
The SZN hosts International PhD programs in collaboration with the Open University (UK) and European Universities. Research students have the opportunity to develop top-level research and improve their personal skills and professional competence by living, experiencing and working in the laboratories of the SZN. A dedicated staff supports each research student and his/her needs are identified and jointly agreed upon, with the student at the beginning of the activity. All needs and progresses are regularly followed and updated as appropriate.
All SZN PhD students take advantage of our international Higher Education Program, consisting of international courses, seminars, workshops and colloquia. Over the last three years more than 40 students have completed their PhD program at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn.

International PhD Program in collaboration with the Open University (OU)

The International PhD Programme, originally established in 1998, represents the prime commitment to first class training and education. Our International  PhD Program in Life Sciences is based on internationality, dedicated mentoring, career development, additional skills, in order to provide our  PhD students with the best starting platform for a successful career in science by inspiring and fostering talented young scientists to turn them into skilled and creative future leaders. It provides comprehensive training that promotes scientific excellence, independence and creativity. We provide close internal mentoring jointly with the tutoring of an international expert, highly specialized courses, additional skill exercises, career development. More than 95% of our students have successfully completed their PhD degree and most of our graduates have taken up positions all over the world. Every year we accept an average of 6 new students, selected from a large pool of international applicants.


PhD Program in collaboration with Italian and European Universities

SZN has a long lasting PhD Program in collaboration with Italian and European Universities. More than 130 PhD students graduated in different scientific disciplines, in collaboration with many Italian and European Universities.
The following PhD Programs are currently running:

- University of Naples Federico II, Biology
- Polytechnic University of the Marche, Biology – Curriculum “Marine Biology and Ecology”
- Sant’Anna School of Advances Studies – Pisa, Biorobotics
- University of Siena, Environmental, geological and polar sciences and technologies
- University of Trieste, Environmental life sciences
- KU Leuven (Belgium), Science
- University of Calabria, Life Sciences
- University of Bremen, Germany - Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences
- University of Vienna, Austria – Biology
- University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Traslational Medicine
- University of Messina, Applied Biology and Experimental Medicine
- University of Tuscia, Ecology and Sustainable Management of Environmental Resources
- University of Rome Sapienza, Environmental and Evolutionary Biology
- University of Pisa, Biology
- Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Marine Sciences

The PhD programs in collaboration with the European Universities, follow the rules and selection procedures of each University. All information concerning the call for applications, the duration, the financial support, the admission requirements can be found on:
University of Naples Federico II 
Polytechnic University of Marche
Sant’Anna School of Advances Studies
University of Siena
University of Trieste
KU Leuven
University of Calabria
University of Bremen
University of Vienna
University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
University of Messina
University of Tuscia
University of Rome Sapienza
University of Pisa
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology


Highly specialized PhD-level courses, seminars by leading scientists, as well as skill exercises programs are offered annually to SZN students. Students are required to attend all training activities in order to qualify for the degree. All courses, seminars and tutorials are held in English.

PhD planning and management

The President of the SZN is responsible for the strategic direction of the Higher Education Program. The SZN PhD Programme is managed by a PhD Board, a PhD Steering Committee, and by the Coordinator of the PhD Program Dr. Sabrina Carrella, responsible for overseeing the research degree provision.

The PhD Board includes all the staff scientists and technologists of the SZN.

PhD Steering Committee members are: Dr. Sabrina Carrella, Coordinator, Dr. Ylenia CarotenutoDr. Chiara LauritanoDr. Serena Leone.

Administration and organization is managed by the Higher Education & University Liaison Office.

CONTACTS: Higher Education & University Liaison Office - Gabriella Grossi  Tel. +39-081-5833396 and Margherita Groeben Tel. +39-081-5833310 at phdszn(at)szn.it

Research Departments


Since the early nineties SZN promotes and hosts a very important series of international seminars, involving either the participation of SZN scientists (including early stage researchers) to top level scientists from all around the world, including Noble Prizes who have conducted or present their research at the SZN.

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The SZN promotes and organizes meetings and workshops aimed to high level scientific exchanges, to support the scientific communities to meet and discuss topics with leaders in the field as well as to discuss common themes and exchange cross-disciplinary results.


