Public competition based on evaluation of titles and qualifications and interview for the recruitment of a Senior Scientist (permanent position) - II professional level, for research in the field of “Biodiversity, ecology and functioning of marine ecosystems” with competences in the field of marine biology and ecology, with experience in either experimental and/or field research and wide understanding of the interactions between biodiversity and the functioning of marine ecosystems. The candidates should have consolidated and competences allowing and interdisciplinary development of the research in this field.
Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 72 del 11/09/2018 (in Italian)
Deadline - October 11, 2018
Scorrimento graduatoria (Pubblicato in data 20.11.2019)
Determina approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (Pubblicato in data 06 agosto 2019)
CV Simonetta Fraschetti (in sostituzione del Prof. Alberto Castelli)
Decreto Sostituzione Componente Commissione Esaminatrice
CV Alberto Castelli (sostituito dalla Prof.ssa Simonetta Fraschetti)
Decreto sostituzione componente effettivo commissione bando 19_2018