
Il 17 dicembre 2015, alla presenza dell’On. Ministra Stefania Giannini, il Premio Giovane Ricercatore "Aldo Fasolo" è stato consegnato alla Dott.ssa Valeria Di Dato per la pubblicazione ‘Transcriptome sequencing of three Pseudo-nitzschia species reveals comparable gene sets and the presence of Nitric Oxide Synthase genes in diatoms’ - Scientific Reports | 5:12329 | DOI: 10.1038/srep12329.

L’importo di € 1.000 potrà essere utilizzato per attività di ricerca (partecipazioni a convegni, collaborazioni con laboratori di ricerca e/o spese per pubblicazioni).

fasolo 2015

Il 17 dicembre 2014 una borsa di studio di 1.000€ è stata vinta dalla Dott.ssa Immacolata Castellano, per la pubblicazione "Nitric Oxide Affects ERK Signaling through Down-Regulation of MAP Kinase Phosphatase Levels during Larval Development of the Ascidian Ciona intestinalis", PLOS ONE, 1 July 2014, 9 (7).


premi 02

In Progess

Mesocosms deployed at sea

Among the park's oceanographic instruments, the SZN has a set of pelagic mesocosms built ad-hoc for running controlled in situ experiments in coastal waters. These mesocosms (6 structures) have a capacity of about 100 m3, with a depth of 15 meters. They are equipped with a pumping system allowing sampling at three depths, 0.2, 5 and 10 meters, as well as temperature and light sensors put at the same three depths.

These systems allow us to carry out experiments in the sea for a short period (<1 month) and areas protected from rough seas or strong waves that could destroy the installation.

Mesocosms are experimental tools that allow us to perform in situ studies on pelagic ecosystem, at intermediate scale between microcosms setup in laboratory and the complexity of the real world.

Mesocosms deployed at seaMesocosms are facilities that allow us to enclose the water mass present during the installation of the structures, and therefore keeping all the properties of the ecosystem. There is not exchange with outside, avoiding any influence from horizontal or vertical advection.

The advantages of studies with such systems are:

  • They allow to study the response (in time) of the ecosystem to induced environmental change.
  • They allow to perform complex and optimal sampling designs for understanding the functioning of coastal pelagic ecosystems.
  • They allow to investigate the ecosystem or part of its components in realistic environmental conditions.
  • They allow to investigate almost all the food web at the same time.
  • They allow the study of interactions in food webs.
  • They allow the study of interactions between the different components and/or functional groups present in the ecosystem.
  • They allow the study of the flow of matter in the ecosystem and then to parameterize it.
  • They allow to perform studies with replicates.

Mesocosms deployed at sea: the setup of three mesocosms with sampling procedure (photo by C. Brunet, during the 2010

Underwater view of the mesocosms (photo by D. Luquet, during the 2010

View of the structure forming the top of one mesocosm

View of the structure forming the top of one mesocosm with the bag inside and the roof

Map of the installation at sea of one set of three mesocosms.

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GAMBI M.C., BARBIERI F. 2012. Population Structure Of The Gorgonian Eunicella Cavolinii In The "Grotta Azzurra" Cave Off Palinuro, After The Mass Mortality Event In 2008. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 19(1) 174-175.

GAMBI M.C., BENEDETTI-CECCHI L. 2012. Approcci Di Studio Ai Gradienti Di Fattori Ecologici In Ambiente Marino E Risposte Di Specie E Comunità. Biologia Marina Mediterrana, 19(1): 26-36.

GAMBI M.C., RICEVUTO E. 2012. "Messages In The Bubbles". Il Geosito Marino Del Castello Aragonese Di Ischia (Napoli): Relazioni Tra Geologia E Biologia In Rapporto Al Cambiamento Climatico. In: D’Angelo S., Fiorentino A. (A Cura Di), 2012. Contributi Al Meeting Marino 25-26 Ottobre 2012. Atti ISPRA, Roma: 89-96. Www.Isprambiente.Gov.It/It/Pubblicazioni/Atti 
Huseby, S., M. Degerlund, A. Zingone & E. Hansen (2012). Metabolic Fingerprinting Reveals Differences Between Northern And Southern Strains Of The Cryptic Diatom Chaetoceros Socialis. European Journal Of Phycology 47:480–89.

Ianora, A., A. Miralto, Et Al. (2012). Antipredatory Defensive Role Of Planktonic Marine Natural Products. Handbook Of Marine Natural Products. E. Fattorusso, W. H. Gerwick And O. Taglialatela-Scafati, Springer Netherlands: 711-748. (Doi 10.1007/978-90-481-3834-0_13)

Iermano I., Liguori G., Iudicone D., Buongiorno Nardelli B., Colella S., Zingone A., Saggiomo V. & Ribera d’Alcalà M. (2012) Wind-Driven Filament Formation And Evolution In Buoyant Coastal Waters: Observation And Modeling. Progress In Oceanography 106: 118-137

Lauritano, C., Carotenuto, Y., Miralto, A., Procaccini, G. &  Ianora, A. (2012). Copepod Population-Specific Response To A Toxic Diatom Diet. Plos ONE 7(10), E47262.

Lauritano C., Procaccini G. And Ianora A. 2012 Gene Expression Patterns And Stress Response In Marine Copepods. Marine Environmental Research, 76: 22-31.

Mackas, D.L., Greve, W., Edwards, M., Chiba, S., Tadokoro, K., Eloire, D., Mazzocchi, M.G., Batten, S., Richardson, A., Johnson, C., Head, E., Conversi, A., Peluso. T., 2012. Changing Zooplankton Seasonality In A Changing Ocean: Comparing Time Series Of Zooplankton Phenology. Progress In Oceanography, 97-100, 31-62.  Doi:10.1016/J.Pocean.2011.11.005.

Maibam C., Fink P., Romano G., Buia M.C., Zupo V. (2012) Influence Of Seawater Acidification On The Chemosensory Abilities And Volatile Organic Compound Detection By The Planktonic Copepod Centropages Typicus. Presented At: 50th ECSA Conference, 3-7 June 2012, Venice, Italy.

Maibam C., Romano G., Fink P., Buia M.C., Gambi M.C., Scipione M.B., Patti F., Lorenti M., Zupo V. (2012) Dual Role Of Wound-Activated Compounds Produced By Diatoms, As Both Allelochemicals And Infochemicals For Benthic Invertebrates. Presented At: ASLO Summer Meeting. Otsu, 8-13 July 2012. Japan.

Marrone V, Piscopo M, Romano G, Ianora A, Palumbo A, Costantini M. 2012. Stress Surveillance System Against Toxic Diatom Aldehydes In Sea Urchins Plos ONE Volume 7(2) E31750

Marrone V, Piscopo M, Romano G, Ianora A, Palumbo A, Et Al. (2012) Defensome Against Toxic Diatom Aldehydes In The Sea Urchin Paracentrotus Lividus. Plos One 7. Doi: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0031750

Mazzocchi, M.G., Dubroca, L., Garcia-Comas, C., Di Capua, I., Ribera d’Alcalà, M., 2012. Stability And Resilience In Coastal Copepod Assemblages: The Case Of The Mediterranean Long-Term Ecological Research At Stn MC (LTER-MC). Progress In Oceanography, 97-100, 135-151. Doi: 10.1016/J.Pocean.2011.003.

Meron D, Buia MC, Fine M, Banin E (2012). Changes In Microbial Communities Associated With The Sea Anemone Anemonia Viridis In A Natural Ph Gradient. Microbial Ecology 65:269-276. 

Not, F., Siano, R., Kooistra, W.H.C.F., Simon, N., Vaulot, D., Probert, I. (2012). Diversity And Ecology Of Eukaryotic Marine Phytoplankton. In: Advances In Botanical Research, Genomic Insights Into The Biology Of Algae, Vol 64, Piganeau G, Jacquot J-P, Gadal P. (Eds) Pp 1-53.


Pergent G., Bazairi H., Bianchi C.N., Boudouresque C-F., Buia M.C., Clabaut P., Harmelin-Vivien M., Mateo M.A., Montefalcone M., Morri C.,  Orfanidis S., Pergent-Martini C., Semroud R., Serrano O.,  Verlaque M. (2012). Les Herbiers De Magnoliophytes Marines De Méditerranée: Résilience Et Contribution A L’atténuation Des Changements Climatiques. Gland Switzerland And Malaga, Spain: IUCN, 80 Pp. ISBN:978-2-8317-1458-5.

Procaccini G., Beer S., Björk M., Olsen J.L., Mazzuca S., Santos R. 2012 Seagrass Ecophysiology Meets Ecological Genomics: Are We Ready? Marine Ecology: An Evolutionary Perspective, 33: 522-527

Ricevuto E, Lorenti M, Patti FP, Scipione MB, Gambi MC (2012) Temporal Trends Of Benthic Invertebrate Settlement Along A Gradient Of Ocean Acidification At Natural CO2 Vents (Tyrrhenian Sea). Biologia Marina Mediterranea 19: 49-52.

