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consiglio sezioni 01The Council of Departments is established to promote the coordination amongst the technological and scientific activities, with the aim of achieving the institutional objective of the SZN. The Council of Departments is composed by the Directors of the three Departments and by one member from each Department, elected by the internal personnel. In addition, participate as auditors the General Director, the coordinator of the detached structures (e.g., Ischia), and one member elected by the technical-administrative personnel of the administration in order to promote the cohesive interaction of all components of the Institution. Other Auditors can be invited to specific meeting if their consultation is requested by the Agenda.

The Council is chaired by the Senior Director of Department, who calls a meeting of the Council at the request of at least two Directors and coordinates the activities of the council with the President of the SZN to interact with the decisional aspects. The members of the Council of Departments participate to the council as long as they are in charge of their role and can be renovated only once.

The Council of Departments:
a) supports the activities of the Scientific evaluation of the SZN, collecting information, preparing the necessary documents for third parties (e.g. ANVUR) and, if requested, presenting it to the Scientific Council.
b) assists the President in the formulation of the scientific component of the Ten‐year Strategic Vision Document, the Three‐Year Plan and its updates, the Budget Update Report and the Annual Accounts.
c) expresses its opinion to the Executive Board on the overall Three‐Year Plan proposal of the Institute and any updates.
d) expresses its opinion on amendments to the Rules for Organization and Functioning of the Institution.
e) ensures the necessary synergy among Departments.
f) expresses its opinion on consortium initiatives and creation of Spin Off of the Institute.
g) contributes to any other consultation activity requested by the President or the Executive Board of the Institution.

Delibera Presidente n. 22 del 19.02.2015 Election representative Council of Departments

Delibera Presidente n. 35 del 15.04.2015 Election representative technical-administrative personnel


Ambrosino L, Vassalli QA, D’Agostino Y, Esposito R, Cetrangolo V, Caputi L, Amoroso A, Aniello F, D’Aniello S, Chatzigeorgiou M, Chiusano ML, Locascio A (2019) Functional conserved non-coding elements among tunicates and chordates. Developmental Biology 448: 101-110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ydbio.2018.12.012

Amodio P, Boeckle M, Schnell AK, Ostojíc L, Fiorito G, Clayton NS (2019) Grow Smart and Die Young: Why Did Cephalopods Evolve Intelligence? Trends in Ecology & Evolution 34: 45-56.

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Arai Y, Cwetsch AW, Coppola E, Cipriani S, Nishihara H, Kanki H, Saillour Y, Freret-Hodara B, Dutriaux A, Okada N, Okano H, Dehay C, Nardelli J, Gressens P, Shimogori T, D’Onofrio G, Pierani A (2019) Evolutionary Gain of Dbx1 Expression Drives Subplate Identity in the Cerebral Cortex. Cell Reports 29: 645-658.e645. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2019.09.007

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Brancaccio M, Russo M, Masullo M, Palumbo A, Russo GL and Castellano I (2019) Sulfur-containing histidine compounds inhibit -glutamyl transpeptidase activity in human cancer cells. J. Biol. Chem. 294(40) 14603–14614. DOI 10.1074/jbc.RA119.009304

Capriello T, Grimaldi MC, Cofone R, D'Aniello S, Ferrandino I (2019) Effects of aluminium and cadmium on hatching and swimming ability in developing zebrafish. Chemosphere 222: 243-249.

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Coppola, U., Ristoratore, F., Albalat, R., D'Aniello S. (2019) The evolutionary landscape of the Rab family in chordates. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00018-019-03103-7

D'Aniello E, Fellous T, Iannotti FA, Gentile A, Allarà M, Balestrieri F, Gray R, Amodeo P, Vitale RM, Di Marzo V. (2019) Identification and characterization of phytocannabinoids as novel dual PPARα/γ agonists by a computational and in vitro experimental approach. Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj. 1863(3):586-597. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2019.01.002

D’Aniello E, Iannotti FA, Falkenberg LG, Martella A, Gentile A, De Maio F, Ciavatta ML, Gavagnin M, Waxman JS, Di Marzo V, Amodeo P, Vitale RM. (2019) In Silico Identification and Experimental Validation of (−)-Muqubilin A, a Marine Norterpene Peroxide, as PPARα/γ-RXRα Agonist and RARα Positive Allosteric Modulator. Marine Drugs, 17(2):110. https://doi.org/10.3390/md17020110

Gallo A, Boni R, Buia MC, Monfrecola V, Esposito MC, Tosti E (2019) Ocean acidification impact on ascidian Ciona robusta spermatozoa: New evidence for stress resilience. Science of the Total Environment 697: 134100.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134100

Gallo A, Tosti E (2019) Effects of ecosystem stress on reproduction and development. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1002/mrd.23169

Gerdol M, Sollitto M, Pallavicini A, Castellano I (2019) The complex evolutionary history of sulfoxide synthase in ovothiol biosynthesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286: 20191812.

Limatola N, Vasilev F, Chun JT, Santella L (2019) Altered actin cytoskeleton in ageing eggs of starfish affects fertilization process. Experimental Cell Research 381: 179-190. 

