Marine Animal Conservation and Public Engagement Department
Tel. 081 5833461
e-mail: marco.signore(at)
Skype: marco_signore
Research Interests
Communication, especially science communication, is of the utmost important in this historical moment. Estabilishing a dialogue between science and the public is fundamental to overcome the waves of misinformation or even fake info that are causing serious damage at all cultural levels. Museums and aquaria are, together with web-based communication, some of the first-line centres to raise scientific and environmental awareness in the public. This is my first line of research and action, together with museology, palaeontology of the marine environment, and historical marine ecology. I am also very involved with communicating and teaching science through gaming, i.e., the use of boardgames, roleplaying games and videogames as a very powerful tool for science communication.
Caruso F., Tedesco P., Della Sala G,. Palma Esposito F., Signore M., Canese S., Romeo T., Borra M., Gili C. and de Pascale D. (2022) Science and Dissemination for the UN Ocean Decade Outcomes: Current Trends and Future Perspectives. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:863647.
Signore M., 2022: Il Museo Darwin-Dohrn. Sapere Scienza, 3, 2022: 16-20.
Leonetti, F.L., Sperone, E.; Travaglini, A.; Mojetta, A. R.; Signore, M.; Psomadakis, P. N.; Dinkel, T. M.; Bottaro, M., 2020. Filling the Gap and Improving Conservation: How IUCN Red Lists and Historical Scientific Data Can Shed More Light on Threatened Sharks in the Italian Seas. Diversity 12, no. 10: 389.
Carannante G., Signore M. & Vigorito M., Vertebrate-rich plattenkalk of Pietraroia (Lower Cretaceous, Southern Apennines, Italy): a new model. Facies 2006: 52, 555-577.
Ruben J.A., Dal Sasso C., Geist N.R., Hillenius W.J., Jones T.D., Signore M., Pulmonary Function and Metabolic Physiology of Theropod Dinosaurs. Science, 1998: 283, 514-516.
Dal Sasso C., Signore M., Exceptional soft-tissue preservation in a theropod dinosaur from Italy. Nature, 1997: 392, 383-387.
Websites or online articles
Signore M., L’origine della vita. CentoAutori, 2017.