You are here: HomeStaffList of PersonnelUrso Salvatore

foto UrsoTechnologist

Integrative Marine Ecology (EMI) Department, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Amendolara (Italy)
Born in Cosenza (Italia) on 17/01/1978
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Research interest

I am a naturalist and trained ornithologist, primarily involved in monitoring, managing, and protecting highly threatened species and habitats. In this field, I have gained extensive experience in bird population surveys, with a particular focus on raptors and passerines, including activities related to the development of major infrastructure projects and industrial energy production facilities. Additionally, for about two decades, I have been actively engaged in the protection of Caretta caretta nests in Calabria, now recognized as one of the main reproductive sites for the species at the national level. In the context of species and habitat conservation, I have contributed to the design and subsequent implementation of several European projects (e.g., LIFE) as well as other similar national and regional initiatives, actively participating in drafting specific conservation measures for the fauna of Calabria’s Natura 2000 Network.

Selected Publications

Mingozzi T., Storino P., Venuto G., Alessandria G., Arcamone E., Urso S., Ruggieri L., Massetti L., Massolo A., 2013. Autumn Crane Grus grus migration through the Italian Peninsula: new vs. historical flyways and meteorological correlates. Acta Ornithologica, 48 (2): 165-177.

Mingozzi T., Cambiè G., Casale P., Dominici R., Gangale C., Nicoletti A., Paris P., Pulieri V., Raimondi S., Scopelliti V., Sonnino M., Urso S., Uzunov D., 2015. LIFE + Project Caretta Calabria: “Land-and-Sea actions for conservation of Caretta caretta in its most important italian nesting ground (Ionian Calabria)”. In riassunti dei contributi scientifici – 35th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Dalaman Sarigerme Dalyan (Ortaca) Muğla-Türkiye 18-24 Aprile 2015.

Amori G., Mazzei A., Storino P. Urso S., Luzzi G., Aloise G., Gangale C., Ouzounov D., Luiselli L., Pizzolotto R. & Brandmayr P., 2022. Forest management and conservation of faunal diversity in Italy: a review, Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2021.2013334.

Denaro M., Malito T., Mancuso C., Parise G., & Urso S., 2022. Nesting activity of the Loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, in Calabria: 2016-2020 reproductive seasons. Mediterranean Marine Science, 23(1), 46-54.

Hochscheid S., Maffucci F., Abella E., Bradai M. N., Camedda A., Carreras C., Claro F., De Lucia G. A., Jribi I., Mancusi C., Marco A., Marrone N., Papetti L., Revuelta O., Urso S., Tomás J., 2022. Nesting range expansion of loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean: Phenology, spatial distribution, and conservation implications. Global Ecology and Conservation 38 (2022) e02194.

Muscianese E., Pucci M., Policastrese M., Martino G., Rocca G., Sapone A., Urso S., Storino P., 2023. Spring migration of raptors and large migratory birds at Punta Alice: The PARC project (Punta Alice Raptor Count). In riassunti dei contributi scientifici – XXI Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia. Varese 5 – 9 settembre 2023.

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