Lowe EK, Cuomo C, Voronov D, Arnone MI (2019) Chapter 3 - Using ATAC-seq and RNA-seq to increase resolution in GRN connectivity. In: Hamdoun A, Foltz KR, editors. Methods in Cell Biology: Academic Press. pp. 115-126. https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.mcb.2018.11.001

Melillo D, Marino R, Della Camera G, Italiani P, Boraschi D (2019) Assessing Immunological Memory in the Solitary Ascidian Ciona robusta. Frontiers in Immunology 10:1977. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01977

Migliaccio O, Pinsino A, Maffioli E, Smith AM, Agnisola C, Matranga V, Nonnis S, Tedeschi G, Byrne M, Gambi MC, Palumbo A (2019) Living in future ocean acidification, physiological adaptive responses of the immune system of sea urchins resident at a CO2 vent system. Science of the Total Environment 672: 938-950. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.005

Milito A., Brancaccio M., D’Argenio G., Castellano I. (2019) Natural Sulfur-Containing Compounds: An Alternative Therapeutic Strategy against Liver Fibrosis. Cells, 8(11): 1356.  https://doi.org/10.3390/cells8111356

Milito A, Brancaccio M, Lisurek M, Masullo M, Palumbo A, Castellano I. (2019) Probing the Interactions of Sulfur-Containing Histidine Compounds with Human Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase. Marine Drugs, 17(12):650.

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Oral R, Pagano G, Siciliano A, Toscanesi M, Gravina M, Di Nunzio A, Palumbo A, Thomas PJ, Tommasi F, Burić P, Lyons DM, Guida M, Trifuoggi M. (2019) Soil pollution and toxicity in an area affected by emissions from a bauxite processing plant and a power plant in Gardanne (southern France). Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 15;170:55-61. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.11.122

Styfhals R, Seuntjens E, Simakov O, Sanges R, Fiorito G (2019) In silico Identification and Expression of Protocadherin Gene Family in Octopus vulgarisFrontiers in Physiology 9: 1905. DOI=10.3389/fphys.2018.01905

Vasilev F, Limatola N, Chun JT, Santella L. (2019) Contributions of suboolemmal acidic vesicles and microvilli to the intracellular Ca2+ increase in the sea urchin eggs at fertilization. Int J Biol Sci, 15(4):757-775. doi:10.7150/ijbs.28461. 


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Bevilacqua S, Guarnieri G, Farella G, Terlizzi A, Fraschetti S (2018) A regional assessment of cumulative impact mapping on Mediterranean coralligenous outcrops. Scientific Reports 8.

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Castellano I, Migliaccio O, Ferraro G, Maffioli E, Marasco D, Merlino A, Zingone A, Tedeschi G, Palumbo A (2018) Biotic and environmental stress induces nitration and changes in structure and function of the sea urchin major yolk protein toposome. Scientific Reports 8.

Castellano I. and Seebeck F.P. (2018). On ovothiol biosynthesis and biological roles: from life in the ocean to therapeutic potential. Natural Product Reports, DOI: 10.1039/c8np00045j.

Coppola D, Giordano D, Milazzo L, Howes BD, Ascenzi P, di Prisco G, Smulevich G, Poole RK, Verde C (2018) Coexistence of multiple globin genes conferring protection against nitrosative stress to the Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125. Nitric Oxide-Biology and Chemistry 73: 39-51.

Crispino M, Chun JT, Giuditta A (2018) Squid Giant Axons Synthesize NF Proteins. Molecular Neurobiology 55: 3079-3084.

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Gallo A (2018) Toxicity of marine pollutants on the ascidian oocyte physiology: an electrophysiological approach. Zygote 26: 14-23.

Gallo A., Boni R., Tosti E. (2018). Discriminating live and dead sperm in ecotoxicologyAtlas of Science.

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Gallo A., Manfra L., Boni R., Rotini A., Migliore L., Tosti E. (2018). Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of CuO nanoparticles in sea urchin spermatozoa through oxidative stress. Environment International, 118: 325–333.

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Giordano D., Costantini M., Coppola D., Lauritano C., Núñez Pons L., Ruocco N., di Prisco G., Ianora A., Verde C. (2018). Biotechnological Applications of Bioactive Peptides From Marine Sources. Advances in Microbial Physiologyhttps://doi.org/10.1016/bs.ampbs.2018.05.002.

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Nittoli V, Sepe RM, Coppola U, D'Agostino Y, De Felice E, Palladino A, Vassalli QA, Locascio A, Ristoratore F, Spagnuolo A, D'Aniello S, Sordino P (2018) A comprehensive analysis of neurotrophins and neurotrophin tyrosine kinase receptors expression during development of zebrafish. Journal of Comparative Neurology 526: 1057-1072.

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Ambrosino L, Vassalli QA, D’Agostino Y, Esposito R, Cetrangolo V, Caputi L, Amoroso A, Aniello F, D’Aniello S, Chatzigeorgiou M, Chiusano ML, Locascio A (2019) Functional conserved non-coding elements among tunicates and chordates. Developmental Biology 448: 101-110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ydbio.2018.12.012

Arcangeli A, Maffucci F, Atzori F, Azzolin M, Campana I, Carosso L, Crosti R, Frau F, David L, Di-Méglio N, Roul M, Gregorietti M, Mazzucato V, Pellegrino G, Giacoletti A, Paraboschi M, Zampollo A, de Lucia GA, Hochscheid S (2019) Turtles on the trash track: loggerhead turtles exposed to floating plastic in the Mediterranean Sea. Endangered Species Research 40: 107-121. https://doi.org/10.3354/esr00980

