You are here: HomeStaffList of PersonnelRescan Carmelet David

Foto DavidPost Doc: Dipartimento BEOM

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Villa Comunale
80121 Naples - Italy

Tel.: +33602255695
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Curriculum vitae

Supervisor: Francesca Raffini
Appointed on project: FIASCO (contrasting FaIling And Successful ColOnizations in replicated wild populations)


Research Interests

My research interests centre around the application of genomic and bioinformatic tools to answer questions in evolutionary biology and conservation. After completing my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Evolutionary Biology at the University of Poitiers, I expanded my expertise through various international research projects. At DTU Aqua in Denmark, I worked on population genetics of cod in the Kattegat Sea, followed by an internship at Massey University in New Zealand, focusing on population genetics, geometric morphometrics, and environmental niches of an endemic alpine grasshopper. My PhD in Zoology at Massey University further honed my skills, particularly in evolutionary genomic and toxin adaptation of the brushtail possums.
I have developed competencies in “omic” analyses, wet-lab molecular techniques, and bioinformatics. Additionally, I’m familiar with niche modelling, calibrated phylogeny, geometric morphometrics, statistics, and GIS.
I am particularly interested in integrating diverse genomic and ecological methodologies to address research questions. My commitment to international collaboration and participation in global conferences has enhanced my communication skills and research capabilities.
I’m looking forward to use multiple data sources and bioinformatic tools to tackle evolutionary and conservation challenges within the FIASCO projects at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn. I am enthusiastic about contributing to the fields of mollusc genomics, ecology, and conservation.

Selected Publications  

-Carmelet‐Rescan, D., Morgan‐Richards, M., Koot, E. M., & Trewick, S. A. (2021). Climate and ice in the last glacial maximum explain patterns of isolation by distance inferred for alpine grasshoppers. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 14(5), 568-581.
-Carmelet‐Rescan, D., Morgan‐Richards, M., Pattabiraman, N., & Trewick, S. A. (2022). Time‐calibrated phylogeny and ecological niche models indicate Pliocene aridification drove intraspecific diversification of brushtail possums in Australia. Ecology and Evolution, 12(12), e9633.
-Cunha, A. F., Carmelet-Rescan, D., Marques, A. C., & Morgan-Richards, M. (2022). Contrasting morphological and genetic patterns suggest cryptic speciation and phenotype–environment covariation within three benthic marine hydrozoans. Marine Biology, 169(8), 103.
-Liggins, L., Arranz, V., Braid, H. E., Carmelet-Rescan, D., Elleouet, J., Egorova, E., ... & Stewart, L. C. (2022). The future of molecular ecology in Aotearoa New Zealand: An early career perspective. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 52(sup1), 92-115.

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