Deadline postponed - New deadline 11.11.2018
Public competition based on examination of qualifications, exams and interview for the recruitment of a Researcher (permanent position) - III professional level, in the field of Experimental Design, biostatistics and quantitative data analysis, with competences in the field of marine ecology and development of experimental designs for field manipulative experiments, in the use of experimental statistics within the frame of ecological studies and in the analysis of ecological and environmental data.
Estratto di bando su G.U. IV serie speciale n. 66 del 21/08/2018
Determina approvazione graduatoria e nomina vincitore (pubblicato il 9 settembre 2019)
Decreto sostituzione membro commissione esaminatrice (pubbicato il 3 maggio 2019)
Decreto sostituzione segretaria commissione esaminatrice