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SABIA, L., COSTANZO, A., D’ALCALÀ, M., SAGGIOMO, V., ZINGONE, A., & MARGIOTTA, F. (2019). Assessing the quality of biogeochemical coastal data: a step-wise procedure. Mediterranean Marine Science, 20(1), 56-73. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/mms.15935

Vasilev F, Limatola N, Chun JT, Santella L. (2019) Contributions of suboolemmal acidic vesicles and microvilli to the intracellular Ca2+ increase in the sea urchin eggs at fertilization. Int J Biol Sci, 15(4):757-775. doi:10.7150/ijbs.28461

Vingiani GM, De Luca P, Ianora A, Dobson AD, Lauritano C. (2019) Microalgal Enzymes with Biotechnological Applications. Marine Drugs. 17(8):459. https://doi.org/10.3390/md17080459


Carreras C, Pascual M, Tomas J, Marco A, Hochscheid S, Castillo JJ, Gozalbes P, Parga M, Piovano S, Cardona L (2018) Sporadic nesting reveals long distance colonisation in the philopatric loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta). Scientific Reports 8, 1435.

Casale P., A. C. Broderick, J. A. Camiñas, L. Cardona, C. Carreras, A. Demetropoulos, W. J. Fuller, B. J. Godley, S. Hochscheid, Y. Kaska, B. Lazar, D. Margaritoulis, A. Panagopoulou, A. F. Rees, J. Tomás, O. Turkozan (2018) Mediterranean sea turtles: current knowledge and priorities for conservation and research. Endangered Species Research, 36, 229–267.

Luschi P., R. Mencacci, G. Cerritelli, L. Papetti, S. Hochscheid. (2018) Large-scale movements in the oceanic environment identify high-use areas for loggerheads foraging in central Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology 165, 4.

Pace A., L. Meomartino, A. Affuso, G. Mennonna, S. Hochscheid, L. Dipineto (2018) Aeromonas induced polyostotic osteomyelitis in a juvenile loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 132, 79-84.

Riquet, F., Liautard-Haag, C., Woodall, L., Bouza, C., Louisy, P., Hamer, B., Otero-Ferrer, F., Aublanc, P., Béduneau, V., Briard, O., El Ayari, T., Hochscheid, S. Belkhir, K., Arnaud-Haond, S., Gagnaire, P.-A., Bierne, N. (2018). Parallel pattern of differentiation at a genomic island shared between clinal and mosaic hybrid zones in a complex of cryptic seahorse lineages. bioRxiv, 161786, ver. 4 recommended and peer-reviewed by PCI Evol Biol.

Santoro M., F. Di Nocera, D. Iaccarino, P. Cipriani, I. Guadano Procesi, F. Maffucci, S. Hochscheid, C. Blanco, A. Cerrone, G. Galiero, G. Nascetti, S. Mattiucci (2018) Helminth parasites of the dwarf sperm whale Kogia sima (Cetacea: Kogiidae) from the Mediterranean Sea, with implications on host ecology. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 129, 175–182.

Travaglini A. & Crocetta F. (2018) Natural History Collections and Alien Species: an Overlooked Sample of Bursatella leachii Blainville, 1817 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Aplysiida) Backdates its Confirmed Presence in ItalyThalassas: An International Journal of Marine Scienceshttps://doi.org/10.1007/s41208-018-0101-2.

Uçar A.H., F. Maffucci, S. Ergene, M. Ergene, Y. Katılmış, E. Başkale, Y. Kaska, S. Hochscheid (2018) A Stranded Loggerhead Turtle Tracked with Satellite in Mersin Bay, Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Turkey. Marine Turtle Newsletter, No. 155, 12-14.


Annona, G., Caccavale, F., Pascual-Anaya, J., Kuratani, S., De Luca, P., Palumbo, A. & D’Aniello, S. (2017). Nitric Oxide regulates mouth development in amphioxus. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 8432.

Burguera, D., Marquez, Y., Racioppi, C., Permanyer, J., Torres-Méndez, A., Esposito, R.,Albuixech-Crespo,B., Fanlo,L., D’Agostino,Y., Gohr,A., Navas-Perez,E., Riesgo,A., Cuomo,L., Benvenuto,G., Christiaen,L., Martì,E., D’Aniello,S., Spagnuolo,A., Ristoratore,F., Arnone,M.I., Garcia-Fernàndez, J. & Irimia, M. (2017). Evolutionary recruitment of flexible Esrp-dependent splicing programs into diverse embryonic morphogenetic processes. Nature Communications, 8(1), 1799.

Carrieri, R., Manco, R., Sapio, D., Iannaccone, M., Fulgione, A., Papaianni, M., de Falco, B., Grauso, L., Tarantino, P., Ianniello, F. & Lanzotti, V. (2017). Structural data and immunomodulatory properties of a water-soluble heteroglycan extracted from the mycelium of an Italian isolate of Ganoderma lucidumNatural Product Research, 31(18), 2119-2125.

Cirino, P., Brunet, C., Ciaravolo, M., Galasso, C., Musco, L., Vega Fernández, T., Sansone, C. & Toscano, A. (2017). The sea urchin Arbacia lixula: A novel natural source of astaxanthin. Marine Drugs, 15(6), 187.

Cirino, P., Ciaravolo, M., Paglialonga, A. & Toscano, A. (2017). Long-term maintenance of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in culture. Aquaculture Reports, 7, 27-33.

