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Foto BonsignoriResearch fellow

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Calabria Marine Centre - CRIMAC
Department of Integrated Marine Ecology (EMI)
C.da Torre Spaccata, Località Torre Spaccata, 87071 Amendolara - Italia

Tel.: +39 3463050139
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contatto Skype: live:.cid.69652c670541537d


Curriculum vitae

Supervisor: dott.ssa Claudia Scianna
Appointed on project: CRIMAC - Centro Ricerche e Infrastrutture Marine Avanzate in Calabria

Research interests

In recent years, Marine biodiversity has been facing challenging stressors such as climate change, anthropic impact and invasive alien species.
My main research interest is aimed at the conservation of biodiversity, through an in-depth knowledge of it both in benthic and pelagic environments. My training in natural sciences has provided me with a wide overview of natural environments, including the abiotic component, which I have applied to the Master's degree program in Marine Biology. In addition to my academic training, I am trained and I have gained great experience as a diving instructor and technical diver which allows me to carry out sampling and survey dives from the surface up to 50 meters deep also with the support of Diver Propulsion Vehicle.

Journal Paper

P. Micarelli, D. Bonsignori, L. J. V. Compagno, A. Pacifico, C. Romano & F. R. Reinero (2021) Analysis of sightings of white sharks in Gansbaai (South Africa), The European Zoological Journal, 88:1, 363-374, DOI: 10.1080/24750263.2021.1892216


Micarelli, P. & Bonsignori, D. & Reinero, F.R. & Sperone, E. (2019) Preliminary data on population trends of Great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758), in Gansbaai (Southafrica) between 2009 and 2019.

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