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Battaglia FotoResearcher

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Sicily Marine Centre
Integrative Marine Ecology Department
Villa Pace - C.da Porticatello 29, 98167 Messina – Italia

Tel.: +390815833722
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Contatto Skype: pieroboceano

Curriculum Vitae

Pietro Battaglia - Google Scholar
Pietro Battaglia - Orcid
Pietro Battaglia - ResearchGate

Research Interests

Studies are aimed to investigate various aspects of marine fish and cephalopod biology and ecology as well as fishery resources and management.
Special attention is given to Mediterranean mesopelagic/bathypelagic fish and cephalopods, focusing on a wide range of research themes: growth, taxonomy, distribution and records of rare species, trophic ecology, relationship between species abundance, lunar cycle and environmental parameters, otolith and beak morphology, microplastic ingestion, morphology and structure of luminous organs, parasites, population biology.
An important part of my research is focused on the sustainable use of fishing resources and fishery management, with particular attention to small-scale fisheries. In this frame, the research activity is aimed to drive local fishing communities to develop co-management schemes leading to sustainable use of fisheries resources, in synergy with several Mediterranean areas.
The trophic ecology of fish is one of the main research issue, using the stomach content analysis. In this field, I am an expert in the identification of fish otoliths and cephalopod beaks in the guts.
Other research interests concern: i) large pelagic fish ecology; ii) age and growth estimation in fish; iii) Mediterranean cephalopod and fish taxonomy; iv) impact of marine litter on the marine trophic web and habitats; v) biodiversity in marine habitats, including banks, seamounts, volcanic areas; vi). effects of MPAs protection on fisheries resources; vii) Non indigenous fish species in Mediterranean waters.


• Project Prin 2022 PNRR “CIAO MARE: Cephalopod Integrated Analysis to identify the impact Of MARine Environmental pollution”. Role: Principal investigator (Project lifetime: December 2023 – November 2025)
• Project PNRR “NBFC - National Biodiversity Future Center” - SPOKE 2 “Solutions to reverse marine biodiversity loss and manage marine resources sustainably” - Line 1 - “Recognizing the value of biodiversity and ecosystem health toward a more sustainable fishery”. Role: Scientific coordinator of the research line ST1.1.5.5 “Cephalopods biodiversity” (Project lifetime: 2022 – 2026)
• Monitoring Program on “Recreational Fishery” of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (Directive 2008/56/EC). Role: Scientific-technical coordinator for the SZN research unit activities. (Project lifetime in 3 cycle of monitoring: 2020; 2021–2023; 2024-2026)
• Project "ISSPA - Innovation, Development and Sustainability in Fisheries and Aquaculture Sectors for the Campania Region" PO FEAMP Campania 2014-2020. Role: Scientific Coordinator of task 1.1 "Spatio-temporal characterization of professional fishing activity in Campanian Natura 2000 sites and MPAs, including recreational fishing and illegal fishing (IUUF) and state of the art of the harvest rate of target, incidental and protected species", Scientific Coordinator of task 2.1 (from 01 May 2021): Characterization of Campanian fishing activities and areas including IUUF and recreational fishing", Scientific Coordinator of task "Developing new or improved management models of artisanal fisheries to support enterprises in improving management performance and marketing of catches" (Project lifetime: 2019 – 2023)

Selected Publications

• Battaglia P., Canese S., Salvati E., Greco S., 2023. In situ observations of three deep-sea cephalopods in the central Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology, 170: 151.
DOI: 10.1007/s00227-023-04264-7 WOS:001074514100002

• Battaglia P., Pedà C., Malara D., Milisenda G., MacKenzie B.R., Esposito V., Consoli P., Vicchio T.M., Stipa M.G., Pagano L., Longo F., Romeo T., 2022. Importance of the lunar cycle on mesopelagic foraging by Atlantic bluefin tuna in the upwelling area of the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean Sea). Animals, 12, 2261.
DOI: 10.3390/ani12172261 WOS:000850965500001

• Battaglia P., Pagano L., Consoli P., Esposito V., Granata A., Guglielmo L., Pedà C., Romeo T., Zagami G., Vicchio T.M., Guglielmo R., Andaloro F., 2019. Consumption of mesopelagic prey in the Strait of Messina, an upwelling area of the central Mediterranean Sea: feeding behaviour of the blue jack mackerel Trachurus picturatus (Bowdich, 1825). Deep-Sea Research Part I, 155: 103158.
DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2019.103158 WOS:000508749000007

• Battaglia P., Andaloro F., Consoli P., Pedà C., Raicevich S., Spagnolo M., Romeo T., 2017. Baseline data to characterize and manage the small-scale fishery (SSF) of an oncoming Marine Protected Area (Cape Milazzo, Italy) in the western Mediterranean Sea. Ocean & Coastal Management, 148: 231-244. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.08.014 WOS:000412611300022

• Battaglia P., Andaloro F., Esposito V., Granata A., Guglielmo L., Guglielmo R., Musolino S., Romeo T., Zagami G., 2016. Diet and trophic ecology of the lanternfish Electrona risso (Cocco 1829) in the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean Sea) and potential resource utilization from the Deep Scattering Layer (DSL). Journal of Marine Systems, 159: 100–108. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.03.011 WOS:000375506200009


Pedà C., Battaglia P., Romeo T., Stipa M.G., Longo F., Malara D., Consoli P., Andaloro F. (2022) Photographic atlas of cephalopod beaks from the Mediterranean Sea. Eta Beta ed., pp. 109, ISBN: 9791259686381

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