
The Historical Archives of the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn of Naples (ASZN) preserve documents related to the activity of the Institution from its foundation (1872) onwards. The archive was set up in 1969. It included institutional documents, private and public correspondence, photographs, scientific drawings, etc., and now holds also numerous historical documents donated to the Institute over the years.

The Historical Archives are subject to the Decreto Legislativo n. 42 - 22 January 2004 (Codice dei Beni Culturali e del paesaggio), and are under the supervision of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism - Soprintendenza Archivistica della Calabria e della Campania.
The mission of the Historical Archives of the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn is the management, protection and enhancement of archival heritage preserved, and its appropriate use for scientific, educational and cultural.

Services *

  • Archival research
  • Consultation
  • Photocopies and Reproductions
  • Loan (only for institutions)
  • Authorization for Publications

* Access and facilities are open to the public, with some restrictions.


archivioThe Archive, as part of MAB, participates in educational projects organized by the unit: during the years 2014-2015 and as part of activities for schools ("Catch a Book", "The School goes on board"). It introduces children to the life sciences through the story of the Institute. Within the frame of the project “La Villa Comunale di Napoli” we show them the evolution of the three buildings of which the SZN is now composed (by September 1873 the first one was ready. A second building, connected with the first by a bridge, was added in 1885-1888, the courtyard and the east wing were built in 1905). 

As part of the dissemination activities “Maggio dei Monumenti”, we contextualized the history of the Institute within the history and growth of the Vity of Naples: the City assigned to Anton Dohrn, free of charge, a plot of land right on the water front on which he was allowed to construct and operate the SZN.

In 2015, the "International Year of light and technologies based on light" we analyzed, in collaboration with “ABB Reportages,” the person of Etienne-Jules Marey, doctor, engineer, artist and Neapolitan author of the first film images of the history.

Marey was a close friend of Dohrn, with whom he shared dreams, hopes and ideas that led him to analyze the movement of animals and man, and introduced new insights in the realms of science, art and culture.


Claudia di Somma 
Tel. +39 081 5833291
e-mail: claudia.disomma(at)szn.it 

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