RICEVUTO E., LORENTI M., PATTI F.P., SCIPIONE M.B., GAMBI M.C. (2012) Temporal Trends Of Benthic Invertebrate Settlement Along A Gradient Of Ocean Acidification At Natural CO2 Vents (Tyrrhenian Sea). Biologia Marina Mediterrana,19(1): 49-52

Saied A., Maffucci F., Dryag S. M. H., Borra M., Ouerghi A., Procaccini G., Hochscheid S., Bentivegna F. 2012 Loggerhead Turtles Nesting In Libya: An Important Management Unit For The Mediterranean Stock. MEPS, 450: 207-218

Scalco E, Brunet C, Marino F, Rossi R, Soprano V, Zingone A, Montresor M (2012) Growth And Toxicity Responses Of Mediterranean Ostreopsis Cf. Ovata To Seasonal Irradiance And Temperature Conditions. Harmful Algae 17:25-34

Scipione M.B., 2012. On The Presence Of Microdeutopus Sporadhi Myers, 1969 (Amphipoda: Aoridae) Along The Italian Coasts: Distribution And Ecology In The Mediterranean Sea. The Crustacean Society Summer Meeting, Athens, 3-7 June, 2012: 61.

Séférian R., Iudicone D., Bopp L., Roy T. & Madec G. (2012) Water Mass Analysis Of Effects Of Climate Change On Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes: The Southern Ocean. J. Climate 25: 3894–3908.

Serra I.A., Lauritano C., Dattolo E., Puoti A., Nicastro S., Innocenti A.M., Procaccini G. 2012 Reference Genes Assessment For The Seagrass Posidonia Oceanica In Different Salinity, Ph And Light Conditions. Marine Biology, 159:1269–1282


Smetacek V, Klaas C, Strass VH, Assmy P, Montresor M, Cisewski B, Savoye N, Webb A, d'Ovidio F, Arrieta JM, Bathmann U, Bellerby R, Berg GM, Croot P, Gonzalez S, Henjes J, Herndl GJ, Hoffmann LJ, Leach H, Losch M, Mills MM, Neill C, Peeken I, Roettgers R, Sachs O, Sauter E, Schmidt MM, Schwarz J, Terbrueggen A, Wolf-Gladrow D (2012) Deep Carbon Export From A Southern Ocean Iron-Fertilized Diatom Bloom. Nature 487:313-319

TOVAR-HERNÁNDEZ M.A, YÁÑEZ-RIVERA B., GIANGRANDE A., GAMBI M.C. 2012. Notes On The Species Of Perkinsiana (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) From Antarctica With The Description Of P. Brigittae Sp. Nov. Zootaxa, 3485: 56–68.

Turner, J. T., Roncalli, V., Ciminiello, P., Dell’Aversano, C., Fattorusso, E., Tartaglione, L., Carotenuto, Y., Romano, R., Esposito, F., Miralto, A. & Ianora, A. (2012). Biogeographic Effects Of The Gulf Of Mexico Red Tide Dinoflagellate Karenia Brevis On Mediterranean Copepods. Harmful Algae 16: 63-73.

VASAPOLLO C., GAMBI M.C. 2012. Spatio-Temporal Variability In Posidonia Oceanica Seagrass Meadows Off The Western Mediterranean: Shoot Density And Plant Features. Aquatic Biology, 16: 163-175

ZENETOS A., GOFAS S., MORRI C., ROSSO A., VIOLANTI D., GARCIA-RASO J.E., CINAR M.E., ALMOGI-LABIN A., ATES A.S., AZZURRO E., BALLESTEROS E., BIANCHI C.N., BILECENOGLU M., GAMBI M.C., GIANGRANDE A., GRAVILI C., HYAMS-KAPHZAN O., KARACHLE V., KATSANEVAKIS S., LIPEJ L., MASTROTOTARO F., MINIEUR F., PANCUCCI-PAPADOPOULOU M.A., RAMOS ESPLA A., SALAS C., SAN MARTIN G., SFRISO A., STREFTARIS N., VERLAQUE M. 2012. Alien Species In The Mediterranean Sea By 2012. A Contribution To The Application Of European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part 2. Patterns In Introduction Trends And Pathways. Mediterranean Marine Science  13/2: 328-352.

Zingone A, Sarno D (2012) Gulf Of Naples LTER-MC (Site 59). In: O'Brien TD, Li WKW, Moran XAG, Editors. ICES Phytoplankton And Microbial Plankton Status Report 2009/2010. Copenhagen: International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea. Pp. 148-149.

Zingone A., Buia MC (2012). 19.Golfo Di Napoli. In: Bertoni, R. [Ed.] La Rete Italiana Per La Ricerca Ecologica A Lungo Termine (LTER-ITALIA). Aracne Editrice, Roma, Pp. 189-96. ISBN 978-88-548-4661-6. 

Zingone, A. & D. Sarno 2012. Gulf Of Naples LTER-MC (Site 59). In: O'Brien, T. D., Li, W. K. W. & Moran, X. A. G. [Eds.] ICES Phytoplankton And Microbial Plankton Status Report 2009/2010. International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea, Copenhagen, Pp. 148-49.

Zingone, A. & M. C. Buia 2012. 19.Golfo Di Napoli. In: Bertoni, R. [Ed.] La Rete Italiana Per La Ricerca Ecologica A Lungo Termine (LTER-ITALIA). Aracne Editrice, Roma, Pp. 189-96.

Zingone, A., A. Sardo, R. Rossi, V. Soprano, P. Ciminiello, E. Fattorusso & P. Cirino 2012. Il Duplice Effetto Di Ostreopsis Ovata Su Mitili E Ricci Di Mare: Accumulo Di Tossine Ed Aspetti Patologici.  Giornata Di Studio E Confronto: Presenza E Fioriture Algali Di Ostreopsis Ovata Ed Altre Microalghe Potenzialmente Tossiche Lungo Le Coste Italiane. ISPRA, Roma, Pp. 33-36.

Zingone, A., E. Berdalet, P. Bienfang, H. Enevoldsen, J. Evans, R. Kudela & P. Tester (2012). Harmful Algae In Benthic Systems: A GEOHAB Core Research Program. Cryptogam. Algol. 33:225-30.


Andreakis N., D’aniello S., Albalat R., Patti F.P., Garcia-Fernandez J., Procaccini G., Sordino P., Palumbo A. 2011 Evolution Of The Nitric Oxide Synthase Family In Metazoans. Molecular Biology And Evolution, 28 (1): 163-179

Balestra C., Alonso-Saez L., Gasol J. M., Casotti R. (2011) Group-Specific Effects On Coastal Bacterioplankton Of Polyunsaturated Aldehydes Produced By Diatoms. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 63: 123-131

Balestra C., Celussi M., Bastianini M. And Casotti R. 2011. Polyunsaturated Aldehydes Effect On Microbial Community Composition And Dynamics In The Northern Adriatic Sea. Cytometry Part A  79a: 10281077, 2011- Pp.1036-1037

Balzano, S., Sarno, D., Kooistra, W.H.C.F. (2011). Effects Of Salinity On The Growth Rate And Morphology Of Ten Skeletonema Strains. Journal Of Plankton Research 33: 937-946.

Barreiro, A., Carotenuto, Y., Lamari, N., Esposito, F., D'ippolito, G., Fontana, A., Romano, G., Ianora, A., Miralto, A. & Guisande, C. (2011). Diatom Induction Of Reproductive Failure In Copepods: The Effect Of Puas Versus Non-Volatile Oxylipins. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 401: 13-19.

Book Chapters

Buia M.C. (2011). La Biodiversità Nell’area Marina Dei Campi Flegrei. Impiego Della Flora Bentonica Per Descrivere Lo Stato Ecologico Di Alcuni Sistemi Costieri. In: "Il Fuoco Dal Mare", P. Coiro E G. F. Russo (Eds), I Quaderni Di Uomo E Natura.3: 113-122.

Buttino I, Hwang Js, Sun Ck, Hsieh Ct, Liu Tm, Et Al. (2011) Apoptosis To Predict Copepod Mortality: State Of The Art And Future Perspectives. Hydrobiologia 666: 257-264.

Buttino I, Pellegrini D, Romano G, Hwang J-S, Liu T-M, Et Al. (2011) Study Of Apoptosis Induction Using Fluorescent And Higher Harmonic Generation Microscopy Techniques In Acartia Tonsa Nauplii Exposed To Chronic Concentrations Of Nickel. Chemistry And Ecology 27: 97-104.

Carotenuto, Y., Ianora, A. & Miralto, A. (2011). Maternal And Neonate Diatom Diets Impair Development And Sex Differentiation In The Copepod Temora Stylifera. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 396: 99-107.

Carrera-Parra L.F., Fauchald K., Gambi M.C. 2011. Revision Of The Taxonomic Status Of Lysidice (Polychaeta, Eunicidae) In The Western Caribbean Sea With Observation On Reproductive Features And Habitat Preference In: Proceedings 10th Ipc, Lecce 20-26 June 2010, Giangrande A., Gambi M.C., Rouse G. W. (Eds), Italian Journal Of Zoology, 78(S1): 27-40. Doi 10.1080/11250003.2011.593850

Ferrante Mi, Kiff Rm, Goulding Da, Stemple Dl. Troponin T Is Essential For Sarcomere Assembly In Zebrafish Skeletal Muscle. J Cell Sci. 2011;124: 565–577. Doi:10.1242/Jcs.071274

Gallina & Casotti Lettere Gic (2011) Analisi Della Produzione Di Ossido Nitrico Nella Diatomea Marina Skeletonema Marinoi Mediante Citometria A Flusso E Daf-Fmda. Lettere Gic 20(1): 24-28

Gallina A., Palumbo A. And Casotti R. (2011) Reactive Nitrogen And Oxygen Species (Rns/Ros) Production In Response To Polyunsaturated Aldehydes In The Marine Diatom Skeletonema Marinoi.  Cytometry Part A  79a: 1038

Gambi M.C., Donnarumma L., Lombardi C., Cocito S. 2011. Posidonia Oceanica Mimics As An Experimental Tool To Study Colonization Pattern Of Seagrass Epiphytes. An Example Along A Gradient Of Water Acidification. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 18(1): 252-253.

