Deadline postponed - New deadline 11.11.2018

Public competition based on examination of qualifications, exams and interview for the recruitment of a Researcher (permanent position) - III professional level, in the field of Marine symbiosis, parasitology and pathogen effects in marine organisms, with knowledge of the molecular and/or modelling methodologies enabling the development of research on marine parasites and symbiosis with advanced approaches.

Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 66 del 21/08/2018 (in Italian)

Scorrimento graduatoria

Determina approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubblicato 11 giugno 2019)

Diario Prove Scritte

CV Simonetta Mattiucci

CV Giuseppe Nascetti

CV Lorenzo Zane

Decreto Presidente Nomina Commissione

Call for Selection

Submit application - How to fill in the online form

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