aslam, T., Davies, J., Danovaro, R., De Stigter, H., Duineveld, G., Gambi, C. and Gooday, A. (2016). The Whittard Canyon–A case study of submarine canyon processes. Progress in Oceanography 146, 38-57.

Amato, A., Fortini, S., Watteaux, R., Diano, M., Espa, S., Esposito, S., Ferrante, M. I., Peters, F., Iudicone, D. and d'Alcala, M. R. (2016). TURBOGEN: Computer-controlled vertically oscillating grid system for small-scale turbulence studies on plankton. Review of Scientific Instruments 87.

Balzano, S., Percopo, I., Siano, R., Gourvil, P., Chanoine, M., Marie, D., Vaulot, D. and Sarno, D. (2016) Morphological and genetic diversity of Beaufort Sea diatoms with high contributions from the Chaetoceros neogracilis species complex. Journal of Phycology, DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12489

Bastianini, M., Totti, C., Penna, A., De Lazzari, A. & Montresor, M. (2016). Dinoflagellate cyst production in the north-western Adriatic Sea. Medit. Mar. Sci.:DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/mms.1770.

Bertocci, I., Arenas, F., Cacabelos, E., Martins, G. M., Seabra, M. I., Álvaro, N. V., Fernandes, J. N., Gaião, R., Mamede, N., Mulas, M., Neto, A.I. (2016). Nowhere safe? Exploring the influence of urbanization across mainland and insular seashores in continental Portugal and the Azorean Archipelago. Marine Pollution Bulletin 114, 644–655.

Bonanno, A., Barra, M., Basilone, G., Genovese, S., Rumolo, P., Goncharov, S., Popov, S., Buongiorno Nardelli, B., Iudicone, D. and Procaccini, G. (2016). Environmental processes driving anchovy and sardine distribution in a highly variable environment: the role of the coastal structure and riverine input. Fisheries Oceanography 25, 471-490.

Brugnano, C., Granata, A., Guglielmo, L., Minutoli, R., Zagami, G. and Ianora, A. (2016). The deleterious effect of diatoms on the biomass and growth of early stages of their copepod grazers. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 476, 41-49.

Bulleri F, Badalamenti F, Iveša L, Mikac B, Musco L, Jaklin A, Rattray AJ, Vega Fernández T, Benedetti-Cecchi L (2016). The effects of an invasive seaweed on native communities vary along a gradient of land-based human impacts. Peer J 4:e1795 (https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.1795).

Buttino, I., Hwang, J.-S., Romano, G., Sun, C.-K., Liu, T.-M., Pellegrini, D., Gaion, A. and Sartori, D. (2016). Detection of malformations in sea urchin plutei exposed to mercuric chloride using different fluorescent techniques. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 123, 72-80.

Castellani, C., Licandro, P., Fileman, E., Di Capua, I. and Mazzocchi, M. G. (2016). Oithona similis likes it cool: evidence from two long-term time series. Journal of Plankton Research 38, 703-717.

Catanese, G., Montes, I., Iriondo, M., Estonba, A., Iudicone, D. and Procaccini, G. (2016). High resolution SNPs selection in Engraulis encrasicolus through Taqman OpenArray. Fisheries Research 177, 31-38.

Chust, G., Villarino, E., Chenuil, A., Irigoien, X., Bizsel, N., Bode, A., Broms, C., Claus, S., Fernandez de Puelles, M. L., Fonda-Umani, S., Hoarau, G., Mazzocchi, M.G., Mozetič, P., Vandepitte, L., Veríssimo, E., Zervoudaki, S., Borja, A. (2016). Dispersal similarly shapes both population genetics and community patterns in the marine realm. Scientific Reports 6.

Corriero, G., Pierri, C., Accoroni, S., Alabiso, G., Bavestrello, G., Barbone, E., Bastianini, M., Bazzoni, A. M., Aubry, F. B., Boero, F. Buia, M.C., Cabrini, M., Camatti, E., Cardone, F., Cataletto, B., Cattaneo Vietti, R., Cecere, E., Cibic, T., Colangelo, P., De Olazabal, A., D'Onghia, G., Finotto, S., Fiore, N., Fornasaro, D., Fraschetti, S., Gambi, M.C., Giangrande, A., Gravili, C., Guglielmo, R., Longo, C., Lorenti, M., Lugliè, A., Maiorano, P., Mazzocchi, M.G., Mercurio, M., Mastrototaro, F., Mistri, M., Monti, M., Munari, C., Musco, L., Nonnis Marzano, C., Padedda, B.C., Patti, F.P., Petrocelli, A., Piraino, S., Portacci, G., Pugnetti, A., Pulina, S., Romagnoli, T., Rosati, I., Sarno, D., Satta, C.T., Sechi, N., Schiaparelli, S., Scipione, B., Sion, L., Terlizzi, A., Tirelli, V., Totti, C., Tursi, A., Ungaro, N., Zingone, A., Zupo, V., Basset, A. (2016). Ecosystem vulnerability to alien and invasive species: a case study on marine habitats along the Italian coast. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26, 392-409.