Gambi M.C., Russo G.F. 2011. Ruolo Ed Eredità Scientifica Di Eugenio Fresi Nel Laboratorio Di Ecologia Del Benthos Di Ischia. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 18(1): 210-216.

Gambi M.C., Scardi M. 2011. In Memory Of A Great Mentor And Good Friend: Eugenio Fresi (1943-2010). Marine Ecology (Obituary), 32 (2): 258-260.

Gambi M.C., Schulze A., Amato E. 2011. Record Of Lamellibrachia Sp. (Annelida, Siboglinidae, Vestimentifera) From A Deep Shipwrek In The Western Mediterranean Sea (Italy). Jmba2. Marine Biodiversity Records, Vol. 4: E24 (Pag. 1-6). Doi: 10.1017/S1755267211000261.

García-Comas, C., Stemmann, L., Ibanez, F., Berline, L., Mazzocchi, M.G., Gasparini, S., Picheral, M., Gorsky, G., 2011. Zooplankton Long-Term Changes In The Nw Mediterranean Sea: Decadal Periodicity Forced By Winter Hydrographic Conditions Related To Large-Scale Atmospheric Changes? Journal Of Marine Systems, 87, 216–226.

Gerecht A, Romano G, Ianora A, D’ippolito G, Cutignano A, Et Al. (2011) Plasticity Of Oxylipin Metabolism Among Clones Of The Marine Diatom Skeletonema Marinoi (Bacillariophyceae). Journal Of Phycology 47: 1050-1056.

Giangrande A., Gambi M.C., Rouse G.W. (Editors) 2011. Proceedings Of The 10th International Polychaete Conference, Lecce (Italy) 20-26 June 2010. Italian Journal Of Zoology, 78 (S1): 358 Pp.
Hofmann G.E., Smith J.E., Johnson K.S., Send U., Levin L.A., Micheli F., Paytan A., Price N.N., Peterson B., Takeshita Y., Matson P.G., Derse Crook E., Kroeker K.J., Gambi M.C., Rivest E.B., Frieder C.A., Yu P.C., Martz T.R. 2011. High-Frequency Dynamics Of Ocean Ph: A Multi-Ecosystem Comparison. Plos One. Doi 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0028983 

Huseby, S., M. Degerlund, A. Zingone, B. Landfald & E. Hansen (2011). Functional Diversity In Cryptic Species Of Chaetoceros Socialis Lauder. European Journal Of Phycology 46:92-92.

Ianora A, Bentley Mg, Caldwell G, Casotti R, Cembella A, Engstrom-Ost J, Halsband-Lenk C, Kaeppel E, Legrande C, Llyewnn C, Pohnert G, Romana G, Miltenyte A, Pilkaityte R, Razinkovas A, Tilman U, Vaiciute R.  (2011). The Relevance Of Marine Chemical Ecology To Plankton And Ecosystem Function: An Emerging Field Marine Drugs 9: 1625-1648.

Ianora A., Bentley M.G., Caldwell G.S., Casotti R., Cembella A.D., Engstrom-Ost J., Halsband C., Sonnenschein E., Legrand C., Llewellyn C.A., Paldaviciene A., Pilkaityte R., Pohnert G., Razinkovas A., Romano G., Tillmann U., Vaiciute D. (2011) The Relevance Of Marine Chemical Ecology To Plankton And Ecosystem Function: An Emerging Field. Mar. Drugs 9, 1625-1648.

Ianora, A., Romano, G., Carotenuto, Y., Esposito, F., Roncalli, V., Buttino, I. & Miralto, A. (2011). Impact Of The Diatom Oxylipin 15s-Hepe On The Reproductive Success Of The Copepod Temora Stylifera. Hydrobiologia 666: 265-275.

Iudicone D., Rodgers K.B., Stendardo I., Aumont O., Madec G., Bopp L., Mangoni O., & Ribera D'alcala' M. (2011) Water Masses As A Unifying Framework For Understanding The Southern Ocean Carbon Cycle, Biogeosciences 8:1031-1052, Doi:10.5194/Bg-8-1031-2011. 

Karsenti E., Et Al. (Including D. Iudicone) (2011) A Holistic Approach To Marine Eco-Systems Biology. Plos Biol 9(10): E1001177, Doi:10.1371/Journal.Pbio.1001177.

Kroeker K.J., Micheli F., Gambi M.C., Martz T.R. 2011. Divergent Ecosystem Responses Within A Benthic Marine Community To Ocean Acidification. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Usa (Pnas), 108 (35), 14515-14520.Doi 10.1073/Pnas.1107789108 

Lauritano C., Borra M., Carotenuto Y., Biffali E., Miralto A., Procaccini G., Ianora A. 2011 First Molecular Evidence Of Diatom Effects In The Copepod Calanus Helgolandicus Jembe, Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 404: 79-86.

Lauritano C., Borra M., Carotenuto Y., Biffali E., Miralto A., Procaccini G., Ianora A. 2011 Molecular Evidence Of The Toxic Effects Of Diatom Diets On Gene Expression Patterns In Copepods. Plos One, 6(10): E26850

Levin L.A., Gambi M.C., Barry J.P., Genin A., Thrush S. (Editors) 2011. The Dayton Legacy: Baselines, Benchmarks, Climate, Disturbance And Proof. Marine Ecology, 32(3): 261-265 (Editorial).

Lombardi C. Gambi M.C., Vasapollo C., Taylor P.D., Cocito S. 2011. Skeletal Alteration And Polymorphism In A Mediterranean Bryozoan At Natural Co2 Vents. Zoomorphology, 130:135–145. Doi 10.1007/S00435-001-0127-Y.

Lombardi C., Cocito S., Gambi M.C., Cisterna B., Flach F., Taylor P.D., Keltie K., Freer A., Cusack M. 2011. Effects Of Ocean Acidification On Growth, Organic Tissue And Protein Profile Of The Mediterranean Bryozoan Myriapora Truncata. Aquatic Biology, 13: 251–262. Doi: 10.3354/Ab00376.

Lombardi C., Rodolfo-Metalpa R., Cocito S., Gambi M.C., Taylor P.D. 2011. Structural And Geochemical Alterations In The Mg Calcite Bryozoan Myriapora Truncata Under Elevated Seawater Pco2 Simulating Ocean Acidification. Marine Ecology, 32(2): 211-221 Doi: 10.1111/J.1439-0485.2010.00426.X

Lopez Y Royo C., Pergent G., Alcoverro T., Buia M.C., Casazza G.,  Martínez-Crego B., Pérez M., Silvestre F., Romero J. (2011). The Seagrass Posidonia Oceanica As Indicator Of Coastal Water Quality: Experimental Intercalibration Of Classification Systems. Ecological Indicators, 11 (2): 557-563.

Lorenti M, Gambi Mc, Guglielmo R, Patti Fp, Scipione Mb, Zupo V, Buia Mc (2011). Soft‐Bottom Macrofaunal Assemblages In The Gulf Of Salerno, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy, An Area Affected By The Invasion Of The Seaweed Caulerpa Racemosa Var. Cylindracea. Marine Ecology 32: 320-334

Lorenti M., Gambi M.C., Guglielmo R.,  Patti F.P., Scipione M.B., Zupo V., Buia M.C. (2011) Soft-Bottom Macrofaunal Assemblages In The Gulf Of Salerno, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy, An Area Affected By The Invasion Of The Seaweed Caulerpa Racemosa Var. Cylindracea Marine Ecology An Evolutionary Perspective: 1-15.

Mazzocchi, M.G., Licandro, P., Dubroca, L., Di Capua, I., Saggiomo, V., 2011. Zooplankton Associations In A Mediterranean Long-Term Time-Series. Journal Of Plankton Research, 33, 1163-1181.

Michela Nappo, Strahil Berkov, Carlotta Massucco, Valentina Di Maria, Jaume Bastida, C. Codina, Conxita Avila, Patrizia Messina, Valerio Zupo, Simona Zupo (2011) Apoptotic Activity Of The Marine Diatom Cocconeis Scutellum And Eicosapentaenoic Acid In Bt20 Cells. Pharmaceutical Biology 1–7. Doi: 10.3109/13880209.2011.611811

Occhipinti-Ambrogi A., Marchini A., Cantone G., Castelli A., Chimenz C., Cormaci M., Froglia C., Furnari G., Gambi M.C., Giaccone G., Giangrande A.,  Gravili C., Mastrototaro F., Mazziotti C., Orsi-Relini L., Piraino S. 2011. Alien Species Along The Italian Coasts: An Overview. Biological Invasions, 13: 215-237. Doi 10.1007/S10530-010-9803-Y

Other Journals
Papers Presented At National And International Congresses And Workshops
Parapar J. Lopez E., Gambi M.C., Nunez J., Ramos A. 2011. Quantitative Analysis Of Soft-Bottom Polychaetes Of The Belligshausen Sea And Gerlache Strait (Antarctica). Polar Biology, 34(5): 715-730. Doi: 10.1007/S00300-010-0927-4 

Parapar J., Gambi M.C., Rouse G.W. 2011. A Revision Of The Deep Sea Genus Axiokebuita Pocklington And Fournier, 1987 (Annelida: Scalibregmatidae). In: Proceedings 10th Ipc, Lecce 20-26 June 2010, Giangrande A., Gambi M.C., Rouse G.W. (Eds), Italian Journal Of Zoology, 78 (S1): 148-162. Doi 10.1080/11250003.2011.598350

Percopo, I., R. Siano, F. Cerino, D. Sarno & A. Zingone (2011). Phytoplankton Diversity During The Spring Bloom In The Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Bot. Mar. 54:243–67.

