Sei qui: HomeStaffStaffITALIANOPagine

Citometria a flussoIl laboratorio di Citometria a flusso è dotato di attrezzature per la rilevazione, il conteggio e la caratterizzazione di microorganismi in sospensione sulla base di proprietà ottiche (scatter e fluorescenza). Vi si realizza anche la preparativa e prelievi ancillari (filtrazioni, dissezione, etc.).

Cardini NEW

Responsabile: Ulisse Cardini
Interno #303







Per prenotazioni rivolgersi al Responsabile

Immagine1 Strumentazione disponibile
Citometro FACScalibur BD BioSciences
Citometro Accuri C6 con modulo onCyt
Citometro CytoSense da banco

GeomicrobologiaIl laboratorio di Geomicrobiologia è dotato di attrezzature per lo studio dei processi microbici che condizionano i cicli biogeochimici. La strumentazione disponibile permette il mantenimento di colture, la preparazione di campioni per incubazioni e la loro analisi per composizione chimica, alcalinità totale e gas disciolti.

Cardini NEW

Responsabile: Ulisse Cardini
Interno #303







Per prenotazioni rivolgersi al Responsabile


Strumentazione disponibile
Cella termostatata con illuminazione
Sistema per la titolazione automatica Metrohm
Respirometro portatile subacqueo CISME

Presto disponibili
Spettroscopia infrarossa di trasformata di Fourier
Cella termostatata senza illuminazione
Spettrometro di massa a membrana semipermeabile


Determina del Direttore Generale n. 583 del 21/12/2021 - Oggetto: Approvazione Procedura relativa all’attuazione dell’istituto contrattuale di cui all’art. 52 “Mobilità tra profili a parità di livello” del CCNL 1998/2001, sottoscritto in data 21 febbraio 2002, come integrato dall’art. 22 del CCNL 13 maggio 2009 ed assegnazione nuovi profili.

Nomina Commissione

Avviso di mobilità tra profili ex art. 52

Allegato A

Domanda di Partecipazione


Pubblicato il 15.12.2021



ISSNP virtual school: 6th – 8th July 2021

We are glad to announce the 4th edition of the “International Summer School of Natural Products” (ISSNP)

As we are still experiencing Covid19-related restrictions, this edition will switch from physical to virtual school.

The school is designed for PhD students and young researchers and aimed to build up a lively scientific community tackling global challenges in the field of natural products.

Strategical objectives will be focused on interdisciplinary and intersectoral learning, networking and cross collaborations.

A combination of lectures, seminars and interactive sessions will provide an immersive and challenging experience and team-based problem-solving activities will help the participants to be prepared for future research studies in these fields

Applicants will learn from top scientists and professionals

In order to become a leader yourself, it is very important to learn from leaders. ISSNP attracts experts who are typically busy and rarely available during the academic year.

Applicants will be able to network with like-minded colleagues.

ISSNP is built around specific themes and targets students and researchers who have an interest in and enthusiasm for this special subject, Natural Products. Networks will be constructed throughout the 3 days of school activities, during lectures, seminars and interactive sessions, working in-group.

Positive aspects of Virtual Meetings:

• Meeting recordings ensure nothing goes lost
• You can meet on the go from your phone
• You can join from your favourite place
• You can create new workflows
• You can still talk face to face
• It’s easy to collaborate with screen sharing
• A big community online is even bigger

To register visit to the Registration Page for the IV Edition of the International Summer School on Natural Products (ISSNP) at https://www.issnpschool.org/registration/

The programme will be available at the link: issnpschool.org/programme/
Further information is available at the school website: https://www.issnpschool.org/school/


On the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of its foundation, Indena (www.indena.com), in partnership with the International Summer School of Natural Products ISSNP, is pleased to announce the institution of a biennial prize dedicated to the memory of its founder “Biagio Alberto Della Beffa.”

For the first edition of the “Biagio Alberto Della Beffa” Prize, three contest winners will be selected among the next International Summer School of Natural Product edition participants. The prize aims to award and support the professional development of young talented scientists in Natural Product Chemistry.

The prize is directed to Chemists, Pharmacists, and Pharmaceutical Chemists who obtained their MSc after 2018 and are currently attending the 2nd/3rd year of a PhD related to Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The three winners will be awarded a Grant of 5.000,00 €, and they will benefit of a 6-month internship at Indena’s premises, that includes a Managerial course.

The prize will be awarded during the International Summer School on Natural Products, organized among the 6th and the 8th July 2021, signifying a closer collaboration between Industry and Academia.
Kindly feel free to contact us (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.) for any further queries.

Scientific committee

Valeria COSTANTINO, President (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Alessia CASO (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Adele CUTIGNANO (Istituto di chimica biomolecolare, CNR)
Gerardo Della Sala (Stazione Zoologica, Anton Dohrn)
Germana ESPOSITO (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Gabriele FONTANA (Indena)
Roberta MARCHETTI (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Luigi MILELLA (Università degli Studi della Basilicata)
Alberto MINASSI (Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale)
Maria Chiara MONTI (Università degli Studi di Salerno)
Mattia MORI (Università degli Studi di Siena)
Vera MUCCILLI (Università degli Studi di Catania)
Giorgia OLIVIERO (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
Daniele PASSARELLA (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Giovanna ROMANO (Stazione Zoologica, Anton Dohrn)
Valentina SEPE (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)

Advisory Board

William GERWICK (Department of Biology and Marine Biology and Center for Marine Science, UNCW)
Mark BRÖNSTRUP (Centre for Drug Research, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki)
Patrícia VALENTÃO (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto).

Alta Formazione & Rapporti con le Università

Gabriella Grossi, Responsabile

Grant Innovation Office (GIO)

Sede di Napoli
Giorgio Carpino, Responsabile
Valerio Mattera
Ornella Papaluca
Giosuè Zurzolo

Sede Roma
Alberto Corona

Comunicazione istituzionale

Nessuna afferenza

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