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DeVincenzisLResearch Fellowship

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Sicily Marine Centre
Integrative Marine Ecology Department (EMI)
Villa Pace - C.da Porticatello 29, 98167 Messina – Italia

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Supervisor: dott. Pietro Battaglia
Appointed on project: CRIMAC

Curriculum vitae

Research interests

My research activities, as a temporary research fellow at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, include studies on the biology and ecology of deep-sea marine species. Much of my research involves Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) video analysis. The analysis of ROV video provides the opportunity to observe marine organisms, such as deep-sea species, exploring their natural habitat. Through the analysis of ROV videos, I deal with the description and study of the ecology and behaviour of some benthic and pelagic communities of the Mediterranean, especially fish and cephalopods. Biological aspects are essential for a better understanding of these marine species, hence I participate in laboratory activities aimed at identifying, collecting stomachs and extracting otoliths.

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