Procaccini G, Affinito O, Toscano F, Sordino P. 2011 A New Animal Model For Merging Ecology And Evolution. In: P. Pontarotti (Ed.), Evolutionary Biology - Concepts: Biodiversity, Macroevolution And Genome Evolution, Pp. 91-106, Doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-20763-1_6, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2011 

Rodgers K. B., Mikaloff-Fletcher S. E., Bianchi D., Beaulieu C., Galbraith E. D., Gnanadesikan A., Hogg A. G., Iudicone D., Lintner B. R., Naegler T., Reimer P. J., Sarmiento J. L., & Slater R. D. (2011) Interhemispheric Gradient Of Atmospheric Radiocarbon Reveals Natural Variability Of Southern Ocean Winds, Clim. Past 7:1123-1138, Doi:10.5194/Cp-7-1123-2011.

Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Houlbrèque F, Tambutté É, Boisson F, Baggini C, Patti Fp, Jeffree R, Fine M, Foggo A, Gattuso Jp (2011) Coral And Mollusc Resistance To Ocean Acidification Adversely Affected By Warming. Nature Climate Change 1: 308-312.

Romano G, Costantini M, Buttino I, Ianora A, Palumbo A (2011) Nitric Oxide Mediates The Stress Response Induced By Diatom Aldehydes In The Sea Urchin Paracentrotus Lividus. Plos One. Doi: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0025980.

Romano G, Costantini M, Buttino I, Ianora A, Palumbo A. (2011). Diatom Derived Polyunsaturated Aldehydes Trigger A Nitric Oxide Protective Response Against Teratogenesis In The Sea Urchin Paracentrotus Lividus Plos One 6: E25980. 

Salgado, P., Troncoso, V. A., Montresor, M., Salamanca, M. & Lange, C. B. 2011. First Record Of Lingulodinium Polyedrum (Dinophyceae) Resting Cysts In Coastal Sediments From The Inner Sea Of Chiloé, Los Lagos Region, Southern Chile (~41°-43°S). Gayana Bot. 68:106-09.

Scipione M.B., 2011. Do Studies Of Functional Groups Give More Insight To Amphipod Biodiversity? In: New Frontiers In Monitoring European Biodiversity: The Role And Importance Of Amphipod Crustaceans, 27-29 September 2011, Orto Botanico, Palermo, Italy: 81. 

Scipione M.B., 2011. Un Semplice "Grazie". In: Latella L. (Ed.), 2011. Sandro Ruffo. Ricordi Di Allievi E Amici. Museo Civico Di Storia Naturale Di Verona: 171-172.

Tesson, S.V.M., Borra, M., Kooistra, W.H.C.F, Procaccini, G. (2011). Microsatellite Primers In The Planktonic Diatom Pseudo-Nitzschia Multistriata (Bacillariophyceae). American Journal Of Botany 98: 89-100.

Van Donk E, Ianora A, Vos M. (2011). M Induced Defenses In Marine And Freshwater Phytoplankton: A Review Hydrobiologia 668:3–19.

Vidoudez C., Casotti R., Bastianini M., Pohnert G. (2011) Quantification Of Dissolved And Particulate Polyunsaturated Aldehydes In The Adriatic Sea. Marine Drugs 9: 500-513

Von Dassow, P., Montresor, M., 2011. Unveiling The Mysteries Of Phytoplankton Life Cycles: Patterns And Opportunities Behind Complexity. J. Plankton Res. 33, 3-12.

Wissler L., Codoñer F.M., Reusch T.B.H., Olsen J.L., Procaccini G., Bornberg-Bauer E. 2011 Back To The Sea Twice: Identifying Candidate Plant Genes For Molecular Evolution To Marine Life Bmc Evolutionary Biology, 11: 8

Zenetos, A., S. Gofas , M. Verlaque, M. E. Cinar, J. E. García Raso, C. N. Bianchi, C. Morri, E. Azzurro, M. Bilecenoglu, C. Froglia, I. Siokou, D. Violanti, A. Sfriso, G. San Martín, A. Giangrande, T. Katağan, E. Ballesteros, A. Ramos-Esplá, F. Mastrototaro, O. Ocaña, A. Zingone, M. C. Gambi & N. Streftaris (2011). Errata To The Review Article (Medit. Mar. Sci. 11/2, 2010, 381-493): Alien Species In The Mediterranean Sea By 2010. A Contribution To The Application Of European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive Msfd). Part I. Spatial Distribution. Medit. Mar. Sci. 12:509-14.

Zingone, A., D. Sarno, R. Siano & D. Marino (2011). The Importance And Distinctiveness Of Small-Sized Phytoplankton In The Magellan Straits. Polar Biol. 34:1269-84.

Zingone, A., Forlani, G., Percopo, I. & Montresor, M. 2011. Morphological Characterization Of Phaeocystis Antarctica (Prymnesiophyceae). Phycologia 50:650-60.

Zupo V., Carnesecchi R., Messina P., Falciai L. (2011) Occurrence Of Gastroliths In The Marine Shrimp Hippolyte Inermis Leach And Their Possible Role During The Intermolt Cycle. Mus. Reg. Sci. Nat. Torino. Ix Colloquium Crustacea Mediterranea. Torino. September 2-6 2008, Pp 357-371.

Zupo V. & Maibam C. (2011) Effect of Natural Compounds In The Sex Determination of Decapod Crustaceans and Possible Aquaculture Applications: A Review. Convegno: La Risorsa Crostacei Nel Mediterraneo: Ricerca, Produzione E Mercato. Legnaro, 25 E 26 Novembre 2010. Conarga Pubbl. Isbn 978-88-6337-082-9. Pp. 109-112. 

Zupo V., Maibam C. (2011) Ecological Role Of Benthic Diatoms As Regulators Of Invertebrate Physiology And Behaviour. Book Chapter In: J.C. Compton (Ed) Chpt. 6 - Diatoms: Classification, Ecology And Life Cycle. Nova Publisher, New York: 149-168.

Zupo V. Patalano C., Messina P. (2011) Culture Conditions Influence The Growth Dynamics And The Production Of Cocconeis Scutellum Ehrenberg (Bacillariophyta). Journal Of Phycology 47, 1433–1444.


Adelfi MG, Borra M, Sanges R, Montresor M, Fontana A, et al. (2014) Selection and validation of reference genes for qPCR analysis in the pennate diatoms Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata and P. arenysensis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 451: 74-81.

Adelfi MG, Borra M, Sanges R, Montresor M, Fontana A, Ferrante MI. Selection and validation of reference genes for qPCR analysis in the pennate diatoms Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata and P. arenysensis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2014;451: 74–81. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2013.11.003

Affinito O., Marino R., Pannone R., Sordino P., Procaccini G. 2014 High connectivity and absence of genetic structure in European Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of Ciona intestinalis sp. A (Ascidiacea) Marine Ecology doi: 10.1111/maec.12226

Asai, S., Ianora, A., Lauritano, C., Lindeque, P.K. & Carotenuto, Y. (2014). High-quality RNA extraction from copepods for Next Generation Sequencing: A comparative study. Marine Genomics (In press).

Barone, R., P. Ciminiello, E. Magaletti, M. Manganelli, A. Penna, R. Pistocchi, E. Testai, C. Totti, A. Tubaro & A. Zingone 2014. Carenze conoscitive, spunti per la ricerca, priorità. In: Funari, E., Manganelli, M. & Testai, E. [Eds.] Ostreopsis cf. ovata: linee guida per la gestione delle fioriture negli ambienti marino costieri in relazione a balneazione e altre attività ricreative. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, pp. 62-64.

Barra, L., Ruggiero, M.V., Chen, J., Kooistra, W.H.C.F. (2014) Specificity of LSU rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes for Pseudo-nitzschia species tested through dot-blothybridization. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21: 548-557.

Bertolotto, R., P. Borrello, I. Di Girolamo, M. Ercolessi, E. Magaletti, A. Milandri, A. Penna, M. Pompei, G. Scanu, E. Spada, C. Totti, N. Ungaro & A. Zingone 2014. Presenza di Ostreopsis cf. ovata e altre microalghe bentoniche potenzialmente tossiche nelle acque costiere italiane. In: Funari, E., Manganelli, M. & Testai, E. [Eds.] Ostreopsis cf. ovata: linee guida per la gestione delle fioriture negli ambienti marino costieri in relazione a balneazione e altre attività ricreative. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, pp. 13-20.

Bianco, G., Mariani, P., Visser, A.W., Mazzocchi, M.G., Pigolotti, S., 2014. Analysis of self-overlap reveals trade-offs in plankton swimming trajectories. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 11, 20140164. doi:10.1098/rsif.2014.0164.

Book Chapters
Bouchouicha Smida, D., Lundholm, N., Kooistra, W.H.C.F., Sahraoui, I, Ruggiero, M.V., Kotaki, Y., Ellegaard, M., Lambert, C., Hadj Mabrouka, H., Sakka Hlaili, A. (2014) Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Nitzschia bizertensis sp. nov.—A new domoic acid-producer. Harmful Algae 32: 49-63.