Di Capua I., Maffucci F., Pannone R., Mazzocchi M.G., Biffali E. and Amato A. (2017). Molecular phylogeny of Oncaeidae (Copepoda) using nuclear ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS rDNA) PLoS ONE12(4): e0175662. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0175662.

Entrambasaguas, L., Jahnke, M., Biffali, E., Borra, M., Sanges, R., Marín-Guirao, L. & Procaccini, G. (2017). Tissue-specific transcriptomic profiling provides new insights into the reproductive ecology and biology of the iconic seagrass species Posidonia oceanicaMarine Genomics, 35, 51-61.

Galdiero, E., Falanga, A., Siciliano, A., Maselli, V., Guida, M., Carotenuto, R.,Tussellino,M., Lombardi,L., Benvenuto, G. & Galdiero, S. (2017). Daphnia magna and Xenopus laevis as in vivo models to probe toxicity and uptake of quantum dots functionalized. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 12, 2717.

Liso, A., Castellani, S., Massenzio, F., Trotta, R., Pucciarini, A., Bigerna, B., De Luca, P., Zoppoli, P., Castiglione, F., Palumbo, M.C., Stracci, F., Landriscina, M., Specchia, G.A., Bach, L., Conese, M. & Falini, B. (2017). Human monocyte-derived dendritic cells exposed to hyperthermia show a distinct gene expression profile and selective upregulation of IGFBP6. Oncotarget, 8(37), 60826.

Luschi P., Mencacci R. ,Cerritelli  G.,  Papetti L. and Hochscheid S. (2017 online). Large-scale movements in the oceanic environment identify high-use areas for loggerheads foraging in central Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology 165, 4.

Mangoni, O., Lombardo, R., Camminatiello, I., Margiotta, F., Passarelli, A. & Saggiomo, M. (2017). Phytoplankton community to assess the environmental status of the Adriatic Sea via non-linear partial least squares regression. Quality & Quantity, 51(2), 799-812.

Mangoni, O., Saggiomo, V., Bolinesi, F., Margiotta, F., Budillon, G., Cotroneo, Y., Misic, C., Rivaro, P. & Saggiomo, M. (2017). Phytoplankton blooms during austral summer in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Driving factors and trophic implications. PloS ONE, 12(4), e0176033.

Manzo, S., Schiavo, S., Oliviero, M., Toscano, A., Ciaravolo, M. & Cirino, P. (2017). Immune and reproductive system impairment in adult sea urchin exposed to nanosized ZnO via food. Science of the Total Environment, 599, 9-13.

Matiddi M., Hochsheid S., Camedda A., Baini M., Cocumelli C, Serena F., Tomassetti P., Travaglini A., Marra S., Campani T., Scholl F., Mancusi C., Amato E., Briguglio P., Maffucci F., Fossi M.C., Bentivegna F., de Lucia G.A. (2017). Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta): A target species for monitoring litter ingested by marine organisms in the Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Pollution230: 199-209.

Musacchia, F., Vasilev, F., Borra, M., Biffali, E., Sanges, R., Santella, L. & Chun, J.T. (2017). De novo assembly of a transcriptome from the eggs and early embryos of Astropecten aranciacusPloS ONE, 12(9), e0184090.

Pepi, M., Heipieper, H.J., Balestra, C., Borra, M., Biffali, E. & Casotti, R. (2017). Toxicity of diatom polyunsaturated aldehydes to marine bacterial isolates reveals their mode of action. Chemosphere, 177, 258-265.

Richa, K., Balestra, C., Piredda, R., Benes, V., Borra, M., Passarelli, A., Margiotta, F., Saggiomo, M., Biffali, E., Sanges, R. and Scanlan, D.J. & Casotti, R. (2017). Distribution, community composition, and potential metabolic activity of bacterioplankton in an urbanized Mediterranean Sea coastal zone. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83(17), e00494-17

Riquet, F., Liautard-Haag, C., Woodall, L., Bouza, C., Louisy, P., Hamer, B., Otero-Ferrer, F., Aublanc, P., Beduneau, V., Briard, O. and El Ayari, T., Hochscheid, S., Belkhir,K., Arnaud-Haond, S., Gagnaire, P.A. & Bierne N. (2017). Parallel use of a shared genomic island of speciation in clinal and mosaic hybrid zones between cryptic seahorse lineages. bioRxiv, 161786.

Riquet, F., Liautard-Haag, C., Woodall, L., Bouza, C., Patrick, L., Hamer, B., Otero, F., Lelong, P., Auffret, S., Briardy, O. and El Ayari, T., Liger,P., Hochscheid,S., Belkhir, K., Arnaud-Haond, S., Gagnaire, P.A. & Bierne, N. (2017). Reuse of a shared genomic island of speciation in clinal and mosaic hybrid zones between cryptic seahorse lineages. Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology, 2017

Rivaro, P., Ianni, C., Langone, L., Ori, C., Aulicino, G., Cotroneo, Y., Saggiomo, M. and Mangoni, O.  (2017). Physical and biological forcing of mesoscale variability in the carbonate system of the Ross Sea (Antarctica) during summer 2014’. Journal of Marine Systems166:144-158 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.11.002)

Rotini, A., Tornambè, A., Cossi, R., Iamunno, F., Benvenuto, G., Berducci, M. Maggi, C., Thaller, M.C., Cicero, A.M., Manfra, L. & Migliore, L. (2017). Salinity-based toxicity of CuO nanoparticles, CuO-bulk and Cu ion to Vibrio anguillarumFrontiers in Microbiology, 8. 2076.

