Integrative Marine Ecology Department
Fax: +39 081 7641355
e-mail domenico.dalelio(at)
Skype: dom.dalelio
Research interests
Ecology and evolution of marine plankton is my main interest. My scientific production is multidisciplinary, spanning from the biology and evolution of aquatic microorganisms to community ecology, with a specific focus on food webs and dynamics of socio-ecological systems. I am involved in several research projects, both basic ones, pertaining to the exploration of the biological complexity of living beings, and applied ones, pertaining to the management of marine resources. Attracted by the interaction between nature and society, I disseminate science by means of science writing and music.
Selected Publications
Bellardini D, Russo L, Di Tuccio V, De Luca D, Del Gaizo G, Zampicinini G, Kokoszka F, Botte V, Colloca F, Conversano F, De Luca P, Iudicone D, Margiotta M, Saviano S, Vassallo P, Cianelli D, D’Alelio D (2024).
Spatiotemporal changes of pelagic food webs investigated by environmental DNA metabarcoding and connectivity analysis. Philosophical Transactions B, 379(1909), p.20230178.
Russo L, Bellardini D, Steinberg DK, Congestri R, Lomas MW, D’Alelio D. (2024) Long-term oscillations in the normalized biomass-size spectrum reveal the impact of oligotrophication on zooplankton trophic structure in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre. Marine Environmental Research
Russo L, Bellardini D, Zampicinini G, Jordán F, Congestri R, D’Alelio D. (2023). From metabarcoding time series to plankton food webs: The hidden role of trophic hierarchy in providing ecological resilience. Marine Ecology. 2023:e12733.
D'Alelio D, Russo L, Hay Mele B, and Pomati F (2021) Intersecting ecosystem services across the aquatic continuum: from global change impacts to local, and biologically driven, synergies and trade-offs. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9 (2021): 199.
Hay Mele B, Russo L, Crocetta F, Gambi C, Dell'Anno A, Danovaro R, Guglielmo R, Musco L, Patti FP, Riginella E, Tangherlini M, Ribera d'Alcalà M, D'Alelio D (2020). Ecological assessment of anthropogenic impact in marine ecosystems: the case of Bagnoli Bay. Marine Environmental Research Mar 10:104953.
D’Alelio D, Rampone S, Cusano LM, Morfino V, Russo L, Sanseverino N, Cloern JE, Lomas MW (2020). Machine learning identifies a strong association between warming and reduced primary productivity in an oligotrophic ocean gyre. Scientific Reports Feb 25;10(1):1-2.
D'Alelio D, Hay Mele B, Libralato S, Ribera d'Alcalà M, Jordán F (2019). Rewiring and indirect effects underpin modularity reshuffling in a marine food web under environmental shifts. Ecology and Evolution Oct;9(20):11631-46.
Ruggiero MV*, D'Alelio D*, Ferrante MI, Santoro M, Vitale L, Procaccini G, Montresor M (2018). Clonal expansion behind a marine diatom bloom. The ISME Journal 12: 463-472. *shared first authorship
Cianelli D*, D'Alelio D*, Uttieri M, Diana S, Zingone A, Zambianchi E, Ribera d’Alcalà M (2017). Disentangling physical and biological drivers of phytoplankton dynamics in a coastal system. Scientific Reports 7:15868. *shared first authorship.
D'Alelio D, Libralato S, Wyatt T, Ribera d'Alcalà M (2016). Ecological-network models link diversity, structure and function in the plankton food-web. Scientific Reports 6: 21806.
Accession number: WOS:000370323500001