Buia M.C. (2014). Ischia: l’isola verde anche sotto il mare. In: Ischia Patrimonio dell’Umanità. Natura e cultura. A cura di: Leone U., P. Greco. Doppiavoce Editore, Napoli. Prima edizione 2014. ISBN 978-88-89972-44-1: 61-69. 

Carotenuto Y., Dattolo E., Lauritano C., Pisano F., Sanges R., Miralto A., Procaccini G., Ianora A. 2014 Insights into the transcriptome of the copepod Calanus helgolandicus feeding on the toxic diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Harmful Algae, 31: 153-162 

Carotenuto, Y., Dattolo, E., Lauritano, C., Pisano, F., Sanges, R., Miralto, A., Procaccini, G. & Ianora, A. (2014). Insights into the transcriptome of the marine copepod Calanus helgolandicus feeding on the oxylipin-producing diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Harmful Algae 31: 153-162.

Carotenuto, Y., Dattolo, E., Lauritano, C., Pisano, F., Sanges, R., Miralto, A., Procaccini, G. & Ianora, A. (2014). Insights into the transcriptome of the marine copepod Calanus helgolandicus feeding on the oxylipin-producing diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Harmful Algae 31: 153-162.

Catalano G, Azzaro M, Bastianini M, Bellucci L, Bernardi Aubry F, Bianchi F, Burca M, Cantoni C, Caruso G, Casotti R, Cozzi S, Del Negro P, Fonda-Umani S, Giani M, Kovacevic M, La Ferla R, Langone L, Luchetta A, Monticelli L, Piacentino S, Pugnetti A, Ravaioli M, Socal G, Spagnoli F, Ursella L. The Carbon budget in the northern Adriatic Sea, a winter case study. 2014 J. Geophys.Res. Biogeosci., 119, doi:10.1002/2013JG002559.

Ciminiello, P., M. Manganelli, A. Penna, C. Totti & A. Zingone 2014. Alghe tossiche e Ostreopsis cf. ovata nelle acque di balneazione. In: Funari, E., Manganelli, M. & Testai, E. [Eds.] Ostreopsis cf. ovata: linee guida per la gestione delle fioriture negli ambienti marino costieri in relazione a balneazione e altre attività ricreative. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, pp. 5-9.

D'Alelio D, Mazzocchi MG, Montresor M, Sarno D, Zingone A, et al. (2014) The green-blue swing: plasticity of plankton food-webs in response to coastal oceanographic dynamics. Marine Ecology.

D'Alelio D, Mazzocchi MG, Montresor M, Sarno D, Zingone A, et al. (2014) The green-blue swing: plasticity of plankton food-webs in response to coastal oceanographic dynamics. Marine Ecology.

D'Alelio, D., M. G. Mazzocchi, M. Montresor, D. Sarno, A. Zingone, I. Di Capua, G. Franzè, F. Margiotta, M. Saggiomo & M. Ribera d’Alcalà (2014). The green-blue swing: plasticity of plankton food-webs in response to coastal oceanographic dynamics. Marine Ecology. on line

Dattolo E., Ruocco M., Brunet C., Lorenti, M., Lauritano C., Sanges R., De Luca P., Procaccini G. 2014 Response of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica to different light environments: insight from a combined molecular and photo-physiological study. Marine Environmental Research, 101, 225-236.

Davies, N., D. Field, L. Amaral-Zettler, M. S. Clark, J. Deck, A. Drummond, D. P. Faith, J. Geller, J. Gilbert, F. O. Glöckner, P. Hirsch, J.-A. Leong, C. Meyer, M. Obst, S. Planes, C. Scholin, A. P. Vogler, R. D. Gates, R. Toonen, V. Berteaux-Lecellier, M. Barbier, K. Barker, S. Bertilsson, M. Bicak, M. J. Bietz, J. Bobe, L. Bodrossy, A. Borja, J. Coddington, J. Fuhrman, G. Gerdts, R. Gillespie, K. Goodwin, P. C. Hanson, J.-M. Hero, D. Hoekman, J. Jansson, C. Jeanthon, R. Kao, A. Klindworth, R. Knight, R. Kottmann, M. S. Koo, G. Kotoulas, A. J. Lowe, V. T. Marteinsson, F. Meyer, N. Morrison, D. D. Myrold, E. Pafilis, S. Parker, J. J. Parnell, P. N. Polymenakou, S. Ratnasingham, G. K. Roderick, N. Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, K. Schonrogge, N. Simon, N. J. Valette-Silver, Y. Springer, G. N. Stone, S. Stones-Havas, S.-A. Sansone, K. M. Thibault, P. Wecker, A. Wichels, J. C. Wooley, T. Yahara, A. Zingone & GOs-COS (2014). The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network. GigaScience 3.

De Luca D., Catanese G., Procaccini G., Fiorito G.  2014. An integration of historical records and genetic data to the assessment of global distribution and population structure in Octopus vulgaris. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2 (art.55), doi: 103389/fevo.2014.00055

Di Cioccio, D., M. C. Buia & A. Zingone 2014. Ocean acidification will not deliver us from Ostreopsis. In: Kim, H. G., Reguera, B., Hallegraeff, G., Lee, C. K., Han, M. S. & Choi, J. K. [Eds.] Harmful Algae 2012. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Harmful Algae. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae, Changwon, Korea, pp. 85-88.

Donnarumma L., Lombardi C., Cocito S., Gambi M.C. 2014. Settlement pattern of Posidonia oceanica epibionts along a gradient of ocean acidification: an approach with mimics. Mediterranean Marine Science, 15(3): 498-509. DOI. 10.12681/mms.677.

Escalera, L., Benvenuto, G., Scalco, E., Zingone, A. & Montresor, M. (2014). Ultrastructural features of the benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata (Dinophyceae). Protist, 165: 260-274.

Escalera, L., G. Benvenuto, E. Scalco, A. Zingone & M. Montresor (2014). Ultrastructural features of the benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata (Dinophyceae). Protist 165:260–74.

Gallina A., Brunet C., Palumbo A., Casotti R. (2014) The Effect of Polyunsaturated Aldehydes on Skeletonema marinoi (Bacillariophyceae): The Involvement of Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide. Mar. Drugs 12, 4165-4187; doi:10.3390/md12074165

Gambi M.C. 2014. L’isola d’Ischia: un osservatorio speciale per lo studio del cambiamento climatico globale a mare. In: Ischia Patrimonio dell’Umanità. Natura e cultura. A cura di: Leone U., P. Greco. Doppiavoce Editore, Napoli. Prima edizione 2014. ISBN 978-88-89972-44-1: 71-97.

Garrard S., Gambi M.C., Scipione M.B., Patti F.P., Lorenti M., Zupo V., Paterson D.M., Buia M.C. 2014. Indirect effects may buffer negative responses of seagrass invertebrate communities to ocean acidification. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 461: 31-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/jembe.2014.07.011

Garrard SL, Gambi MC, Scipione MB, Patti FP, Lorenti M, Zupo V, Paterson DM, Buia MC (2014) Indirect effects may buffer negative responses of seagrass invertebrate communities to ocean acidification. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 461: 31-38.

Giangrande A., Gambi M.C. 2014. Policheti alloctoni in Mediterraneo: stato dell’arte e possibili impatti. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 21(1): 89-92.

Giangrande A., Gambi M.C., Micheli F., Kroeker K.J. 2014. Fabriciidae (Annelida, Sabellida) from a naturally acidified coastal system (Italy) with description of two new species. Journal Marine Biological Association U.K., 94(7): 1417-1427. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0025315414000678

Godhe A, Kremp A, Montresor M (2014) Genetic and microscopic evidence for sexual reproduction in the centric diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Protist 165: 401-416.

Guglielmo R. Gambi M.C., Granata. A., L. Guglielmo L., Minutoli R. 2014. Composition, abundance and distribution of holoplanktonic polychaetes within the Strait of Magellan (southern America) in austral summer. Polar Biology, 37(7): 999-1015. DOI 10.1007/s00300-014-1496-8

Italiano, A., Cioccio, D. D., Borra, M., Biffali, E., Procaccini, G., Zingone, A. (2014). AFLP reveals intraspecific variations in geographically diverse Ostreopsis cf. ovata populations In: Kim, H. G. (ed.) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Harmful Algae. Changwon, Korea, pp. 63-66.

Italiano, A., D. D. Cioccio, M. Borra, E. Biffali, G. Procaccini & A. Zingone 2014. AFLP reveals intraspecific variations in geographically diverse Ostreopsis cf. ovata populations In: Kim, H. G., Reguera, B., Hallegraeff, G., Lee, C. K., Han, M. S. & Choi, J. K. [Eds.] Harmful Algae 2012. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Harmful Algae. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae, Changwon, Korea, pp. 63-66.

John U, Litaker W, Montresor M, Murray S, Brosnahan M, et al. (2014) Formal revision of the Alexandrium tamarense species complex (Dinophyceae) taxonomy: the introduction of five species with emphasis on molecular-based (rDNA) classification. Protist 165: 779–804.

John U, Litaker W, Montresor M, Murray S, Brosnahan ML, et al. (2014) (2302) Proposal to reject the name Gonyaulax catenella (Alexandrium catenella) (Dinophyceae). Taxon 63: 932-933.

Kâ S., Carotenuto, Y., Romano, G., Hwang, J.S., Buttino, I. & Ianora, A. (2014). Impact of the diatom-derived polyunsaturated aldehyde 2-trans,4-trans decadienal on the feeding, survivorship and reproductive success of the calanoid copepod Temora stylifera, Marine Environmental Research 93: 31-37.

