You are here: HomeStaffList of PersonnelManfrè VincenzoManfrè Vincenzo

20230307 170013Technician

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Sicily Marine Centre
Villa Pace - C.da Porticatello 29, 98167 Messina – Italia
Tel.: 081 5833783
e-mail: vincenzo.manfre(at)szn.it

Tel.: +39 081 5833 783
e-mail: vincenzo.manfre(at)szn.it

Short CV

I am a veterinary specialist in "breeding, hygiene, pathology of aquatic species and control of derived products", I have gained various experiences in the hygienic management of farms and expanded my knowledge of hydrobiology, taxonomy of species, reproduction, breeding techniques, environmental impacts and organization of fishing; I have studied the most widespread pathologies that characterize farmed and fished aquatic species caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, but also pathologies caused by environmental and food contaminants, incorrect breeding technologies and environmental stress; another research interest is to evaluate multiple aquatic ecosystems both for the characteristics of the waters (fresh, brackish, salty) and for the relationships between aquatic organisms and between these and the abiotic components.


- Manager in accordance with the provisions of the Legislative Decree. 81/2008 regarding the protection of health and safety in the workplace;
- coordination, management and control of the refrigerators and cold room at the Messina headquarters;
- coordination and management of stationery material, laboratories and Messina headquarters offices;
- management of inventoriable material (equipment and infrastructure);
- support in the use of laboratory instruments.

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