Saggiomo, M., Poulin, M., Mangoni, O., Lazzara, L., De Stefano, M., Sarno, D. and Zingone, A. (2017). Spring-time dynamics of diatom communities in landfast and underlying platelet ice in Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Journal of Marine Systems166, 26-36.

Santoro M., Di Nocera F., Iaccarino D., Lawton S. P., Cerrone A., degli Uberti B., D’Amore M., Affuso A., Hochscheid S., Maffucci F., Galiero G. (2017). Pathology and molecular analysis of Hapalotrema mistroides (Digenea: Spirorchiidae) infecting a Mediterranean loggerhead turtle Caretta carettaDiseases of Aquatic Organisms, 124: 101–108.

Scipione, M.B., Lo Brutto, S., Cirino,P., Di Capua, I., Guglielmo,R., Patti,F.P. & Sarno, D. (2017). A network of italian amphipodologist in the frame of MOTAX. Biodiversity journal,8, 661-663.

Vinale, F., Nicoletti, R., Borrelli, F., Mangoni, A., Parisi, O.A., Marra, R., Lombardi, N., Lacatena, F., Grauso, L., Finizio, S. and Lorito, M. (2017). Co-Culture of Plant Beneficial Microbes as Source of Bioactive Metabolites. Scientific Reports, 7(1), p.14330, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14569-5.

Vuttariello, E., Borra, M., Mauriello, E., Calise, C., D'Andrea, B., Capiluongo, A., Fulciniti, F., Cipolletta, A., Monaco, M., Pezzullo, L. & Chiappetta, G. (2017). Multiplex PCR approach to simultaneously identify several mutations in fine needle cytology thyroid samples. Oncotarget, 8(30), 49351.


D’Agostino, Y., Locascio, A., Ristoratore, F., Sordino, P., Spagnuolo, A., Borra, M. and D’Aniello, S. (2016) A rapid and cheap methodology for CRISPR/Cas9 zebrafish mutant screening. Molecular biotechnology, 58: 73-78.

D'Alelio, D., Montresor, M., Mazzocchi, M. G., Margiotta, F., Sarno, D. and d'Alcalà, M. R. (2016). Plankton food-webs: to what extent can they be simplified? Advances in Oceanography and Limnology 7, 67-92.

De Felice, B., Borra, M., Manfellotto, F., Santangelo, A., Biffali, E. and Guida, M. (2016) Assessment of genetic diversity between wild and cultivated artichokes using SSR markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 63 (8) 1363-1369, Springer Netherlands.

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Karaa, S., Maffucci, F., Jribi, I., Bologna, M. A., Borra, M., Biffali, E., Bradai, M. N. and Hochscheid, S. (2016). Connectivity and stock composition of loggerhead turtles foraging on the North African continental shelf (Central Mediterranean): implications for conservation and management. Marine Ecology. 37, 1103–1115. DOI: 10.1111/maec.12375.

Maffucci, F., Corrado, R., Palatella, L., Borra, M., Marullo, S., Hochscheid, S., Lacorata, G. and Iudicone, D. (2016). Seasonal heterogeneity of ocean warming: a mortality sink for ectotherm colonizers. Scientific Reports 6. Article number: 23983.

Mangoni, O., Lombardo, R., Camminatiello, I., Margiotta, F., Passarelli, A. and Saggiomo, M. (2016). Phytoplankton community to assess the environmental status of the Adriatic Sea via non-linear partial least squares regression. Quality & Quantity First Online: 12 October 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s11135-016-0440-0

Migliaccio, O., Castellano, I., Di Cioccio, D., Tedeschi, G., Negri, A., Cirino,P., Romano, G., Zingone, A. and Palumbo, A. (2016). Subtle reproductive impairment through nitric oxide-mediated mechanisms in sea urchins from an area affected by harmful algal blooms. Scientific Reports 6. Article number: 26086.

Motta, C.M., Cerciello, R., De Bonis, S., Mazzella, V., Cirino, P., Panzuto, R., Ciaravolo, M., Simoniello, P., Toscanesi, M., Trifuoggi, M. and Avallone, B. (2016). Potential toxicity of improperly discarded exhausted photovoltaic cells. Environmental Pollution, 216, 786-792.

Pepi, M., Borra, M., Tamburrino, S., Saggiomo, M., Viola, A., Biffali, E., Balestra, C., Sprovieri, M. and Casotti, R. (2016). A Bacillus sp isolated from sediments of the Sarno River mouth, Gulf of Naples (Italy) produces a biofilm biosorbing Pb(II). Science of the Total Environment 562, 588-595.

Rees, A. F., Alfaro-Shigueto, J., Barata,  P. C. R., Bjorndal, K. A., Bolten, A. B., Bourjea, J., Broderick, A. C., Campbell, L. M., Cardona, L. Carreras, C., Casale, P., Ceriani, S. A., Dutton, P. H., Eguchi, T., Formia, A., Fuentes, M. M. P. B., Fuller, W. J., Girondot, M., Godfrey, M. H., Hamann, M., Hart, K. M., Hays, G. C., Hochscheid, S., Kaska, Y., Jensen, M. P., Mangel, J. C., Mortimer, J. A., Naro-Maciel, E., Ng, C.K.Y., Nichols, W. J., Phillott, A. D., Reina, R. D., Revuelta, O., Schofield, G., Seminoff, J. A., Shanker, K., Tomás, J., van de Merwe, J. P., Van Houtan, K. S., Vander Zanden, H. B., Wallace, B. P., Wedemeyer-Strombel, K. R., Work, T. M. and Godley, B. J. (2016) Review: Are we working towards global research priorities for management and conservation of sea turtles? Endangered Species Research 31, 337–382.

