You are here: HomeStaffList of PersonnelCostantino AntoninoCostantino Antonino

Foto Costantino 2Technician

Stazione Zoologia Anton Dohrn

Sicily Marine Centre
Villa Pace - C.da Porticatello 29, 98167 Messina – Italia

Tel. 081 5833 787
e-mail: antonino.costantino(at)szn.it

Curriculum vitae



Short CV

As a marine biologist and aquarist, I have dedicated my career to studying marine communities in controlled environments since 2013. I am passionate about the use of mesocosms for research, which provide a unique opportunity to explore the vast and often uncharted depths of our oceans. This approach not only facilitates conservation efforts, but also enables effective education and outreach programmes that promote a deeper understanding of marine ecosystems among the public.
My professional journey has taken me to various prestigious institutions, including the University of Messina, the Elba Aquarium, the C.I.S.S. of Messina, the Sea Life Aquarium in Verona and the Aquarium of the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (SZN) in Naples. I am currently working at the Sicily Marine Centre of the SZN in the Strait of Messina, where I have been working since January 2024.


• Management and Monitoring of activities preparatory to the realization of the Deep Lab, mesocosms and laboratories/rooms of relevance to the Messina Hub: Planning, organization, and oversight of tasks related to the establishment of the Deep Lab, mesocosms, and other laboratory facilities at the Messina Hub.
• Development of SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) - for the management and treatment of marine organisms on the instructions of the Head of Office.
• Production of guidelines for properly handling and caring for marine organisms used in research activities.
• Training staff on the proper conduct of animal experiments, including established and ad-hoc protocols and procedures, as instructed by the Head of Office.
• Support to sea sampling activities for the collection of live organisms for research activities at the Sicily Marine Centre: assisting with the preparation of sampling equipment, collecting and transporting organisms to the laboratory, maintaining the health and viability of organisms.
• Management, monitoring and updating the database of IT systems used at the Sicily Marine Centre.
• Management of conference rooms at the Sicily Marine Centre.
• Ensuring the efficient implementation and ongoing coordination of operational procedures at the Sicily Marine Centre.

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