D’Alelio, D., Libralato, S., Wyatt, T. and d’Alcalà, M. R. (2016). Ecological-network models link diversity, structure and function in the plankton food-web. Scientific reports 6.

D'Alelio, D., Montresor, M., Mazzocchi, M. G., Margiotta, F., Sarno, D. and d'Alcalà, M. R. (2016). Plankton food-webs: to what extent can they be simplified? Advances in Oceanography and Limnology 7.

De Luca D., Catanese G., Procaccini G., Fiorito G. (2016). Octopus vulgaris in the Mediterranean sea: genetic diversity and population structure. Plos One 11(2): e0149496. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149496

D’Esposito D., Orrù L., Dattolo E., Bernardo L., Lamontara A., Orsini L., Serra I.A.,  Mazzuca S., Procaccini G. (2016). Annotation of "de novo" transcriptome in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica and SSR markers development. Scientific Data 3:160115 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.115.

Di Lorenzo M, Vega Fernández T, Badalamenti F, Guidetti P, Starr RM, Giacalone VM, Di Franco A, D’Anna G (2016). Diel activity and variability in habitat use of white sea bream in a temperate Marine Protected Area. Marine Environmental Research 116:1-9 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2016.02.007).

Farrant, G. K., Dore, H., Cornejo-Castillo, F. M., Partensky, F., Ratin, M., Ostrowski, M., Pitt, F. D., Wincker, P., Scanlan, D. J., Iudicone, D., Acinasb, S.G., Garczareka, L. (2016). Delineating ecologically significant taxonomic units from global patterns of marine picocyanobacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113, E3365-E3374.

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Gambi MC, Lorenti M, Patti FP, Zupo V (2016). An annotated list of alien marine species of the Ischia Island (Gulf of Naples). Notiziario S.I.B.M. 70: 64-68.

Gambi MC, Musco L, Giangrande A, Badalamenti F, Micheli F, Kroeker KJ. (2016). Distribution and functional traits of polychaetes in a CO2 vent system: winners and losers among closely related species. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 550:121-13.

Gara, A.B., R.B.A. Kolsi, R. Chaaben, N. Hammami, M. Kammoun, F.P. Patti, A. El Feki, L. Fki, H. Belghith and K. Belghith (2016). Inhibition of key digestive enzymes related to hyperlipidemia and protection of liver-kidney functions by Cystoseira crinita sulphated polysaccharide in high-fat diet-fed rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 85: 517-526. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2016.11.059.

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Book Chapters
Bouchouicha Smida, D., Lundholm, N., Kooistra, W.H.C.F., Sahraoui, I, Ruggiero, M.V., Kotaki, Y., Ellegaard, M., Lambert, C., Hadj Mabrouka, H., Sakka Hlaili, A. (2014) Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Nitzschia bizertensis sp. nov.—A new domoic acid-producer. Harmful Algae 32: 49-63.

Buia M.C. (2014). Ischia: l’isola verde anche sotto il mare. In: Ischia Patrimonio dell’Umanità. Natura e cultura. A cura di: Leone U., P. Greco. Doppiavoce Editore, Napoli. Prima edizione 2014. ISBN 978-88-89972-44-1: 61-69. 

Carotenuto Y., Dattolo E., Lauritano C., Pisano F., Sanges R., Miralto A., Procaccini G., Ianora A. 2014 Insights into the transcriptome of the copepod Calanus helgolandicus feeding on the toxic diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Harmful Algae, 31: 153-162 

Carotenuto, Y., Dattolo, E., Lauritano, C., Pisano, F., Sanges, R., Miralto, A., Procaccini, G. & Ianora, A. (2014). Insights into the transcriptome of the marine copepod Calanus helgolandicus feeding on the oxylipin-producing diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Harmful Algae 31: 153-162.

Carotenuto, Y., Dattolo, E., Lauritano, C., Pisano, F., Sanges, R., Miralto, A., Procaccini, G. & Ianora, A. (2014). Insights into the transcriptome of the marine copepod Calanus helgolandicus feeding on the oxylipin-producing diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Harmful Algae 31: 153-162.

Catalano G, Azzaro M, Bastianini M, Bellucci L, Bernardi Aubry F, Bianchi F, Burca M, Cantoni C, Caruso G, Casotti R, Cozzi S, Del Negro P, Fonda-Umani S, Giani M, Kovacevic M, La Ferla R, Langone L, Luchetta A, Monticelli L, Piacentino S, Pugnetti A, Ravaioli M, Socal G, Spagnoli F, Ursella L. The Carbon budget in the northern Adriatic Sea, a winter case study. 2014 J. Geophys.Res. Biogeosci., 119, doi:10.1002/2013JG002559.

Ciminiello, P., M. Manganelli, A. Penna, C. Totti & A. Zingone 2014. Alghe tossiche e Ostreopsis cf. ovata nelle acque di balneazione. In: Funari, E., Manganelli, M. & Testai, E. [Eds.] Ostreopsis cf. ovata: linee guida per la gestione delle fioriture negli ambienti marino costieri in relazione a balneazione e altre attività ricreative. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, pp. 5-9.

