You are here: HomeStaffList of PersonnelD'Ambrosio PaoloD'Ambrosio Paolo

Research Infrastructures for marine biological resources Department
Infrastructure for Marine Research

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Contrada Torre Spaccata
87071 Amendolara (CS) – Italia

Tel.: +39 389 969 8766
E-mail: paolo.dambrosio(at)szn.it
Contatto Skype: paolodambrosio_70

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

In the national and international framework, marine environmental monitoring requires updated and georeferenced information.
The European Directives (Habitat Directive 1992/43 / EC, Water Framework Directive 2000/60 / EC - WFD, Directive on national infrastructure for territorial information and environmental monitoring 2007/2 / EC - INSPIRE, Framework Directive on Marine Strategy 2008/56 / EC - MSFD) have led the international scientific community to pay growing attention to key-habitats, such as Posidonia oceanica meadows, coralligenous formations and maërl. These Directives support the implementation of detailed monitoring protocols for the evaluation of the state of health of these habitats, as well as their protection including marine spatial planning tools (Sites of Community Interest - SCI, Special Conservation Areas, Marine Protected Areas, Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance). Within Community Directives, the mapping of the seabed for the costruction of thematic maps (bathymetry, distribution of benthic habitats, distribution of impacts) are playing a fundamental role.
My scientific interest, therefore, focuses on the implementation and improvement of existing approaches based on integrated acoustic data (remote sensing), validated from in-situ observation (ground truth) obtained by oceanographic campaigns conducted on the seabed with the ultimate aim to conserve marine environment and improve the management of marine coastal ecosystems.

Selected Publications

1. Fraschetti S., Terlizzi A., Guarnieri G., Pizzolante F., D’Ambrosio P., Maiorano P., Beqiraj S., Boero F., 2011. Effects of unplanned development on marine biodiversity: a lesson from Albania (central Mediterranean Sea). Journal of Coastal Research 270: 106 - 115.

2. Maiorano P., Mastrototaro F., Beqiraj S., Costantino G., Kashta L., Gherardi M., Sion L., D'Ambrosio P., Carlucci R., D'Onghia G., & Tursi A. 2011. Bioecological study of the benthic communities on the soft bottom of the Vlora Gulf (Albania). Journal of Coastal Research: 95-105.

3. Fraschetti S., D’Ambrosio P., Micheli F., Pizzolante F., Bussotti S., Terlizzi A, 2009. Design of marine protected areas in a human-dominated seascape. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 375: 13-24.

4. Gravili C., D’Ambrosio P., Di Camillo C., Renna G., Bouillon J., Boero F., 2008. Clytia hummelincki (Hydroidomedusae: Leptomedusae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 88(8): 1547–1553.

5. Fraschetti S., Terlizzi A., Bussotti S., Guarnieri G., D’Ambrosio P., Boero F., 2005. Conservation of Mediterranean seascapes: analyses of existing protection schemes. Marine Enviromental Reserches, 59: 309 – 332.

6. Bundone L., Fai S., D’Ambrosio P., Onorato R., F. Minonne F., E. Molinaroli E., 2014. Disponibilità di habitat costiero per la foca monaca mediterranea, Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779), nel Salento: risultati preliminari. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 21 (1): 253-254.

7. De Leo F., Belluscio A., Colloca F., D’Ambrosio P., Giannoulaki M., Martin C., Papadopoulou N., Scardi N., Spedicato M.T., Fraschetti S., 2014. Selezione di siti prioritari per la conservazione dei principali habitat del Mar Mediterraneo utilizzando strumenti di pianificazione spaziale. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 21: 159

8. Fai S., Bava S., Bussotti S., Cattaneo-Vietti R., D’Ambrosio P., Muscogiuri L., Terlizzi A., Guidetti P., 2010. Gestione della piccola pesca professionale nell’Area Marina Protetta Porto Cesareo. Atti del Workshop “Pesca e gestione delle Aree Marine Protette” S.I.B.M., Porto Cesareo (LE), 30 -31 ottobre 2008.

9. Guidetti P., Bava S., Bussotti S., Fai S., Panzalis P.A., D’Ambrosio P., Fanciulli G., Navone A., Cattaneo-Vietti R, 2010. Gli operatori della piccola pesca professionale sono una “specie” in via di estinzione. Atti del Workshop “Pesca e gestione delle Aree Marine Protette S.I.B.M., Porto Cesareo (LE), 30 -31 ottobre 2008.

10. Fraschetti S., Terlizzi A., D’Ambrosio P., Maiorano P., Tursi A., Mastrototaro F, Costantino G, Boero F., 2009. I siti di importanza comunitaria (SIC) Marini della Puglia: stato delle conoscenze e implicazioni nelle strategie di monitoraggio, gestione e conservazione. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 16 (1): 84-87.

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