Saggiomo, M., Poulin, M., Mangoni, O., Lazzara, L., De Stefano, M., Sarno, D. and Zingone, A. (2016). Spring-time dynamics of diatom communities in landfast and underlying platelet ice in Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Journal of Marine Systems, 166:26-36.

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Book and Chapters

Kooistra, W. H. and Pohl, G. (2015). Diatom Frustule Morphology and its Biomimetic Applications in Architecture and Industrial Design. In Evolution of Lightweight Structures, pp. 75-102. Netherlands: Springer.


Falcini, F., Di Cicco, A., Pitarch, J., Marullo, S., Colella, S., Volpe, G., Nardin, W., Margiotta, F. and Santoleri, R. (2016). Remote sensing analysis of the Tiber River sediment plume (Tyrrhenian Sea): spectral signature of erratic vs. persistent events. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Motta, C. M., Avallone, B., Cerciello, R., De Bonis, S., Mazzella, V., Cirino, P., Panzuto, R., Ciaravolo, M., Simoniello, P., Toscanesi, M. et al. (2016). Potential toxicity of improperly discarded exhausted photovoltaic cells. In 62nd Congress of the Italian Embryological Group (GEI), vol. 60: European Journal of Histochemistry.

Pisano, C., Carletta, G., D’Angelo, F., Esposito, A., Bianchino, E., Riccio, A., Festa, M., Cardile, F., Carchia, E., D’Acunto, W. et al. (2016). Molecular profiling of primary malignant pleuralmesothelioma histotypes cell lines reveals relationship between GDF15overexpression and cisplatin resistance both in in vitro and in vivo models. In AACR 107th Annual Meeting 2016. New Orleans, LA.


Caputi, L., Crocetta, F., Toscano, F., Sordino, P. and Cirino, P. (2015). Long-term demographic and reproductive trends in Ciona intestinalis sp A. Marine Ecology-an Evolutionary Perspective 36, 118-128.

Cozzolino, M., Cicatelli, A., Fortino, V., Guarino, F., Tagliaferri, R., Castiglione, S., De Luca, P., Napolitano, F., Celia, G., Iannotti, S. et al. (2015). The mind-body healing experience (mhe) is associated with gene expression in human leukocyte. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences 5, 1-31.

Crocetta, F., Marino, R., Cirino, P., Macina, A., Staiano, L., Esposito, R., Pezzotti, M. R., Racioppi, C., Toscano, F., De Felice, E., Locascio, A., Ristoratore, F., Spagnuolo, A., Zanetti, L., Branno, M., Sordino, P. (2015). Mutation studies in ascidians: a review. Genesis 53, 160-9.

D'Alelio, D., Mazzocchi, M. G., Montresor, M., Sarno, D., Zingone, A., Di Capua, I., Franze, G., Margiotta, F., Saggiomo, V. and d'Alcala, M. R. (2015). The green-blue swing: plasticity of plankton food-webs in response to coastal oceanographic dynamics. Marine Ecology-an Evolutionary Perspective 36, 1155-1170.

Fiorito, G., Affuso, A., Basil, J., Cole, A., de Girolamo, P., D'Angelo, L., Dickel, L., Gestal, C., Grasso, F., Kuba, M. Mark, F., Melillo, D., Osorio, D., Perkins, K., Ponte, G., Shashar, N., Smith, D., Smith, J., Andrews, P.L. (2015). Guidelines for the Care and Welfare of Cephalopods in Research -A consensus based on an initiative by CephRes, FELASA and the Boyd Group. Lab Anim 49, 1-90.

Migliaccio, O., Castellano, I., Cirino, P., Romano, G. and Palumbo, A. (2015). Maternal Exposure to Cadmium and Manganese Impairs Reproduction and Progeny Fitness in the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividusPLoS One 10, e0131815.

Santamaria, G., Esposito, C. L., Cerchia, L., Benvenuto, G., Nanjappa, D., Sarno, D., Zingone, A., De Franciscis, V. and d'Alcala, M. R. (2015). Aptamers are an innovative and promising tool for phytoplankton taxonomy and biodiversity research. Chemistry and Ecology 31, 92-103.

Vicidomini, R., Di Giovanni, A., Petrizzo, A., Iannucci, L. F., Benvenuto, G., Nagel, A. C., Preiss, A. and Furia, M. (2015). Loss of Drosophila pseudouridine synthase triggers apoptosis-induced proliferation and promotes cell-nonautonomous EMT. Cell Death & Disease 6.


Falcini, F., Di Cicco, A., Pitarch, J., Colella, S., Lai, A., Marullo, S., Forneris, V., Nardin, W., Margiotta, F., Santoleri, R. et al. (2015). Variability of spatial patterns of total suspended matter in the Tyrrhenian Sea coasts from remote sensing data. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Manzo, S., Cirino, P., Schiavo, S., Oliviero, M., Ciaravolo, M. and Paglialonga, A. (2015). I ricci di mare nella ricerca ecotossicologica, possibili strategie per la disponibilità continua di gameti. Risultati preliminari. ISPRA Atti delle giornate di studio su emergenza ambiente: l'ecotossicologia come strumento di gestione, 119.


