
Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II".

Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope".

L’Università Politecnica delle Marche, Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente

Francesco Paolo Patti, Office Manager
Migliaccio Luigi

Vincenzo Saggiomo, Coordinator pro tempore
Gaetano Aloe
Salvatore Bocchetti

Giuseppe Corato
Antonio Pedone
Raffaele Sepe

Vincenzo Saggiomo, Coordinator pro tempore
Raffaele Trimarco

Marco Grimaldi

Giuseppina Iorio


Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn

Villa Comunale
80121 - Naples, Italy
Tel.: +39 081 5833111
Fax: +39 081 7641355
Secretariat: +39 081 5833218 - 307
e-mail: stazione.zoologica(at)szn.it


"Villa Dohrn"
Punta S. Pietro
80077 - Ischia, Naples, Italy
Tel. +39 081 5833521
Fax. +39 081 984201
e-mail: rosanna.messina(at)szn.it

Vettoriacalendario medaHippocampus


The MEDA unit manages the two coastal vessels (M/B Vettoria and M/B Hippocampus) used for environmental monitoring, research and teaching.

The service includes the maintenance and calibration of the on-board instrumentation, and support for their use in research and data collection activities.

In addition, the MEDA collaborates with the University of Naples, providing teaching support through exercitations on board of the M/N Vettoria.

Services provided

Availability of two vessels complete of crew and equipment.

Assistance in sampling, collection of biological material, and in the acquisition of instrumental data.

Teaching on board the M/B Vettoria:

  • demonstrations of oceanographic instruments and their functioning;
  • exercitations on key techniques of data collection and sampling .

M/B Vettoria

  • GPS
  • Radar
  • Echo sounder
  • VHF
  • Multiparametric Probe SBE 911Plus
  • Hydraulic portal for oceanographic instruments and sampling of planktonic and benthic communities
  • Hydraulic winch with double drum
  • Cable (1500 m) for multiparameter probes and samplers
  • Automatic sampler Carousell SBE with 12 bottles of 10 liters
  • Steel cord (600 m, 5 mm diameter)
  • Wet laboratory for filtration and first processing of samples for chemical and biological analysis

M/B Hippocampus

  • Electric winch with steel cable (5 mm diameter)
  • Inverter 1500W, 220V
  • Generator 2000W, 220V
  • Depth sounder
  • Portable GPS
  • Multiparameter probe SBE 19Plus V2

Fabio Conversano

Tel. + 39 081 5833357

e-mail: fabio.conversano(at)szn.it









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