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Danilo Malara pictureTechnician
Integrative Marine Ecology Department

Cell. +39 347 9590338
e-mail danilo.malara(at)szn.it

Short CV

I studied at University of Messina where I successfully obtained the Honours degree in Marine Biology and Ecology and Master by Research in Biology and Ecology of Marine Coastal Environment. My work was focused on pelagic animals and I got experience in tissue and organs collection, large animals satellite tagging as well as trophic ecology and age determination of fish and cephalopods.
In 2017 I obtained the PhD in fisheries and aquaculture at James Cook University (Australia) before to work as Aquarist and Dive Safety Officer for the Cairns Aquarium and Reef Research Centre where I learnt to interact with large sharks, rays and other dangerous animals. During my time in Australia I got experience in field activity in mangroves and sandflat environment, utilization of fishing gears (i.e. longlines, pool-line, hand-nets etc.) for scientific purpose, positioning baited underwater video stations (BRUVS), animal biopsy (i.e. elasmobranchs) and aquaria-based experiment as well as become dive instructor with more than 3000 dives.
In 2019 I started a new position as research fellow (since June 2020 as field and laboratory technician) at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn working on Mediterranean spearfish project and creating durable and multi-years collaboration with Sicilian harpoon fisheries as well as refining my satellite tagging skills.


1. Malara D, Høj L, Oelgemöller M, Malerba M, Citarrella G, Heimann K. Sensitivity of live microalgal aquaculture feed to singlet oxygen based photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy. J. Appl Phyc. 2019; 31: 3593-3606
2. Battaglia P, Ammendolia G, Cavallaro M, Consoli P, Esposito V, Malara D, Rao I, Romeo T, Andaloro F. Influence of lunar phases, winds and seasonality on the stranding of mesopelagic fish in the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean Sea). Mar Ecol. 2017; 38: e12459.
3. Malara D, Hoj L, Heimann K, Citarrella G, Oelgemöller M. Capacity of cationic and anionic porphyrins to inactivate the potential aquaculture pathogen Vibrio campbellii. Aquaculture. 2017; 473:228-236.
4. Malara D, Mielke C, Oelgemöller M, Senge MO, Heimann K. Sustainable water treatment in aquaculture – photolysis and photodynamic therapy for the inactivation of Vibrio species. Aquac Res. 2017; 48: 2954-2962.
5. Battaglia P, Malara D, Ammendolia G, Romeo T and Andaloro. Relationships between otolith size and fish length in some mesopelagic teleosts (Myctophidae, Paralepididae, Phosichthyidae and Stomiidae). Journal of Fish Biology 2015; 87: 774-782.
6. Battaglia P, Esposito V, Malara D, Falautano M, Castriota L and Andaloro F. Diet of the spothead lanternfish Diaphus metopoclampus (Cocco, 1829) (Pisces: Myctophidae) in the central Mediterranean Sea. Italian Journal of Zoology 2014; 81: 530-543.
7. Battaglia P, Andaloro F, Consoli P, Esposito V, Malara D, Musolino S, Peda’ C and Romeo T. Feeding habits of the Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (L. 1758), in the central Mediterranean Sea (Strait of Messina). Helgoland Marine Research 2013; 67: 97-107.
8. Romeo T, Perzia P, Esposito V, Malara D, Battaglia P, Consoli P, Canese S and Andaloro F. Relationship between swordfish swimming behaviour and sea surface temperature in the central Mediterranean Sea during the reproductive period. Marine Biology Research 2011; 7: 186-194.
9. Battaglia P, Malara D, Romeo T and Andaloro F. Relationships between otolith size and fish size in some mesopelagic and bathypelagic species from the Mediterranean Sea (Strait of Messina, Italy). Scientia Marina 2010; 74: 605-612.

Conference paper and posters

10. Malara D, Arcadi E, Battaglia P, Consoli P, Andaloro F and Romeo T. 2019. Shark attacks: competitors to large pelagic predators in the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean Sea). In XXIII European Elasmobranch Association Meeting. Rende (Italy). 16-18 October 2019.
11. Malara D, Battaglia P, Arcadi E, Consoli P, Andaloro F and Romeo T.. 2019. Status and distribution of Mediterranean spearfish (Tetrapturus belone) in Mediterranean Sea. Blue Sea Land, Mazzara del Vallo (Italy). 17-19 October 2019.
12. Malara D, Battaglia P, Arcadi E, Consoli P, Andaloro F and Romeo T. 2019. Billfish of the Mediterranean Sea. Blue Sea Land, Mazzara del Vallo (Italy) 17-19 October 2019.
13. Malara D, Battaglia P and Romeo T. Ecological, historical and cultural aspect of the Sicilian artisanal fisheries: developing opportunity for fishing tourism. Pescaturismo e fruizione del mare. Opportunità di sviluppo per l’area dello Stretto. University of Messina, workshop 26 September 2019.
14. Malara D, Oelgemöller M, Heimann K and Høj L. 2016. Prawn pathogen inactivation using porphyrin-based Photodynamic Antimicrobial Chemo-Therapy (PACT). Sharing Ocean Resources: Now and in the future. NZMSS-AMSA 2016 Conference Wellington (NZ), 4-7 July 2016
15. Malara D, Citarrella G, Oelgemöller M, Heimann K and Høj L. 2016. Photodynamic Antimicrobial Chemo-Therapy: a promising tool for aquaculture pathogen eradication. North Queensland Festival of Life Science. James Cook University (CSE poster prize)
16. Malara D, Hoj L, Oelgemöller M and Heimann K. 2014. Porphyrins as self-destructive photo-catalysts. AIMS@JCU Student Day (2nd prize)
17. Pedà C, Malara D, Battaglia P, Perzia P, Andaloro F and Romeo T. 2009. Cephalopods in the diet of large pelagic predators: beaks identification and photo archive reference reconstruction. Mediterranean Marine Biology 16 (1): 354-355.

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