Keeling, P. J., F. Burki, H. M. Wilcox, B. Allam, E. E. Allen, L. A. Amaral-Zettler, E. V. Armbrust, J. M. Archibald, A. K. Bharti, C. J. Bell, B. Beszteri, K. D. Bidle, C. T. Cameron, L. Campbell, D. A. Caron, R. A. Cattolico, J. L. Collier, K. Coyne, S. K. Davy, P. Deschamps, S. T. Dyhrman, B. Edvardsen, R. D. Gates, C. J. Gobler, S. J. Greenwood, S. M. Guida, J. L. Jacobi, K. S. Jakobsen, E. R. James, B. Jenkins, U. John, M. D. Johnson, A. R. Juhl, A. Kamp, L. A. Katz, R. Kiene, A. Kudryavtsev, B. S. Leander, S. Lin, C. Lovejoy, D. Lynn, A. Marchetti, G. McManus, A. M. Nedelcu, S. Menden-Deuer, C. Miceli, T. Mock, M. Montresor, M. A. Moran, S. Murray, G. Nadathur, S. Nagai, P. B. Ngam, B. Palenik, J. Pawlowski, G. Petroni, G. Piganeau, M. C. Posewitz, K. Rengefors, G. Romano, M. E. Rumpho, T. Rynearson, K. B. Schilling, D. C. Schroeder, A. G. B. Simpson, C. H. Slamovits, D. R. Smith, G. J. Smith, S. R. Smith, H. M. Sosik, P. Stief, E. Theriot, S. Twary, P. E. Umale, D. Vaulot, B. Wawrik, G. L. Wheeler, W. H. Wilson, Y. Xu, A. Zingone & A. Z. Worden (2014). The Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP): Illuminating the Functional Diversity of Eukaryotic Life in the Oceans through Transcriptome Sequencing. PLoS Biology 12: e1001889.

Logares, R., Audic, S., Bass, D., Bittner, L., Boutte, C., Christen, R., Claverie, J.-M., Decelle, J., Dolan, J.R., Dunthorn M., Edvardsen, B., Gobet, A., Kooistra, W.H.C.F., Mahé, F., Not, F., Ogata, H., Pawlowski, J., Pernice, M.C., Romac, S., Shalchian-Tabrizi, K., Simon, N., Stoeck, T., Santini, S., Siano, R., Wincker, P., Zingone, A., Richards, T.A., de Vargas, C., Massana, R. (2014). Patterns of Rare and Abundant Marine Microbial Eukaryotes. Current Biology 01/2014; DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2014.02.050

Logares, R., S. Audic, D. Bass, L. Bittner, C. Boutte, R. Christen, J.-M. Claverie, J. Decelle, J. R. Dolan, M. Dunthorn, B. Edvardsen, A. Gobet, W. C. H. F. Kooistra, F. Mahé, F. Not, H. Ogata, J. Pawlowski, M. C. Pernice, S. Romac, K. Shalchian-Tabrizi, N. Simon, T. Stoeck, S. Santini, R. Siano, P. Wincker, A. Zingone, T. A. Richards, C. de Vargas & R. Massana (2014). Patterns of rare and abundant marine microbial eukaryotes. Current Biology 24:813-21.

Maibam C, Fink P, Romano G, Buia MC, Gambi MC, Scipione MB, Patti FP, Lorenti M, Butera E, Zupo V (2014) Relevance of wound-activated compounds produced by diatoms as toxins and infochemicals for benthic invertebrates. Marine Biology 161: 1639-1652.

Maibam C., Romano G., Fink  P., Buia M.C., Gambi M.C., Scipione M.B., Patti F.P., Lorenti M., Butera E., Zupo V. 2014. Relevance of wound-activated compounds produced by diatoms as toxins and infochemicals for benthic invertebrates. Marine Biology, 161 (7): 1639-1652. DOI 10.1007/s00227-014-2448-0.

Malanotte-Rizzoli, P., Artale, V., Borzelli-Eusebi, G. L., Brenner, S., Crise, A., Gacic, Kress, N., Marullo, S., Ribera d’Alcalà, M., Sofianos, S., Tanhua, T., Theocharis, A., Alvarez, M., Ashkenazy, Y., Bergamasco, A., Cardin, V. , Carniel, S., Civitarese, G., D’Ortenzio, F., Font, J. , Garcia-Ladona, E., Garcia-Lafuente, J. M. , Gogou, A., Gregoire, M., Hainbucher, D., Kontoyannis, H. , Kovacevic, V., Kraskapoulou, E., Kroskos, G. , Incarbona, A., Mazzocchi, M. G., Orlic, M., Ozsoy, E., Pascual, A., Poulain, P.-M., Roether, W., Rubino, A., Schroeder, K., Siokou-Frangou, I., Souvermezoglou, E., Sprovieri, M., Tintoré, J., Triantafyllou, G., 2014 Physical forcing and physical/biochemical variability of the Mediterranean Sea: a review of unresolved issues and directions for future research. Ocean Science, 10, 281–322.

Mastrototaro F., Chimienti G., Matarrese A., Gambi M.C., Giangrande A. 2014. Growth and population dynamics of the non-indigenous species Branchiomma luctuosum (Annelida, Polychaeta, Sabellidae) in the Ionian Sea (Mediterranean Sea). Marine Ecology. DOI. 10.1111/maec.12160

Mazzocchi M.G. and I. Di Capua (2013) Gulf of Naples LTER-MC (Site 59). In: ICES Zooplankton Status Report 2010-2011, ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 318: 171-173. 

Mazzocchi, M.G., Siokou, I., Tirelli, V.,  Bandelj,  V., Fernandez de Puelles, M.L., Ak Örek, Y., de Olazabal, A.,  Gubanova, A., Kress, N., Protopapa, M., Solidoro, C.,  Taglialatela, S., Terbiyik Kurt, T., 2014. Regional and seasonal characteristics of epipelagic mesozooplanton in the Mediterranean Sea based on an artificial neural network analysis. Journal of Marine Systems, 135, 64-80. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.04.009.

Migliaccio O, Castellano I, Romano G, Palumbo A (2014) Stress response to cadmium and manganese in Paracentrotus lividus developing embryos is mediated by nitric oxide. Aquatic Toxicology 156: 125-134.

Milandri, A., F. Regoli, C. Totti & A. Zingone 2014. Effetti su organismi marini. In: Funari, E., Manganelli, M. & Testai, E. [Eds.] Ostreopsis cf. ovata: linee guida per la gestione delle fioriture negli ambienti marino costieri in relazione a balneazione e altre attività ricreative. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, pp. 57-61

Nanjappa, D., Audic, S., Romac, S., Kooistra, W.H.C.F., Zingone, A. (2014). Assessment of Species Diversity and Distribution of an Ancient Diatom Lineage Using a DNA Metabarcoding Approach. PLoS ONE 9(8): e103810. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103810

Nanjappa, D., G. D’Ippolito, C. Gallo, A. Zingone & A. Fontana (2014). Oxylipin diversity in the diatom family Leptocylindraceae reveals DHA derivatives in marine diatoms. Mar. Drugs 12:368-84.

Nanjappa, D., S. Audic, S. Romac, W. C. H. F. Kooistra & A. Zingone (2014). Assessment of species diversity and distribution of an ancient diatom lineage using a DNA metabarcoding approach. PLoS ONE 9:e103810.

Olivieri S., Picano F., Sardina G., Iudicone D. & Brandt L. (2014) The effect of the Basset history force on particle clustering in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence. Phys. of Fluids 26:(4).

Ribalet F, Bastianini M, Vidoudez C, Acri F, Berges J, Ianora A, Miralto A, Pohnert G, Romano G, Wichard T, Casotti R. 2014. Phytoplankton cell lysis associated with polyunsaturated aldehyde release in the northern Adriatic Sea. PLoS ONE 9(1): e85947

Ricevuto E., Kroeker K.J., Ferrigno F., Micheli F., Gambi M.C. 2014. Spatio-temporal variability of polychaete colonization at volcanic CO2 vents (Italy) indicates high tolerance to ocean acidification. Marine Biology, 161(12): 2909-2919. DOI 10.1007/s00227-014-2555-y.

Rodgers K.B., Aumont O., Mikaloff Fletcher S.E., Plancherel Y., Bopp L., De Boyer Montégut C., Iudicone D., Keeling R.F., Madec G. & Wanninkhof R. (2014) Strong sensitivity of Southern Ocean carbon uptake and nutrient cycling to wind stirring. Biogeosciences, 11 (15):4077-4098. 

Sansone C, Braca A, Ercolesi E, Romano G, Palumbo A, Casotti R, Francone M, Ianora A. (2014) Diatom-derived polyunsaturated aldehydes activate cell death in human cancer cell lines but not normal cells. PLoS ONE 9(7): e101220.

Scalco E, Stec K, Iudicone D, Ferrante MI, Montresor M (2014) The dynamics of sexual phase in the marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of  Phycology 50: 817-828.

Scipione M.B., 2014. Benthic assemblages in a low pH environment: a functional analysis on amphipods from Posidonia oceanica meadows. 49th European Marine Biology Symposium, September 8-12, 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia: 76-77. Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Science (Ed.), St. Petersburg (Russia).

