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Fioretti fotoPhd Student
Integrative Marine Ecology Department

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Villa Comunale
80121 Naples - Italy

Tel.: +39 081 5833508
E-mail: sara.fioretti(at)szn.it
Skype: Sara Fioretti

Curriculum Vitae

Internal Supervisor
: Francesco Paolo Patti
External Supervisor: Aniello Anastasio
Program: Federico II’ University of Naples – Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production - XXXI Ph.D. Cycle in Veterinary Science

Research Interests

In the framework of my Ph.D. project I use marine species to define biological, environmental and economic impacts in the fish supply chain in Campania. In order to have a wide overview on the topic, different types of approaches are used: taxonomic studies, molecular biology analysis, physiological analysis, ecological and economic evaluations. The main model species that I used is Mytilus galloprovincialis, edible mollusk widely spread along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea with a great ecological role and a great economic impact for the Campania fish market. Mytilus galloprovincialis, as well as many other marine edible species, is often in the supply chains to food fraud. One of the aim of the project is the genetic characterization of Mytilus galloprovincialis along Campania coasts in order to identify and quantify any food adulteration and evaluate the presence of cryptic and/or invasive species in the supply chain. Another aim of the project is the evaluation of the stress response of Mytilus galloprovincialis and other bivalve molluscs to different types of stresses, including ocean acidification, one of the world's greatest threats to marine ecosystems.

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