Adelfi MG, Borra M, Sanges M, Montresor M, Fontana A, Ferrante M-I (2014). Selection and validation of reference genes for qPCR analysis in the pennate diatoms Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata and Pseudo-nitzschia arenysensis. JEMBE Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 451C: 74-81.

Bosnjak I, Borra M, Iamunno F, Benvenuto G, Ujevic I, Buselic I, Roje-Busatto R, Mladineo I (2014). Effect of bisphenol A on P-glycoprotein-mediated efflux and ultrastructure of the sea urchin embryo. Aquatic Toxicology, 156: 21-29.

Carella F, Aceto S, Saggiomo M, Mangoni O, De Vico G (2014). Gorgonian disease outbreak in the Gulf of Naples: pathology reveals cyanobacterial infection linked to elevated sea temperatures. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 110: 69-80.

Caputi L, Crocetta F, Toscano F, Sordino P, Cirino P (2014). Long-term demographic and reproductive trends in Ciona intestinalis sp. A. Marine Ecology AEP, DOI: 10.1111/MAEC.12125.

Carotenuto M, De Antonellis P, Liguori L, Benvenuto G, Magliulo D, Alonzi A, Turino C, Attanasio C, Damiani V, Bello AM, Vitiello F, Pasquinelli R, Terracciano L, Federico A, Fusco A, Freeman J, Dale TC, Decraene C, Chiappetta G, Piantedosi F, Calabrese C, Zollo M (2014). H-Prune through GSK-3β interaction sustains canonical WNT/β-catenin signaling enhancing cancer progression in NSCLC. Oncotarget, 5: 5736-5749.

Casale P, Freggi D, Maffucci F, Hochscheid S (2014). Adult sex ratios of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in two Mediterranean foraging grounds. Scientia Marina. 78: 303-309.

Clusa M, Carreras C, Pascual M, Gaughran S, Piovano S, Fernández G Levy Y, Tomás J,  Raga JA, Maffucci F, Hochscheid S, Aguilar A, Cardona L (2014). Fine-scale distribution of juvenile Atlantic and Mediterranean loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology, 161: 509-519.

D'Alelio D, Mazzocchi M G, Montresor M, Sarno D, Zingone A, Di Capua I, Franzé G, Margiotta F, Saggiomo V, Ribera D’Alcalà M (2014). The green-blue swing: plasticity of plankton food-webs in response to coastal oceanographic dynamics. Marine Ecology, 2014: 1-16.

De Felice B, Mondola P, Sasso A, Orefice G, Bresciamorra V, Vacca G, Biffali E, Borra M, Pannone R (2014) Small non-coding RNA signature in multiple sclerosis patients after treatment with interferon-beta. BMC Medical Genomics. 7: 26.

De Felice B, Annunziata A, Fiorentino G, Borra M, Biffali E, Coppola C, Cotrufo R, Brettschneider J, Giordana ML, Dalmay T, Wheeler G, D’Alessandro R (2014) miR-338-3p is over-expressed in blood, CFS, serum and spinal cord from sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Neurogenetics, 15: 243-253.

De Felice B, Annunziata A, Fiorentino G, Manfellotto F, D'Alessandro R, Marino R, Borra M, Biffali E (2014). Telomerase expression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. Journal of Human Genetics, 59: 555-561.

Della Torre C, Bergami E, Salvati A, Faleri C, Cirino P, Dawson KA, Corsi I. (2014). Accumulation and Embryotoxicity of Polystyrene Nanoparticles at Early Stage of Development of Sea Urchin Embryos Paracentrotus lividus. Environmental Science & Technology, 48: 12302-12311.

Escalera L, Benvenuto G, Scalco E, Zingone A, Montresor M (2014). Ultrastructural features of the benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata (Dinophyceae). Protist, 165: 260-274.

Guida M, Cannavacciuolo PL, Cesarano M, Borra M, Biffali E, D’Alessandro R, De Felice B (2014) Microbial diversity of landslide soils assessed by RFLP and SSCP fingerprints. Journal of Applied Genetics, 55: 403-15.

Fiorito G, Affuso A, Anderson DB, Basil J, Bonnaud L, Botta G, Cole A, D'Angelo L, De Girolamo P, Dennison N, Dickel L, Di Cosmo A, Di Cristo C, Gestal C, Fonseca R, Grasso F, Kristiansen T, Kuba M, Maffucci F, Manciocco A, Mark FC, Melillo D, Osorio D, Palumbo A, Perkins K, Ponte G, Raspa M, Shashar N, Smith J, Smith D, Sykes A, Villanueva R, Tublitz N, Zullo L, Andrews P. (2014) Cephalopods in neuroscience: regulations, research and the 3Rs. Invert Neurosci. 2014 Mar;14(1):13-36. DOI: 10.1007/s10158-013-0165-x. Epub 2014 Jan 3.

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Mangoni O, Casotti R, Margiotta F, Saggiomo M, Saggiomo V (2013) Marine Strategy: spatio-temporal dynamics of phytoplankton assemblages in different coastal marine areas of the Adriatic Sea. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 20: 212-213.

