You are here: HomeStaffList of PersonnelCanese Simonepietro

CaneseSenior Technologist
Research Infrastructures for marine biological resources Department
Technological Implementation & Marine Robotics

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Via Po' 25c
00189 Roma - Italia

Tel.: +39 06 21710215
Mobile: +39 3356790469
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Contatto Skype: simonepietro.canese

Curriculum Vitae


Research Interests

My research interests have been for years focused on deep marine environments that represent a territory still partially unexplored, but rich in biodiversity, with several rare and protected species, whose biology and ecology is still partially under-studied. I worked on the presence, distribution of these species, investigating biological and ecological aspects, as well documenting impacts from anthropic activities and planning monitoring activities. My researches takes place mostly in the Mediterranean Sea, although part of my work is dedicated to Antarctic and Sub Antarctic environments in collaboration with Italian and foreign research institutions. To approach these deep sea territories, I have gained a lot of experience with technology for seabed mapping such as Multibeam and Side Scan Sonar and I have intensively used instruments for visual exploration, such as remote control vehicles (ROV), towed cameras, Lander and Bruv (Baited Remote Underwater Video). Given the difficulty and costs of these gears, I became interested in their management, maintenance and development, thus acquiring very good skills in the design, construction and programming of these devices, with a particular focus on the world of Open Source and Cots (Commercial off-the-shelf) technology.

Selected Publications

F. Enrichetti, C. Dominguez-Carrió, M. Toma, G. Bavestrello, S. Canese, M. Bo. (2020). Assessment and distribution of seafloor litter on the deep Ligurian continental shelf and shelf break (NW Mediterranean Sea). Marine Pollution Bulletin 151. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.110872

K Cuny-Guirriec, E Douville, S Reynaud, D Allemand, L.Bordiera, M.Canesi, C.Mazzoli, M. Taviani, S. Canese, M. McCulloch, J. Trotter, S. DamiánRico-Esenaro, J.-AlbertSanchez-Cabeza, A. CarolinaRuiz-Fernández, J. P.Carricart-Ganivet, P. M.Scott, A. Sadekov, P. Montagna. (2019). Coral Li/Mg thermometry: Caveats and constraints. Chemical Geology 523: 162-178. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.03.038

S.J. Parker, S. Mormede, S.M. Hanchet, A. Devries, S. Canese and L. Ghigliotti (2019). Monitoring Antarctic toothfish in McMurdo Sound to evaluate the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area . Antarctic Science 31(4):1-13 DOI: 10.1017/S0954102019000245

M.Giusti, S.Canese, M.Fourt, M.Bo, C. Innocenti, A. Goujard, B. Daniel, L. Angeletti, M.Taviani, L.Aquilina, Tunesi L. (2019). Coral forests and Derelict Fishing Gears in submarine canyon systems of the Ligurian Sea. Progress In Oceanography 178:102186 DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2019.102186

Bo M, Bavestrello G, Di Muzio G, Canese S, Betti F. (2019). First record of a symbiotic relationship between a polyclad and a black coral with description of Anthoplana antipathellae gen. et sp. nov. (Acotylea, Notoplanidae). Marine Biodiversity 49, 2549–2570 doi:10.1007/s12526-019-00982-8

D. Moccia, A. Cau, A. Alvito, S. Canese, R. Cannas, M. Bo, M. Angiolillo, M. C. Follesa. (2019). New sites expanding the “Sardinian cold-water coral province” extension: a new potential Cold-Water Coral network? Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems; 29(1):153-160., DOI:10.1002/aqc.2975

Enrichetti, F. , Bo, M., Morri, C., Montefalcone, M.,Toma, M., Bavestrello, G.,Tunesi, L.,Canese, S., M. Giusti, E. Salvati, R. M. Bertolotto, Bianchi, C.N. (2019). Assessing the environmental status of temperate mesophotic reefs: A new, integrated methodological approach. Ecological Indicators 102, 218-229. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.02.028

M. Bo, M. Barucca, M. Biscotti, M. Brugler, A. Canapa, S.Canese, C.Lo Iacono, G. Bavestrello. (2018). Phylogenetic relationships of Mediterranean black corals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) and implications for classification within the order Antipatharia. Invertebrate Systematics, 2018, 32, 1102–1110. https://doi.org/10.1071/IS17043

P. Consoli, M.Falautano, M. Sinopoli, P. Perzia, S. Canese, V. Esposito, P. Battaglia, T. Romeo, F. Andaloro, F. Galgani, L. Castriota. (2018). Composition and abundance of benthic marine litter in a coastal area of the central Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Pollution 136:243-247. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.09.033

R. L. O’Driscolla, S. Canese, Y. Ladroita S. J. Parker, L. Ghigliotti, S. Mormede, M. Vacchi. (2018). First in situ estimates of acoustic target strength of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) Fisheries Research 206: 79–84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2018.05.008

V. Esposito, F. Andaloro, S. Canese, G. Bortoluzzi, M. Bo, M. Di Bella, F. Italiano, G. Sabatino, P. Battaglia, P. Consoli, P. Giordano, F. Spagnoli, V. La Cono, M. M. Yakimov, G. Scotti, T. Romeo. (2018). Exceptional discovery of a shallow-water hydrothermal site in the SW area of Basiluzzo islet (Aeolian Archipelago, South Tyrrhenian Sea): an environment to preserve. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0190710. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0190710

V. Melli, M. Angiolillo, F. Ronchi, S. Canese, O. Giovanardi, S. Querin, T. Fortibuoni. (2017).The first assessment of marine debris in a Site of Community Importance in the north-western Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea). Marine Pollution Bulletin 114(2): 821-830. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.11.012

M. Taviani, L. Angeletti, S .Canese, R. Cannas, F. Cardone, A Cau, A.B. Cau, M.C .Follesa, F. Marchese, P. Montagna, C. Tessarolo. (2017). The “Sardinian cold-water coral province” in the context of the Mediterranean coral ecosystems. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography145: (61-78) doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.12.008

R Rodolfo-Metalpa, P. Montagna, S. Aliani, M. Borghini, S. Canese, J. M. Hall Spencer, A. Foggo, M. Milazzo, M. Taviani, F. Houlbreque .(2015). Calcification is not the Achilles’ heel of cold-water corals in an acidifying ocean. Global Change Biology. 21(6): 2238-2248. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12867

M. Angiolillo, B. di Lorenzo, A. Farcomeni , M. Bo, G. Bavestrello, G. Santangelo, A. Cau, V. Mastascusa. A. Cau, F. Sacco, S. Canese. (2015). Distribution and assessment of marine debris in the deep Tyrrhenian Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea), Italy. Marine Pollution Bulletin 92 (2015) 149–159. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.12.044

Book chapters

M. Angiolillo, S. Canese. (2018). Deep Gorgonians and Corals of the Mediterranean Sea. Book chapter in “Corals in a Changing World” Intech Open eds. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.69686

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