Tesson, S.V.M., Montresor, M., Procaccini, G., Kooistra, W.H.C.F. (2014) Temporal Changes in Population Structure of a Marine Planktonic Diatom. PLoS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114984

Varrella S, Romano G, Ianora A, Bentley M, Ruocco N, Costantini M. 2014. Molecular response to toxic diatom-derived aldehydes in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Mar. Drugs 12: 2089-2113

Wyatt, T. & A. Zingone (2014). Population dynamics of red tide dinoflagellates. Deep-Sea Res.  101:231–36.

Wyatt, T. & A. Zingone 2014. Phytoplankton bloom strategies and constraints on predicting outbreaks. In: Kim, H. G., Reguera, B., Hallegraeff, G., Lee, C. K., Han, M. S. & Choi, J. K. [Eds.] Harmful Algae 2012. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Harmful Algae. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae, Changwon, Korea, pp. 78-81. 

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Tesson, S. V. M., Legrand, C., van Oosterhout, C., Montresor, M., Kooistra, W. H. C. F. and Procaccini, G. (2013). Mendelian Inheritance Pattern and High Mutation Rates of Microsatellite Alleles in the Diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multistriataProtist 164, 89-100.

Tesson, S. V. M., Montresor, M., Procaccini, G. and Kooistra, W. H. C. F. (2014). Temporal Changes in Population Structure of a Marine Planktonic Diatom. Plos One 9.

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Books and/or Book Chapters

Kooistra, W. H. and Pohl, G. (2015). Diatom Frustule Morphology and its Biomimetic Applications in Architecture and Industrial Design. In Evolution of Lightweight Structures, pp. 75-102: Springer Netherlands.


Amato, A., Kooistra, W., Peters, F., Ribera d’Alcalà, M., Sanges, R., Iudicone, D. and Ferrante, M. I. (2015). Isotropic marine microturbulence affects diatom chain composition. In 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting,  (ed. A. f. t. S. o. L. a. Oceanography). Granada, Spain.

Gana, S., Iudicone, D., Ghenim, L., Mortier, L., Testor, P., Olita, A., Buongiorno-Nardelli B., Tintoré J. (2015a). Monitoring of water masses properties in the Channel of Sardinia by Glider and SAtellites Observations. In Sentinel-3 for Science Workshop, 8ed. L. Ouwehand), Venice, Italy.

Gana, S., Iudicone, D., Ghenim, L., Mortier, L., Testor, P., Tintoré, J. and Olita, A. (2015b). Monitoring water masses properties by Glider in Sardinia Channel during summer 2014. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, vol. 17, pp. 14252.

Jahnke, M., Pagès, J. F., Alcoverro, T., Lavery, P. S., McMahon, K. M. and Procaccini, G. (2015). Assessing the importance of genetic and ecological factors for the occurrence of patchy flowering in Posidonia oceanica: PeerJ PrePrints.

Lauritano, C., Bulleri, F., Ravaglioli, C., Tamburello, L., Buia, M. C. and Procaccini, G. (2015). Antioxidant and stress-related genes in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in the vicinity of natural CO2 vents at different nutrient conditions: PeerJ PrePrints.

Marin-Guirao, L., Dattolo, E., Ruiz, J. M. and Procaccini, G. (2015). Differential tolerance and resilience of Mediterranean seagrasses to short-term heat stress: PeerJ PrePrints.

Procaccini, G., Dattolo, E., Lauritano, C., Ruocco, M. and Marin-Guirao, L. (2015). Posidonia oceanica molecular adaptation to the light environment: PeerJ PrePrints.

Reñé, A., Garcés, E., Zingone, A. and Massana, R. (2015). Molecular and Morphology Methods for the Assessment of Marine Dinoflagellates Diversity: Do they Agree? In VII European Congress of Protistology - International Society of Protistologists. Sevilla, Spain.

Ruocco, M., Gabriele, P., Musacchia, F., Sanges, R., Olivé, I., Costa, M. M., Barrote, I., Santos, R. and Silva, J. (2015). Cymodocea nodosa response to simulated CO2-driven ocean acidification: a first insight from global transcriptome profiling: PeerJ PrePrints.


Kudela R., Berdalet E., Bernard S., Burford M., Fernand L., Lu S., Roy S., Tester P., Usup G., Magnien R., Anderson D.M., Cembella A., Chinain M., Hallegraeff G., Reguera B., Zingone A., Enevoldsen H., Urban E. (2015). Harmful algal blooms: a scientific summary for policy makers. IOC/UNESCO, Paris (IOC/INF-1320).


Addamo, A. M., Vertino, A., Stolarski, J., García-Jiménez, R., Taviani, M. and Machordom, A. (2016). Merging scleractinian genera: the overwhelming genetic similarity between solitary Desmophyllum and colonial Lophelia. BMC evolutionary biology 16.

Amaro, T., Huvenne, V., Allcock, A., Aslam, T., Davies, J., Danovaro, R., De Stigter, H., Duineveld, G., Gambi, C. and Gooday, A. (2016). The Whittard Canyon–A case study of submarine canyon processes. Progress in Oceanography 146, 38-57.

Amato, A., Fortini, S., Watteaux, R., Diano, M., Espa, S., Esposito, S., Ferrante, M. I., Peters, F., Iudicone, D. and d'Alcala, M. R. (2016). TURBOGEN: Computer-controlled vertically oscillating grid system for small-scale turbulence studies on plankton. Review of Scientific Instruments 87.

Balzano, S., Percopo, I., Siano, R., Gourvil, P., Chanoine, M., Marie, D., Vaulot, D. and Sarno, D. (2016) Morphological and genetic diversity of Beaufort Sea diatoms with high contributions from the Chaetoceros neogracilis species complex. Journal of Phycology, DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12489

Bastianini, M., Totti, C., Penna, A., De Lazzari, A. & Montresor, M. (2016). Dinoflagellate cyst production in the north-western Adriatic Sea. Medit. Mar. Sci.:DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/mms.1770.

Bertocci, I., Arenas, F., Cacabelos, E., Martins, G. M., Seabra, M. I., Álvaro, N. V., Fernandes, J. N., Gaião, R., Mamede, N., Mulas, M., Neto, A.I. (2016). Nowhere safe? Exploring the influence of urbanization across mainland and insular seashores in continental Portugal and the Azorean Archipelago. Marine Pollution Bulletin 114, 644–655.

Bonanno, A., Barra, M., Basilone, G., Genovese, S., Rumolo, P., Goncharov, S., Popov, S., Buongiorno Nardelli, B., Iudicone, D. and Procaccini, G. (2016). Environmental processes driving anchovy and sardine distribution in a highly variable environment: the role of the coastal structure and riverine input. Fisheries Oceanography 25, 471-490.

Brugnano, C., Granata, A., Guglielmo, L., Minutoli, R., Zagami, G. and Ianora, A. (2016). The deleterious effect of diatoms on the biomass and growth of early stages of their copepod grazers. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 476, 41-49.

Bulleri F, Badalamenti F, Iveša L, Mikac B, Musco L, Jaklin A, Rattray AJ, Vega Fernández T, Benedetti-Cecchi L (2016). The effects of an invasive seaweed on native communities vary along a gradient of land-based human impacts. Peer J 4:e1795 (https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.1795).

Buttino, I., Hwang, J.-S., Romano, G., Sun, C.-K., Liu, T.-M., Pellegrini, D., Gaion, A. and Sartori, D. (2016). Detection of malformations in sea urchin plutei exposed to mercuric chloride using different fluorescent techniques. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 123, 72-80.

Castellani, C., Licandro, P., Fileman, E., Di Capua, I. and Mazzocchi, M. G. (2016). Oithona similis likes it cool: evidence from two long-term time series. Journal of Plankton Research 38, 703-717.

Catanese, G., Montes, I., Iriondo, M., Estonba, A., Iudicone, D. and Procaccini, G. (2016). High resolution SNPs selection in Engraulis encrasicolus through Taqman OpenArray. Fisheries Research 177, 31-38.

Chust, G., Villarino, E., Chenuil, A., Irigoien, X., Bizsel, N., Bode, A., Broms, C., Claus, S., Fernandez de Puelles, M. L., Fonda-Umani, S., Hoarau, G., Mazzocchi, M.G., Mozetič, P., Vandepitte, L., Veríssimo, E., Zervoudaki, S., Borja, A. (2016). Dispersal similarly shapes both population genetics and community patterns in the marine realm. Scientific Reports 6.

Corriero, G., Pierri, C., Accoroni, S., Alabiso, G., Bavestrello, G., Barbone, E., Bastianini, M., Bazzoni, A. M., Aubry, F. B., Boero, F. Buia, M.C., Cabrini, M., Camatti, E., Cardone, F., Cataletto, B., Cattaneo Vietti, R., Cecere, E., Cibic, T., Colangelo, P., De Olazabal, A., D'Onghia, G., Finotto, S., Fiore, N., Fornasaro, D., Fraschetti, S., Gambi, M.C., Giangrande, A., Gravili, C., Guglielmo, R., Longo, C., Lorenti, M., Lugliè, A., Maiorano, P., Mazzocchi, M.G., Mercurio, M., Mastrototaro, F., Mistri, M., Monti, M., Munari, C., Musco, L., Nonnis Marzano, C., Padedda, B.C., Patti, F.P., Petrocelli, A., Piraino, S., Portacci, G., Pugnetti, A., Pulina, S., Romagnoli, T., Rosati, I., Sarno, D., Satta, C.T., Sechi, N., Schiaparelli, S., Scipione, B., Sion, L., Terlizzi, A., Tirelli, V., Totti, C., Tursi, A., Ungaro, N., Zingone, A., Zupo, V., Basset, A. (2016). Ecosystem vulnerability to alien and invasive species: a case study on marine habitats along the Italian coast. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26, 392-409.

