Research Fellowship
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Calabria Marine Centre - CRIMAC
Integrative Marine Ecology Department (EMI)
C.da Torre Spaccata, Località Torre Spaccata, 87071 Amendolara - Italia
Tel.: +39 3491302873
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contatto Skype: blondineagus
Curriculum vitae
Blondine Agus - Google Scholar
Supervisors: dott.ssa Teresa Romeo, dott. Pietro Battaglia
Appointed on project: CRIMAC
Research Interests
My research is based on the evaluation and management of some marine resources and some fundamental parameters of their life cycle, such as age estimation, growth and reproduction. The focus is mainly on the class of Cephalopod Molluscs and on all aspects that concern them: fishing, growth, behavior and reproductive strategies.
Selected Publications
• Bellodi, A., Carbonara, P., MacKenzie, K.M., Agus, B., Bekaert, K., Greenway, E.S.I., Follesa, M.C., Madia, M., Massaro, A., Palmisano, M., Romano, C., Sinopoli, M., Ferragut-Perello, F., Mahé, K. (2024). Measurement of the Growth of the Main Commercial Rays (Raja clavata, Raja brachyura, Torpedo marmorata, Dipturus oxyrinchus) in European Waters Using Intercalibration Methods. Biology 13(1): 20.
Quartile: InCites = Q2 // Scimago = Q1 // Scopus = Q1. (DOI: 10.3390/biology13010020)
• Agus, B.; Carbonara, P.; Melis, R.; Cannas, R.; Carugati, L.; Cera, J.; Donnaloia, M.; Mulas, A.; Pais, A.; Ruiu, S.; Vinci, G.; Cuccu, D. 2022. First Integrative Morphological and Genetic Characterization of Tremoctopus violaceus sensu stricto in the Mediterranean Sea. Animals, 12(1), 80. (DOI: 10.3390/ani12010080)
• Cau Al., Franceschini S., Moccia D., Gorule P.A., Agus B., Bellodi A.,Cannas R.,Carugati L.,Cuccu D., Dessì C., Marongiu M.F., Melis R., Mulas A., Porceddu R.,Porcu C., Russo T., Follesa M.C., 2021. Scattered accumulation hotspots of macro-litter on the seafloor: Insights for mitigation actions, Environmental Pollution, Volume 292, Part A, 118338, ISSN 0269-7491. (DOI: 10.3390/ani12010080)
• Agus B.,Carugati L.,Bellodi A., Cannas R., Cau A., Cera J., Coluccia E., Melis R., Ruiu S., Cuccu D., – 2021. Molecular and biological analysis on Ommastrephes caroli finding in the Central Western Mediterranean Sea (Sardinian waters). First age investigation using eye lenses and beaks. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:683856.
(DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.683856)
• Agus B., Mereu M., Cannas R., Cau Al., Coluccia E., Follesa M. C., Cuccu D. 2018. Age determination of Loligo vulgaris and Loligo forbesii using eye lens analysis. Zoomorphology: 1-8 pp pubblished online.
(DOI: 10.1007/s00435-017-0381-8).