The SZN has a long tradition in the organization of Advanced Courses for the training of scientists working in public or private institutions, and Summer Schools, that include summer schools in the History of Biology and the most advanced scientific issues (e.g., Advanced Phytoplankton Course) aiming at promoting the transfer of new methods and emerging techniques to a specialized audience.


From AY 2014/2015 to the AY 2021/2022 SZN was co-funder, in collaboration with the University of Naples Federico II, of the Master’s Degree in Biology and Ecology of the Marine Environment and Sustainable Use of Marine Resources, whose mission was to train highly specialized marine biologists and to develop skills in the marine ecosystem management and conservation.

The Master’s Degree courses gathered the most distinguished Italian and international marine biologists in order to offer outstanding teaching and professional competencies. Moreover it offered students access to an extraordinary network of international bodies that included ASSEMBLE, the Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories, and EMBRC, the European Marine Biological Resource Centre. The courses were in English and included a stimulating mix of formal lectures, lab work and field trips.

The Master’s Degree was conceived to provide a broad range of professional skills and competencies. Our graduates have been able to work both in basic science labs and in jobs involving scientific and technological research and innovation for the management and sustainable exploitation of marine resources.



Last update 28/04/2021

Research activities at the SZN require the employment of a large number of PhDs and young researchers. PostDoc programs are defined on a 3-year basis and PostDocs are continuously recruited through public calls. Their work is linked either to specific research EU programs or to flagship programs of the SZN. The recruitment of PostDocs allow their further training in specific research fields and is operated either through grants or by means of Assegni di Ricerca, whose duration can vary from 1 to 5 years.

The Stazione Zoologica provides a unique opportunity for tailored educational experiences to undergraduate students through stages, traineeships and internship  in its laboratories for conducting either experimental thesis of making qualified experience under the supervision of experienced scientists. This activity gives Bachelors’ or Masters’ students important opportunities to develop their laboratory and scientific skills and improve their employment prospects.


Undergraduate internships are part of the student's Bachelor or Masters’ thesis project. The SZN provides the opportunity to these students to carry on their experimental thesis in its laboratories, under the supervision of international scientists, thanks to the agreements established with several Italian Universities and international institutions.
INFO and ADMISSION procedure: please contact the Higher Education Office  (HEO)
Ph: +39-081-5833396 or 5833397
Email: higher.education(at)szn.it


SZN traineeship program aims to modernize and improve higher education, giving to Bachelors’ or Masters’ students opportunities to develop their skills and boost their employment prospects, offering an alternation between study and work as part of the educational process. The internship is offered through specific agreements with some Italian universities or  under the Erasmus program.
INFO and ADMISSION procedure: please contact the Higher Education Office  (HEO)
Ph: +39-081-5833396 or 5833397
Email: higher.education(at)szn.it


2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010

An essential part of the mission of a research institution is the education and training of students and young researchers who will become future leaders in scientific and technological research. Since its foundation, the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn is fully committed to provide high-quality advanced courses, life-long education and training for scientists and to promote this activity to a large and international studentship and researchers.

For undergraduates, the Stazione Zoologica hosts either Bachelor and Master students for providing them the opportunity to carry on experimental thesis and highly qualified training internship in different fields of marine and fundamental biology, under the supervision of its scientists.

After completion of the master degree, students may have access to the Doctoral programs. The SZN hosts either an International PhD program in collaboration with the Open University (UK, 3-4 years) and Italian Doctorate collaboration with Italian Universities (3-4 years).

Training and education are also provided through several advanced international workshops and courses organized every year along with a prestigious series of seminars and colloquia of top level scientists invited from all continents.

The scheme of the portfolio of educational and training activities carried out at the SZN is reported in this section. A dedicated Higher Education Office (HEO) provides all information and support to students and scientists interested in these activities. The PhD Steering Committee and PhD Board, together with the Higher Education Office, coordinate and support the PhD training activities.

Last update 28/04/2022

The SZN intends to further develop the advanced training sector, offering prestigious seminars with the most eminent scientists from around the world.

The advanced training is also essential for researchers and technologists. In this case it is implemented through specialized courses, workshops and conferences, but it is an essential objective for the personnel involved in research and technology.

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