D’Alelio, D., Libralato, S., Wyatt, T. and d’Alcalà, M. R. (2016). Ecological-network models link diversity, structure and function in the plankton food-web. Scientific reports 6.

D'Alelio, D., Montresor, M., Mazzocchi, M. G., Margiotta, F., Sarno, D. and d'Alcalà, M. R. (2016). Plankton food-webs: to what extent can they be simplified? Advances in Oceanography and Limnology 7.

De Luca D., Catanese G., Procaccini G., Fiorito G. (2016). Octopus vulgaris in the Mediterranean sea: genetic diversity and population structure. Plos One 11(2): e0149496. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149496

D’Esposito D., Orrù L., Dattolo E., Bernardo L., Lamontara A., Orsini L., Serra I.A.,  Mazzuca S., Procaccini G. (2016). Annotation of "de novo" transcriptome in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica and SSR markers development. Scientific Data 3:160115 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.115.

Di Lorenzo M, Vega Fernández T, Badalamenti F, Guidetti P, Starr RM, Giacalone VM, Di Franco A, D’Anna G (2016). Diel activity and variability in habitat use of white sea bream in a temperate Marine Protected Area. Marine Environmental Research 116:1-9 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2016.02.007).

Farrant, G. K., Dore, H., Cornejo-Castillo, F. M., Partensky, F., Ratin, M., Ostrowski, M., Pitt, F. D., Wincker, P., Scanlan, D. J., Iudicone, D., Acinasb, S.G., Garczareka, L. (2016). Delineating ecologically significant taxonomic units from global patterns of marine picocyanobacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113, E3365-E3374.

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Gallina, A. A., Palumbo, A. and Casotti, R. (2016). Oxidative pathways in response to polyunsaturated aldehydes in the marine diatom Skeletonema marinoi (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of phycology.

Gambi MC, Patti FP (2016). Ritrovamento di “perle” in un esemplare del mollusco bivalve Crassostrea gigas (Thurnberg) (Ostreidae, Bivalvia) a Salerno. Notiziario S.I.B.M. 69: 44-48.

Gambi MC, Lorenti M, Patti FP, Zupo V (2016). An annotated list of alien marine species of the Ischia Island (Gulf of Naples). Notiziario S.I.B.M. 70: 64-68.

Gambi MC, Musco L, Giangrande A, Badalamenti F, Micheli F, Kroeker KJ. (2016). Distribution and functional traits of polychaetes in a CO2 vent system: winners and losers among closely related species. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 550:121-13.

Gara, A.B., R.B.A. Kolsi, R. Chaaben, N. Hammami, M. Kammoun, F.P. Patti, A. El Feki, L. Fki, H. Belghith and K. Belghith (2016). Inhibition of key digestive enzymes related to hyperlipidemia and protection of liver-kidney functions by Cystoseira crinita sulphated polysaccharide in high-fat diet-fed rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 85: 517-526. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2016.11.059.

Garrido, J. L., Brunet, C. and Rodríguez, F. (2016). Pigment variations in Emiliania huxleyi (CCMP370) as a response to changes in light intensity or quality. Environmental microbiology 18: 4412–4425. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13373.

Gherardi, M., Amato, A., Bouly, J.-P., Cheminant, S., Ferrante, M. I., d'Alcalá, M. R., Iudicone, D., Falciatore, A. and Lagomarsino, M. C. (2016). Regulation of chain length in two diatoms as a growth-fragmentation process. Physical Review E 94, 022418.

Guidi, L., Chaffron, S., Bittner, L., Eveillard, D., Larhlimi, A., Roux, S., Darzi, Y., Audic, S., Berline, L., Brum, J. R., Coelho, L.P., Espinoza, J.C., Malviya, S., Sunagawa, S., Dimier, C., Kandels-Lewis, S., Picheral, M., Poulain, J., Searson, S.; Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators, Stemmann, L., Not, F., Hingamp, P., Speich, S., Follows, M., Karp-Boss, L., Boss, E., Ogata, H., Pesant, S., Weissenbach, J., Wincker, P., Acinas, S.G., Bork, P., de Vargas, C., Iudicone, D., Sullivan, M.B., Raes, J., Karsenti, E., Bowler, C., Gorsky, G. (2016). Plankton networks driving carbon export in the oligotrophic ocean. Nature 532, 465-+.

Iudicone, D., Rodgers, K. B., Plancherel, Y., Aumont, O., Ito, T., Key, R. M., Madec, G. and Ishii, M. (2016). The formation of the ocean’s anthropogenic carbon reservoir. Scientific reports 6.

Jahnke, M., Christensen, A., Micu, D., Milchakova, N., Sezgin, M., Todorova, V., Strungaru, S. and Procaccini, G. (2016). Patterns and mechanisms of dispersal in a keystone seagrass species. Marine Environmental Research 117, 54-62.

Jaspars, M., De Pascale, D., Andersen, J. H., Reyes, F., Crawford, A. D. and Ianora, A. (2016). The marine biodiscovery pipeline and ocean medicines of tomorrow. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 96, 151-158.

Kamenos N., Perna G., Gambi, M.C., Micheli F., Kroeker K. (2016) Coralline algae in a naturally acidified ecosystem persist by maintaining control of skeletal mineralogy and size. Proceedings Royal Society B (Biological Sciences), 283: 20161159. dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2016.1159.

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Lauritano, C., Andersen, J. H., Hansen, E., Albrigtsen, M., Escalera, L., Esposito, F., Helland, K., Hanssen, K. Ø., Romano, G. and Ianora, A. (2016a). Bioactivity screening of microalgae for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-diabetes and antibacterial activities. Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 68.

Lauritano C, Andersen JH, Hansen E, Albrigtsen M, Escalera L, Esposito F, Helland K, Hansen K Ø, Romano G, Ianora A. (2016). The potential of drug discovery from marine microalgae. Frontiers in Marine Biotechnology, May 2016, 3, 68.

Lauritano C and Ianora A. (2016). Marine Organisms with Anti-diabetes properties. Mar. Drugs, 14, 220; doi:10.3390/md14120220.

Lauritano, C., Romano, G., Roncalli, V., Amoresano, A., Fontanarosa, C., Bastianini, M., Braga, F., Carotenuto, Y. and Ianora, A. (2016b). New oxylipins produced at the end of a diatom bloom and their effects on copepod reproductive success and gene expression levels. Harmful Algae 55, 221-229.

Lescot, M., Hingamp, P., Kojima, K. K., Villar, E., Romac, S., Veluchamy, A., Boccara, M., Jaillon, O., Iudicone, D., Bowler, C., Wincker, P., Claverie, J., Ogata, H. (2016). Reverse transcriptase genes are highly abundant and transcriptionally active in marine plankton assemblages. Isme Journal 10, 1134-1146.

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Maffucci, F., Corrado, R., Palatella, L., Borra, M., Marullo, S., Hochscheid, S., Lacorata, G. and Iudicone, D. (2016). Seasonal heterogeneity of ocean warming: a mortality sink for ectotherm colonizers. Scientific Reports 6.

Malviya, S., Scalco, E., Audic, S., Vincent, F., Veluchamy, A., Poulain, J., Wincker, P., Iudicone, D., de Vargas, C. and Bittner, L. (2016). Insights into global diatom distribution and diversity in the world’s ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201509523.

Marin-Guirao, L., Ruiz, J. M., Dattolo, E., Garcia-Munoz, R. and Procaccini, G. (2016). Physiological and molecular evidence of differential short-term heat tolerance in Mediterranean seagrasses. Scientific Reports 6.

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McNamee, S. E., Medlin, L. K., Kegel, J., McCoy, G. R., Raine, R., Barra, L., Ruggiero, M. V., Kooistra, W. H. C. F., Montresor, M., Hagstrom, J. Blanco, E.P., Graneli, E., Rodríguez, F., Escalera, L., Reguera, B., Dittami, S., Edvardsen, B., Taylor, J., Lewis, J.M., Pazos, Y., Elliott, C.T., Campbell, K. (2016). Distribution, occurrence and biotoxin composition of the main shellfish toxin producing microalgae within European waters: A comparison of methods of analysis. Harmful Algae 55, 112-120.

Migliaccio, O., Castellano, I., Di Cioccio, D., Tedeschi, G., Negri, A., Cirino, P., Romano, G., Zingone, A. and Palumbo, A. (2016) Subtle reproductive impairment through nitric oxide-mediated mechanisms in sea urchins from an area affected by harmful algal blooms. Scientific Reports, 6, 26086.

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The location of the Villa Dohrn-Benthic ecology Center at Ischia, offers  an ideal opportunity to easily access at various coastal zones and marine habitats along the coast of Ischia and the other Phlaegrean islands. These zones, some of which well known and studied in the course of long-term  investigations by the Villa Dohrn staff, represent actual natural laboratories for in situ observation, qualitative and quantitative sampling, visual censuses, measurements of environmental variables, as well as eco-physiological studies along environmental gradients. These activities are supported by a dedicate research boat, the R/V Phoenicia (10 m long), a tender "Dohrn" (6 m long), and a SCUBA diving room for scientific diving located inside the Villa, equipped with various SCUBA diving gears, a R.O.V.  (Prometeo) and an electrical carrier.

Research boat Phoenicia Ischia (Foto Gambi M C )

ROV  a Vila Dohrn (Foto Bruno Iacono)

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