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Vincenzo Garozzo ridottoResearch Fellow
Sicily Marine Centre, Department of Integrative Marine Ecology

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Sicily Marine Centre - Palermo
Lungomare Cristoforo Colombo, 4521
90149 – Palermo, Italia

Tel.: +39 3405619415
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contatto Skype: Vincenzo Garozzo

Curriculum Vitae

Supervisor: Giacomo Milisenda
Appointed on project: Rete 3 Golfi

Research Interests

During my research experiences I always dealt with fishery topics, in many ways. For example, economically, by interviewing fishermen and by administering them questionnaires. But also ecologically, by following the fishermen on board and by analyzing the impact that the fishing activities produce on the marine environment. Both my studies and my non-scientific experiences at sea, have always been used to create a strong foundation for what I’m passionate about: the marine environment in all of its forms, the marine zoology in its immensity and the fishing in all its declinations.

Selected Publications

Faraone F.P., Giacalone G., Canale D.E., D’Angelo S., Favaccio G., Garozzo V., Giancontieri G.L., Isgrò C., Melfi R., Morello B., Navarria F., Russo G., Tinnirello V., Torre A., Torre D., Torre G., Urso G., Vinci P., Zizzo M.G., Marrone F. (2017). Tracking the invasion of the red swampcrayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) (Decapoda Cambaridae) in Sicily: A “citizenscience” approach. Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography 32(1):25–29, https://doi.org/10.21426/B632135512

Di Cintio A., Labanchi L., Spagnolo M., Musella G., Romeo T., Garozzo V., Di Genio S., Riginella E., Andaloro F., Milisenda G., Battaglia P., Di Franco A. (2021). Fishing capacity in Southern Italy: An insight into the status and trends of the Campanian fishing fleet. Regional Studies in Marine Science 49(9–10):102102, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2021.102102

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