You are here: HomeStaffList of PersonnelENGLISHPagesMarine Genomics and Epigenetics Laboratory

Reference: Maria Costantini

lab genomarinaThe Laboratory of Marine Genomics and Epigenetics is aimed at developing novel approaches for the study of genomes of marine organisms by applying multidisciplinaty approaches.

It encompasses approaches for the study of epigenetic modifications to study the evolution of diversity and adaptative capabilities of organisms.

The Lab includes areas equipped for molecular biology and genomic and proteomic analysis.

Systems for experimentation

  • Facilities for molecular analysis applied to the study of genomes of marine organisms.
  • Systems for the morpho-functional characterization and genome analysis.

lab genomarinaAnalysis

  • Genomic approaches to study genome organization in marine organisms.
  • Transcriptomics.
  • Genomic analysis of the functioning of marine organisms and systems.
  • Gene expression (Real Time qPCR, Western Blot).
  • Proteomic approaches to study epigenetic modifications (metilation, de-metilation, acetylation, histone and chromatine modifications, etc.).
  • Proteomic approaches (antibodies) to identify epigenetic modifications induced by evolution and interaction of organisms with the environment.

lab genomarinaEquipments

  • Electrophoresis, DNA and proteins.
  • PCRs including gradient.
  • Scanners for micro-arrays and gene expression.


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