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Project "Environmental rehabilitation and improvement of the campi Flegrei lakes"

Research Area
Environmental monitoring

Principal Investigators
Vincenzo Saggiomo and Adriana Zingone

Project Manager
Maria Saggiomo

Project Lifetime
2015 – 2016

Funding Institutions
Comune di Bacoli

Contribution to SZN

Dedicated website

The project involves, for the Fusaro lake, the restoration of the functionality of the existing connecting mouth between the lake and the sea, in order to regularize the necessary water exchange, thus resulting in a more voluminous hydrodynamic circulation that allows the normalization of mechanisms of environmental recovery of the natural lake habitat.
For the Miseno lake, the project includes the restoration of the functionality of the reclamation systems of the Miseno lake banks by removing the materials which have accumulated. The aim is to improve the exchange of water thatis essential to ensure the balance of the ecosystem sea-lake through the removal and disposal of sandy materials transported by waves and accumulated both in the mouths riverbed and in the areas in front of the outlets into the sea.
For the realization of the project, a scientific and technical activity plan is expected , to be carried out both during preliminary work and at the completion of the work, essentially consisting of:
• the morphological characterizations of the two lagoons, Fusaro and Miseno, which will be carried out to assess the level of morphological changes in the two lagoons as a result of missed hydrographic maintenance, spills from the surrounding area, removal of sediment, etc .;
• the preparation of a characterization plan and participation in technical meetings with the Control Board (ARPAC);
• sampling and chemical, physical, microbiological and ecotoxicological characterization of sediment of the estuary and lake areas, the proposal for the fate of sediment to be submitted to the supervisory and monitoring boards during dredging;
• environmental monitoring for the assessment of the effects of the reopening of the mouths on the hydrological dynamics of the lagoons and assessment of possible changes in the trophic status.

The tasks of MEDA include the environmental monitoring for the assessment of the effects of the reopening of the mouths on the hydrological dynamics of the lagoons and assessment of possible change in the trophic status.

In particular, the MEDA will carry out:

1) continuous measurements of salinity and temperature surface of the entire lake by means of thermo-salinograph, interfaced with a positioning system (GPS);
2) vertical profiles (from the surface to the bottom) of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, fluorescence and transmittance using a multiparameter probe;
3) chemotaxonomical analysis of phytoplankton communities by analysis of diagnostic pigments determined by the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) techniques, which allows to identify the main functional groups of phytoplankton communities.
4) analyses of inorganic nutrients (NO3, NO2, NH4, PO4, Si(OH)4), and total Nitrogen and Phosphorus (TN and TP) with colorimetric methods;
5) Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) and Particulate Nitrogen (PN) with the gas-chromatographic techniques


Università di Napoli Federico II (UNINA)

Meet the team
Vincenzo Saggiomo
Adriana Zingone
Maria Saggiomo
Fabio Conversano
Francesca Margiotta
Marco Cannavacciuolo
Augusto Passarelli
Violante Stefanino
Gianluca Zazo

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