D'Alelio D, Mazzocchi MG, Montresor M, Sarno D, Zingone A, et al. (2014) The green-blue swing: plasticity of plankton food-webs in response to coastal oceanographic dynamics. Marine Ecology.

D'Alelio D, Mazzocchi MG, Montresor M, Sarno D, Zingone A, et al. (2014) The green-blue swing: plasticity of plankton food-webs in response to coastal oceanographic dynamics. Marine Ecology.

D'Alelio, D., M. G. Mazzocchi, M. Montresor, D. Sarno, A. Zingone, I. Di Capua, G. Franzè, F. Margiotta, M. Saggiomo & M. Ribera d’Alcalà (2014). The green-blue swing: plasticity of plankton food-webs in response to coastal oceanographic dynamics. Marine Ecology. on line

Dattolo E., Ruocco M., Brunet C., Lorenti, M., Lauritano C., Sanges R., De Luca P., Procaccini G. 2014 Response of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica to different light environments: insight from a combined molecular and photo-physiological study. Marine Environmental Research, 101, 225-236.

Davies, N., D. Field, L. Amaral-Zettler, M. S. Clark, J. Deck, A. Drummond, D. P. Faith, J. Geller, J. Gilbert, F. O. Glöckner, P. Hirsch, J.-A. Leong, C. Meyer, M. Obst, S. Planes, C. Scholin, A. P. Vogler, R. D. Gates, R. Toonen, V. Berteaux-Lecellier, M. Barbier, K. Barker, S. Bertilsson, M. Bicak, M. J. Bietz, J. Bobe, L. Bodrossy, A. Borja, J. Coddington, J. Fuhrman, G. Gerdts, R. Gillespie, K. Goodwin, P. C. Hanson, J.-M. Hero, D. Hoekman, J. Jansson, C. Jeanthon, R. Kao, A. Klindworth, R. Knight, R. Kottmann, M. S. Koo, G. Kotoulas, A. J. Lowe, V. T. Marteinsson, F. Meyer, N. Morrison, D. D. Myrold, E. Pafilis, S. Parker, J. J. Parnell, P. N. Polymenakou, S. Ratnasingham, G. K. Roderick, N. Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, K. Schonrogge, N. Simon, N. J. Valette-Silver, Y. Springer, G. N. Stone, S. Stones-Havas, S.-A. Sansone, K. M. Thibault, P. Wecker, A. Wichels, J. C. Wooley, T. Yahara, A. Zingone & GOs-COS (2014). The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network. GigaScience 3.

De Luca D., Catanese G., Procaccini G., Fiorito G.  2014. An integration of historical records and genetic data to the assessment of global distribution and population structure in Octopus vulgaris. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2 (art.55), doi: 103389/fevo.2014.00055

Di Cioccio, D., M. C. Buia & A. Zingone 2014. Ocean acidification will not deliver us from Ostreopsis. In: Kim, H. G., Reguera, B., Hallegraeff, G., Lee, C. K., Han, M. S. & Choi, J. K. [Eds.] Harmful Algae 2012. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Harmful Algae. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae, Changwon, Korea, pp. 85-88.

Donnarumma L., Lombardi C., Cocito S., Gambi M.C. 2014. Settlement pattern of Posidonia oceanica epibionts along a gradient of ocean acidification: an approach with mimics. Mediterranean Marine Science, 15(3): 498-509. DOI. 10.12681/mms.677.

Escalera, L., Benvenuto, G., Scalco, E., Zingone, A. & Montresor, M. (2014). Ultrastructural features of the benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata (Dinophyceae). Protist, 165: 260-274.

Escalera, L., G. Benvenuto, E. Scalco, A. Zingone & M. Montresor (2014). Ultrastructural features of the benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata (Dinophyceae). Protist 165:260–74.

Gallina A., Brunet C., Palumbo A., Casotti R. (2014) The Effect of Polyunsaturated Aldehydes on Skeletonema marinoi (Bacillariophyceae): The Involvement of Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide. Mar. Drugs 12, 4165-4187; doi:10.3390/md12074165

Gambi M.C. 2014. L’isola d’Ischia: un osservatorio speciale per lo studio del cambiamento climatico globale a mare. In: Ischia Patrimonio dell’Umanità. Natura e cultura. A cura di: Leone U., P. Greco. Doppiavoce Editore, Napoli. Prima edizione 2014. ISBN 978-88-89972-44-1: 71-97.

Garrard S., Gambi M.C., Scipione M.B., Patti F.P., Lorenti M., Zupo V., Paterson D.M., Buia M.C. 2014. Indirect effects may buffer negative responses of seagrass invertebrate communities to ocean acidification. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 461: 31-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/jembe.2014.07.011

Garrard SL, Gambi MC, Scipione MB, Patti FP, Lorenti M, Zupo V, Paterson DM, Buia MC (2014) Indirect effects may buffer negative responses of seagrass invertebrate communities to ocean acidification. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 461: 31-38.

Giangrande A., Gambi M.C. 2014. Policheti alloctoni in Mediterraneo: stato dell’arte e possibili impatti. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 21(1): 89-92.

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