Saggiomo M, Mangoni O, Margiotta F, Saggiomo V, Santarpia I, Casotti R (2013). A Chemotaxonomical approach towards synthetic indicators of phytoplankton composition in the context of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Biologia Marina Mediterranea 20: 222-223.


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Rusolo, F., Capone, F., Pasquale, R., Angiolillo, A., Colonna, G., Castello, G., Costantini, M., Costantini, S. (2017). Comparison of the seleno-transcriptome expression between human non-cancerous mammary epithelial cells and two human breast cancer cell lines. Oncology Letters, 13(4), 2411-2417.

Sykes, A.V., Almansa, E., Cooke, G.M., Ponte, G. & Andrews, P.L.R. (2017). The Digestive Tract of Cephalopods: a Neglected Topic of Relevance to Animal Welfare in the Laboratory and Aquaculture. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, p.492.

Tammaro, S., Simoniello, P., Ristoratore, F., Coppola, U., Scudiero, R., & Motta, C.M. (2017). Expression of caspase 3 in ovarian follicle cells of the lizard Podarcis siculaCell and Tissue Research, 367(2), 397-404.

Tarallo, A., D'Onofrio, G., & Agnisola, C. (2017). Oxygen consumption rate in Gasterosteus aculeatus-Schistocephalus solidus system from a non-migratory naturally infected population. bioRxiv, 111112.

Tedesco, P., Gestal, C., Begić, K., Mladineo, I., Castellanos-Martinez, S., Catanese, G., Terlizzi, A., Fiorito, G. (2017). Morphological and molecular characterization of Aggregata spp. frenzel 1885 (Apicomplexa: Aggregatidae) in Octopus vulgaris Cuvier 1797 (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) from central mediterranean. Protist, 168(5), 636-648.

Tosti, E., Boni, R., & Gallo, A. (2017). µ-Conotoxins Modulating Sodium Currents in Pain Perception and Transmission: A Therapeutic Potential. Marine Drugs, 15(10), 295.

Trifuoggi, M., Pagano, G., Guida, M., Palumbo, A., Siciliano, A., Gravina, M., Lyons, D.M., Burić, P., Levak, M., Thomas, P.J., Giarra, A., Oral, R. (2017). Comparative toxicity of seven rare earth elements in sea urchin early life stages. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(25), 20803-20810.

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segreteria 01I Servizi Tecnici assicurano lo svolgimento delle attività tecniche indispensabili al funzionamento delle diverse strutture dell’Ente. I Servizi Tecnici attualmente svolgono le seguenti funzioni:
a) gestione tecnica dei servizi di comunicazione inclusi gli strumenti informatici e di telefonia che garantiscono le relazioni esterne dell’Ente;
b) supporto logistico, tecnico ed operativo al Responsabile del Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione, sotto il coordinamento del Responsabile della Sicurezza (Rappresentante Legale; ai sensi del D.Lgs. 81 del 9 aprile 2008 e s.m.i.);
c) gestione degli immobili, strumentazioni e beni di diversa natura e lo manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria;
d) gestione della manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria delle apparecchiature scientifiche in collaborazione con gli affidatari delle stesse.

Occupational health and safety

Sede Napoli
• Vincenzo Femiano (RSPP)

Building and Equipments maintenance

Sede Napoli
• Raffaele Trimarco (Responsabile)

• Aldo De Rosa
• Danilo Iacone
• Ida Lavorgna
• Antonio Pedone
• Violante Stefanino

boero ferdinandoFerdinando Boero

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche e Ambientali

Università del Salento

Lecce - Italia

Curriculum Vitae



Roberto BassiRoberto Bassi

Biochimica e Fisiologia Vegetale

Dipartimento di Biotecnologie

Università di Verona

Curriculum Vitae


Tim Hunt

Francis Crick Institute

Cancer Research UK Clare Hall Laboratories

South Mimms, England

Curriculum Vitae

Nancy KnowltonNancy Knowlton

Sant Chair in Marine Science

Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History

Washington, DC


Curriculum Vitae



Axel MeyerAxel Meyer 

Chair in Zoology and Evolutionary Biology

Department of Biology

University of Konstanz


Curriculum Vitae

Stephen Palumbi

Hopkins Marine Station

Dept. Biological Sciences

Pacific Grove, CA


Curriculum Vitae

schiaffino stefanoStefano Schiaffino

Istituto Veneto di Medicina Molecolare

Padova - Italia

Curriculum Vitae




Margherita Groeben

Tel. +39 081 5833310
Fax +39 081 7641355
E-mail: margherita.groeben(at)szn.it

In this section you can find news and updates on the activities of SZN and a complete overview of events, seminars and courses.

The CUG-SZN, established in December 2011, was renewed in April 2016 for the 2016-2020 four-year period. The Committee is currently composed of six members designated by representative trade unions and six representatives of the Administration, appointed by the President on the basis of electoral consultations, ensuring overall equal presence of both genders.

Appointment of the Committee:

1) Delibera del Presidente n. 32 del 7 aprile 2016 - 2) Decreto del presidente n. 20 del 5 aprile 2018 (In Italian)

Members Substitute members Role
Diana Sarno Andrea Affuso President
Salvatore D’Aniello Andrea Travaglini Member
Elisabetta Tosti Gianluca Zazo Member
Paola Cirino Maria Francone (Segretaria) FLC CGIL designation member
Claudia Di Somma Giuseppe Corato FIR CISL designation member
Carmen Minucci Alessandro Amoroso UIL RUA designation member

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