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Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Sicily Marine Centre
Dipartimento di Ecologia Marina Integrata (EMI)
Villa Pace - C.da Porticatello 29, 98167 Messina – Italia

Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Biologiche, Farmaceutiche ed Ambientali (CHIBIOFARAM), Università degli Studi di Messina

Tel.: + 39 3299777677
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Contatto Skype: seahunter86

Ph.D. Coordinator: Prof. Marino Fabio
Internal Supervisor: Dott.sa Romeo Teresa; Dott.ssa Rizzo Carmen
Program: PON “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014-2020 - Azione IV.5 “Dottorati su tematiche Green”, XXXVII Ciclo

Research Interests

I graduated in Biology and subsequently specialized in Marine Ecology, obtaining the qualification to the profession of Biologist in 2018. My research activity over the years has focused on the study of the larval stages of demersal, meso and pelagic fish species and the fluctuation of fish stocks. The participation in various oceanographic campaigns carried out in the Strait of Sicily allowed me to acquire skills on the use of the main planktonic samplers (Bongo 40, Bongo 90, MPS, Calvet and WP2) and to collect data on the distribution and formation of neritic larval assemblages and pelagics by analyzing their relationships with the main oceanographic variables. In parallel with the marine research activities, I participated in bird ringing campaigns, especially as part of the Small Islands Project, to monitor migratory routes and the phenology of seasonal movements of numerous species, paying particular attention to long-term migrants distance, who spend the winter in sub-Saharan areas. Furthermore, since the fragile ecosystem of the Mediterranean islands is strongly threatened, through these activities we want to analyze what is the functional role assumed by the islands towards the birds that stop there. This can be understood thanks to the study of the physiological conditions of animals during the different stages of transition to Europe. Since 2022, my PhD activities have been focused on the study of biodegradable bioplastics as an alternative to stockings used in mussel farming, comparing the times and methods of degradation in environments and farming systems with different chemical-physical characteristics.

Selected Publications

Sarà, M., Firmamento, R., Cangemi, G., Pagano, L., Genovese, M., Romeo, T. and Greco, S. (2023), Welcome aboard: are birds migrating across the Mediterranean Sea using ships as stopovers during adverse weather conditions?. Ibis, 165: 328-339. https://doi.org/10.1111/ibi.13103

Serena Savoca, Miriam Abbadi, Anna Toffan, Cristian Salogni, Carmelo Iaria, Fabiano Capparucci, Rosita Quartesan, Giovanni Loris Alborali, Salvatore Guarnera, Giuseppe Cangemi, Fabio Marino.
Betanodavirus infection associated with larval enteropathy as a cause of mortality in cultured gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata, Linnaeus, 1758), Aquaculture, Volume 541, 2021,736844, ISSN 0044-8486,


Claudio Berti, Simonepietro Canese, Giuseppe Cangemi, Pierpaolo Consoli, Paolo D’ambrosio, Francesca De Domenico, Michela D’alessandro, Alessia Dinoi, Martina Genovese, Chiara Giommi, Rosanna Guglielmo, Federica La Face, Francesco Longo, Danilo Malara, Francesco Paolo Patti, Valeria Palummo, Giuseppe Panarello, Augusto Passarelli, Emilio Riginella, Teresa Romeo, Nadia Ruocco, Eva Salvati (2021) Marine Strategy Monitoring Activity Report for the "Capo Rizzuto" Marine Protected Area

Russo, Stefania and Cangemi, Giuseppe and Torri, Marco and Maneiro, Isabel and Armeri, Grazia Maria and Bennici, Carmelo and Patti, Carlo and Musco, Marianna and Quinci, E. M. and Biondo, Girolama and De Luca, Biagio and Monastero, Calogera and Mangiaracina, Francesca and Arculeo, Marco and Mazzola, Salvatore and Patti, Bernardo and Cuttitta, A. and Graci, Roberta (2016) Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758): technical report about extraction and recognition of the digestive tract contents in early stages of the life cycle. Technical Report. IAMC-CNR, Capo Granitola.

Graci, Roberta and Russo, Stefania and Armeri, Grazia Maria and Maneiro, Isabel and Patti, Carlo and De Luca, Biagio and Torri, Marco and Bennici, Carmelo Daniele and Biondo, Girolama and Cangemi, Giuseppe and Musco, Marianna and Masullo, Tiziana and Quinci, Enza Maria and Monastero, Calogera and Mangiaracina, Francesca and Calì, Federico and Giannì, Salvatore and Nicosia, Aldo and Tagliavia, Marcello and Mazzola, Salvatore and Cuttitta, Angela (2016) Image editing methodology for morphometric data analysis of the early development stages of Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758). Technical Report. IAMC-CNR, Capo Granitola.

Cuttitta, Angela and Musco, Marianna and Armeri, Grazia Maria and Carelli, Maria Luisa and Vinciguerra, Viviana and Graci, Roberta and Maccarrone, Vincenzo and Bennici, Carmelo Daniele and Biondo, Girolama and Maneiro, Isabel and Masullo, Tiziana and Monastero, Calogera and De Luca, Biagio and Patti, Carlo and Torri, Marco and Vaccaro, Francesca and Bulfamante, Francesca and Giorgi, Susanna and Titone, Gabriella and Spagnolo, Cecilia and Cangemi, Giuseppe and Russo, Stefania and Fasola, Marco (2016) Discovering Biodiversity. Documentation. IAMC-CNR, Capo Granitola.

Graci, Roberta and Vinciguerra, Viviana and Carelli, Maria Luisa and Vaccaro, Francesca and Masullo, Tiziana and Musco, Marianna and Armeri, Grazia Maria and Bennici, Carmelo and Patti, Carlo and De Luca, Biagio and Titone, Gabriella and Biondo, Girolama and Maneiro, Isabel and Spagnolo, Cecilia and Quinci, Enza Maria and Monastero, Calogera and Cangemi, Giuseppe and Russo, Stefania and Bulfamante, Francesca and Torri, Marco and Giorgi, Susanna and Gallì, Gabriele Nunzio and Mazzola, Salvatore and Cuttitta, Angela (2016) Technical Report - Bio Survey and Bio Discovery Mobile applications to learn by playing. Technical Report. IAMC-CNR, Capo Granitola.

Patti, Carlo and Cuttitta, Angela and Musco, Marianna and Di Maria, Antonino and De Luca, Biagio and Gallì, Gabriele and Chirco, Pierangela and Nicosia, Aldo and Giacalone, Giovanni and Fontana, Ignazio and Calandrino, Pietro and Placenti, Francesco and Giaramita, Luigi and Torri, Marco and Quinci, Enza Maria and Biondo, Girolama and La Rosa, Roberta and Piccolin, Fabio and Natalio, Felipe and Cangemi, Giuseppe and Vita, Calandrino and Valentina, Di Maria and Emanuele, Macaluso and Valentina, Cani and Simona , Ala and Emanuela, Cusimano and Stefania, Calò and Gabriella, Giannone and Doriana, Sicurelli and Baptiste, Girard and Antoine, Philippo and Maud, Talon and Claire, Loyen and Matthieu, Filoche and Manuel, Dazzi-Plazziac and Bernardo, Patti (2013) Technical report on "BANSIC 2013" oceanographic campaign activities . Technical Report. IAMC-CNR, Capo Granitola.

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